Chapter 1

Rebellious Colors

You have to say, this school is pretty boring.

Attending an esteemed private school isn't all it's cracked up to be. Everyone has to wear, strictly regulated, matching uniforms. Stiff navy-blue blazers adorned with the school emblem and matching skirts or pants. Some students also have whatever "approved" accessory they liked enough to wear with it. That only allows for one personal item of silver or white coloring to put onto or wear with your uniforms. Not exactly what you call "healthy self-expression" but, it's better than nothing.

You personally have a simple chain around your neck, an elegant piece of white gold that rests on your collarbones. Sure, it's simple and kind of plain-okay, really plain-but it was the last gift your father sent you before he passed away.

It was hard losing your father at the age of ten, for both you and your mother. Now having to single handedly raise you she took over your father’s position and kept up a steady income for the two of you. That left little time for her to spend with you, let alone even see you. There's the reason behind you staying alone in a dorm on campus. That's alright though; the two of you agreed it's best if you each lived alone. That way neither of you felt burdened by the lack of interaction in the same home and there are fewer distractions this way.

It's just starting to horribly predictable and uneventful is all.

You're not ungrateful for what your mom is doing; you're very supportive and appreciate her hard work very much. It's that you're getting stuck in a routine. A terribly familiar routine that drives you insane with each repeated cycle. Get up in the morning, eat breakfast, go to class, go back to your dorm, do homework, eat dinner, get ready for bed, sleep, and repeat.

Absolutely and positively mind numbing.

The worst part is that you know this is happening and can't do anything about it. Not a single thing. Nothing at all.


That is, until he shows up.

Just when you think you're going to lose your mind he strolls into your classroom mid-lecture with a confident half-smirk and wild, curly pink hair. Pink. Of all colors, his hair is pink. If that isn't enough to catch your attention he makes a point of ing his shirt's top two buttons to expose his sharp collarbones, prominent even from where you sit in the back.

Tucked under his right arm is a worn skateboard with what looked like a-bunny design (you're seriously questioning his choices) on the bottom. Over his left shoulder is a surprisingly white backpack with various trinkets hanging off it. Bright blue headphones rest on his shoulders to add an extra pop of color to him (as if his hair isn’t enough).

Hushed murmurs float through the classroom as your teacher narrows their sharp muddy eyes disapprovingly at the new comer. The pink haired boy holds their gaze evenly, his smirk simply growing. It’s like he’s daring them to try and tell him he was breaking regulation. The teacher says nothing but continues to glower at him. Choosing to ignore the condescending stare he just walks up to them and holds out his free hand.

"I'm in your class now." is all he says.

No further introduction or greeting, just "I'm in your class now."

This kid sure has some nerve.

The teacher eyes his hand warily before pointing in your direction. You freeze.

Why are they pointing at you?

What have you done?

"Take the empty seat there and follow along in the lecture." the teacher instructs, indicating the seat behind you. You relax realizing you aren't on the hook for anything. For a second there you thought you were stuck with this new boy for some obscure reason. Now that you think about it you technically are-he’s sitting behind you now.


The delinquent is sitting behind you.

Just fantastic.

With a sarcastic salute, which your teacher ignores to get back to their diligent scrawling on the board, the boy does as he's told. Lazy arrogance is plain in his long strides as he makes his way down the aisle of seats.

The air he gives off is electric. You can almost see that he's full of chaotic energy, ready to cause trouble at anytime. It's different.

No, it's downright unnerving.

You’ve never seen anyone with such a powerful presence, especially compared to your fellow peers. He's nothing like the people who attend this school, you included. You can tell that much just from his appearance.

Well, actually, you shouldn't make that assumption just yet. For all you know he could just look like rebellious delinquent, his appearance alone doesn't dictate his personality per se. You don't realize you're staring until he pauses beside your desk and smirks down at you.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." he says, not bothering to keep his voice down. Students within a three desk radius snicker. The new boy ruffles the top of your head before sliding into the seat behind you. Your cheeks flush as you irritably fix your disheveled hair.

Annoyed you shoot an icy glare over your shoulder to make your displeasure clear to him. Your glare dissipates. Whatever boldness you have falters when you face him. He has his headphones on, head nodding slightly to the rhythm even you could hear, as he fiddles intently with a camera. Not just a camera, you note, it's one of those nice high resolution ones with a large lens.

Why did he bring that to school?

And why is he messing with it in class?

Who does he think he is?

Determined to show him his place you reach out to yank off his headphones when he raises the camera. Startled you grip the back of your chair and watch in bewilderment as he adjusts the lens to capture your confused face. In one swift movement he pulls off his headphones, lowers at the camera, smirks at the screen, then at you.

"You are so photogenic." he mutters sarcastically, dark eyes glinting mischievously. You narrow your eyes and set your jaw.

Who just takes a random picture of someone they just met in the middle of class then makes fun of it?

What's his problem?

"You have no-"

You're cut off by another quick click of his camera that successfully captures your irked face for a second time. You blink.

What the heck is he doing?

"Wow, this one's even better." he comments at the camera's screen just as sarcastically as the first. This is ridiculous. He's just messing with you for the reaction.

…Well, it's working.

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I'm sorry it took so long


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purplecupcakes #1
Chapter 6: Nice story! Hope u update!
kaicious #2
Chapter 6: Please update sooon . You put all the emotions in the character . Its soo... i dont know how to explain it . lol :D
project-501 #4
Chapter 6: Ok I'm totally in love with your stories. Update soon!
Rianka #5
More delicious fanfics yesh? Totally rating this a 200002811937472901833764811029449193740/5 :)
okay. This is soooo good!! Cant wait for the next chapter
faddyrobot09 #7
wahhh I came in reading this thinking it was something cliche again...well it has it's somewhat stereotypical school love hate story but i fairly enjoy such stories so what the hell. lol. it's really well written which is another plus! also, the characters are far more involved with themselves so it makes the story a lot more focused on the main characters as opposed to many characters with little snippets of their lives. i hope you update soon...or when you can! ^w^