The Forgotten Someone

The Forgotten Someone

Sungmin stormed into their apartment and headed straight to the refrigerator. He pulled out a bottle of water and gulped it all down at one go.

“How bad was it in the scale of 1 to 10?” Kyuhyun asked from the living room.

“Seven thousand.” Sungmin responded, plopping himself beside Kyuhyun, he rested his head on Kyuhyun’s chest. “It wasn’t bad. It was more like a tragedy. I can’t believe I screwed it up. I was such an important deal and everyone was rooting for me. Damn!”

“Come on, Sungminnie. Things like this are bound to happen once in a while,it's normal.” Kyuhyun said, trying to ease Sungmin’s tension.

“No, Kyuhyun-ah, I am losing focus nowadays. And I keep forgetting stuff.”

“Really? What stuff?” Kyuhyun asked, shifting to get a clearer view of Sungmin’s face.

Sungmin let out a sigh and sat up. “For instance last week I went all the way to the bank but came back without paying the bills and its taking forever for me to come up with lyrics, it used to flow out so naturally and the worst part, I snapped at innocent Donghae today, yelled at him for a tiny mistake. Pity that boy. I feel like a walking disaster. I keep knocking over things and…”

“Min-ah, you just stressed out. You haven’t been sleeping well or taking your meals on time. You strain yourself too much.” Kyuhyun said, smoothing Sungmin’s cheeks. His eyes were flooded with worry. “If anything happens to you..."

Sungmin pressed his forehead on Kyuhyun's.

"Sorry for worrying you,Kyuhyun-ah. I haven't been feeling like myself for the past few months. I just feel like..." he said yawning as he snuggled closer.

"Shhh...go to sleep." Kyuhyun said in a low voice, gently running his fingers through Sungmin's hair as he pressed his lips on the older man's cheeks.

"I love you...Kyuhyun-ah..." Sungmin mumbled before drifting off.


Few weeks later.

"Sungmin-ah, did you turn off the stove after cooking? I smell gas." Kyuhyun asked rubbing his nose.


"The stove. You turned it off, right? Did you forget again?"

Sungmin replied with a blank stare, gaping.

Kyuhyun rushed to the kitchen. Sungmin heard him turning off the stove.

I did forget

Sungmin sank into the couch.

For the 3rd time this week.

Kyuhyun appeared from the kitchen and settled himself beside Sungmin.

"Sorry..." Sungmin said in a timid whisper.

Kyuhyun ruffled Sungmins hair.

"Come here." he said, pulling Sungmin closer.

"You think i should go see a doctor, just in case?" Sungmin asked, fiddling with the buttons on Kyuhyun's shirt.

"In case of what?"

"I don't know. Maybe something is wrong with me." Sungmin answered, shrugging.

"There's nothing wrong with you." Kyuhyun assured.


Sungmin clutched the medical report unbelievingly, his deer like eyes b with tears.

"I am sorry, Sungmin-shi." the doctor said in a genuinely apologetic tone.

Sungmin hung his head down, wiping his tears off trying to sink the life changing news in.

“We can talk about the treatments that…” the doctor started off.

“Can I come back another day? I…I don’t think I can do this now. I am sorry.” Sungmin said, between sniffs.

The doctor nodded. “Yes. Anything you want but please, do come back.”

Sungmin nodded in return and let himself out of the room.

This is it. The end of everything.


Kyuhyun dialed Sungmin’s number for the umpteenth time and again his call ended up in voicemail.

“Come on Sungmin, pick up…pick up...” he grumbled s he redialed. “It’s way past midnight.”

He dropped onto the couch and tried calling again when he heard the front door open.

Sungmin stumbled in,drunk.

"Min? What the hell happened?" Kyuhyun questioned,holding Sungmin's waist,supporting him.

"Lemme go!" Sungmin said in an annoyed tone, attempting to escape from Kyuhyun.

"Lee Sungmin!"

"Let me go!" the older man screamed,struggling. Losing his balance amidst of the scuffle Sungmin and dropped onto the ground.

Kyuhyun panicked,he has never seen Sungmin in this condition ever before. They have known each other for more than 8 years and they celebrated their 7th year anniversary just 3 months ago. Kyuhyun kneeled and pulled Sungmin to help him sit up. He had absolutely no idea on how to handle the situation. He just held Sungmin who finally calmed down in his arms, his back. Kyuhyun's heart withered at the sound of Sungmin's weeps. Sungmin buried his head into Kyuhyun's chest and muffled his cries.

Kyuhyun speechlessly held on to his lover, feeling like he was being stabbed multiple times in his guts for being so helpless. He could feel Sungmin's angsty tears seeeping thru the thin material of the tshirt had on.

A few painful minutes passed before Sungmin lifted his head to look at Kyuhyun, his eyes glazed with despair.

"Sungmin-ah..." Kyuhyun started to speak. "Please talk to me. What's wrong?"

Heaving a long shaky sigh, Sungmin reached for the envolope in his bag that contained the unfateful news.

