The Forgotten Someone

The Forgotten Someone


The heavy rain drops pelted my skin while i frantically searched for a place to shelter myself. I couldn’t figure out my exact location. I couldn’t think straight with the rain and the loud thunder in between the lightning. My eyes spotted a bus stop; i quickened my steps and headed towards it. It wasn’t occupied and appeared rather spooky since the gloomy clouds made the afternoon seem like it was dusk. I shivered a little, although I wasn’t sure if it was the result of getting wet in the rain or the creepy aura that lingered around the bus stop.

I grew anxious but I had no choice, if I stand any longer under the rain, I’ll might shiver to death.  As i stepped into the bus stop my gaze fell on a guitar case. Did someone accidently leave it behind? Or was it left behind intentionally? It didn't have a lock on it.

It looked pretty old, maybe the owner did throw it out, i guessed, squeezing the water out of my soaked wet shirt.

Curiously i ran my fingers along the case, very much tempted to take a look at what it contained.

No, Sungmin, that doesn’t sound like a good idea, my mind warned. Of course, my curiosity defied my rational thinking making my hands to move stealthily along the unlatched case.

I glanced around another time before lifting up the lid, catching a glimpse of something that appeared to be an old guitar with a number of deep scratches and some random doodles.

I bent down wanting to take a closer look when a voice startled me.

“It’s not very polite to fiddle with another person’s belonging you know.” The voice said.

Caught by surprise, I involuntarily took a step back. It was too late when I came to realize that my reflex system wasn't at its best state and to make things worse my shoelace had somehow untied itself causing me to trip over making me fall backwards onto the very wet mud coated road.


I felt a sting on my palm and my buttocks was hurting beyond words. Damn it!

“And that is how karma pays you back.” The same voice said in a matter-of-factly tone.

Rain drops splattered and pricked on the crown of my head.

“Here, let me help you up.”

I swear I thought i saw an angel (minus the fluffy wings) when i looked up at the person whose right hand was held out to me.

A few unforgettable precious seconds passed. I captured the moment; my gaze involuntarily was fixated on his precious face.

He was beaming, no; it was more like he was sprinkling love dust from his smiling plump lips. And his eyes, they were big and innocent looking. The brown haired young man continued standing with his hand held out while i gawked shamelessly at him in the heavy rain. I couldn’t move or form a word to say to him. I just stared.

“Don’t get me wrong but if you don’t want my help can you please say so?” he said arching his eyebrow.

“Huh?” I responded and I’m pretty sure a blank stare accompanied my reply. Strangely I didn’t understand his words.

“It’s really cold and I’m already half wet.” He added, his teeth clattering.

That brought me back to my senses.

“Oh...i am so sorry.” I responded, clasping my hand to his, I swallowed hard when I felt an electric jolt run through my spine when our hands came in contact.

What is happening?

 “Thank you.” I said as I stood up but, unfortunately (or fortunately, I don’t know), I slipped a little and leaned on him for support.

My heart skipped a beat.

“Sorry.’ I apologized again.

“No problem.” He replied. “Let’s get back in there.” He said pointing at the bus stop as he lead the way.

I followed him obediently.

He approached the guitar case and closed the lid which I left open.

“And I am sorry about that too.” I said, gnawing my lower lip. “I thought it was…I didn’t know…”

“It’s okay. Don’t sweat it. I was just kidding around.” He said settling down on the bench. “Come on, grab your spot.” He said patting the space beside him.

“My spot?” I asked, confused.

He his lips and gave it a bit, like he said something wrong.

Why is he stressing out for something so insignificant? I moved over and sat at the spot he pointed out earlier.

“Are you alright?”

He looked up, flashing a bright smile. “Yeah...i am good. Are you okay?” he asked in return.

“I’m good. My is a little sore though.” I said, with a chuckle.

He chuckled along with me. It sounded wonderful, his voice.

He was wonderful.

 The way he brushed away his beautiful damp hair that covered his eyes. The way he sneezed and sniff that followed made me smile. The way he stared at me…wait, he’s staring at me.

I looked away quickly and hung my head down.

“Your shoelace…” he said, before I could react he kneeled down and reached for them.

“Hey!” I said panicking. Why am I so nervous? I stood up and backed away. “I…I’ll do it.” I said with a forced smile.

I crouched and