"What is this?" Kyuhyun asked, opening the envolope. "You went to the doctor? Why did..." his voice trailed off as he took a second look at the test result he was holding.

"This is ridiculous." Kyuhyun said,shaking his head in disbelief,frowning. "It says here that you have..."

"Alzheimer’s." Sungmin's low voice gloomily ended Kyuhyun sentence.



"He was at the bus stop?" the head nurse asked,passing Kyuhyun a dry towel.

"Yeah. I guess he wandered off quite far this time. Thank god he found his way back to the bus stop."

"Doesn’t he always? That’s the purpose of the fake bus stops we have set up around the clinic. The first place you usually want to go when you feel alone and scared is the bus stop isn’t it?” the nurse asked.

Kyuhyun nodded in agreement. He remember that Sungmin used spend a huge amount of time just sitting at random bus stops watching people go about their daily routine after he found out about his illness, refusing to go back to the doctor for further intervention. Both he and Kyuhyun were in denial for the first few weeks but Kyuhyun came to realize that it’s best for Sungmin to seek proper medical attention and after much effort, managed to persuade the older man to change his mind about the matter.

“Is he going to be alright?” Kyuhyun asked drying his hair. “He was too weak to even walk, I had to carry him to the car and he fell asleep.”

“He’s going to be just fine. He might catch a cold though, I’ll take care of it, don’t worry.” The elderly nurse giving Kyuhyun’s hand an assuring squeeze.

Kyuhyun nodded.

“You should take care of yourself too.” she added.

The young man nodded again.

“You should go out more often. All you have done for the past 2 years is…”

“I promised him I’ll never ever let him go. I am going to keep my promise no matter what happens.”

The nurse sighed at his response. “So you are going to live the rest of your life like this? He doesn’t even remember you anymore.”

“But I do. All the treasured moments, all the unforgettable times we had together. I’ll remember them. For both of us. It doesn’t matter if he remembers or recognizes me. He never stopped loving me and no one loves me more than him in this world. So what if he doesn’t remember it? It doesn’t make his love any less real, does it?” he asked, with a reassured smile.



Kyuhyun quietly opened the door to Sungmin’s room and snuck in, careful not to wake Sungmin who was sleeping soundly with a soft snore. He placed the guitar case beside Sungmin’s bed and turned around to leave. He was reaching for the door knob when he heard the bed sheet ruffle.

Kyuhyun froze afraid that any sudden movement might scare Sungmin. He took a look around and saw Sungmin was at the edge of the bed if he stirs one more time, he might fall off the bed.

He walked over to the bed again and moved Sungmin to a safer position. His eyes caught the tattoo of his name that Sungmin insisted on getting before he admitted himself into the clinic.

“This way we will always be with each other even if we are apart.” Kyuhyun recalled Sungmin saying.

Kyuhyun sat on Sungmin’s bed and caressed his cheeks.

“We will never be apart.” He whispered, before leaving the room after placing a soft kiss on Sungmin’s forehead.


thank you for reading even though it wasn't all that good... >.<

this is the random fact that triggered the storyline.

again, i didn't proofread it,so sorry if there are any mistakes.

love you guys for subbing and commenting..!




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Chapter 2: omg!!!
oh noo crap is it over? XD noooo ahha

It's really beautiful!! and i admire kyu for staying with him and dedicating himself so much; it's a horrible disease and you probably need a load of tolerance that may not even pay off D: but i'm going to say as the person below me ~ throughout the story i could totally feel the emotions and the devotion that they both have for each other, and crap im starting to cry just now omg DX
Love it!!<3
monypatos #2
Chapter 2: You made her cry ... the idea of ​​a fic with such thematic is risky but you did it give your story a feeling of love so beautiful an unlimited devotion no matter if you remember or not, just for the sake of love with all my heart without expecting anything in return.
I have a case near me, a friend of my mother's alzheimer recovered after receiving shocking news and now this very well and remember everything but I forget the 8 years of his illness was as if his life to stay in time out. .. and that's all this you have to ask, it's like my story I asked a continuation with an ending so sad because they deserve a second chance ... I'm sure Kyu will thank you!
fygaeming #3
Chapter 2: i hope you make a sequel
this is so T___T
This story totally reminds me of the movie A Moment To Remember...although i haven't finished watching it.
Chapter 2: This.... I dont even know how to describe it... Sungmin got alzhiemers... And he forgot about kyu *crying* this fic was wonderful :')
Chanyeolbelongtokris #6
little-dreamer #7
Chapter 2: Oh my! This will be my favorit fic ever! Simple but full of love :)
Chapter 2: Omo i read this while listening to huh gaks the Person Who Once loved Me (also about a love who got Alzheimers)...i am sobbing right now. So cute but so sad. :(
the ending was sooooo sweeeet....
*teared up
Oh after I read the bus stop fact this make me sadder...there is such things...poor the patients...poor their family and lover... :'(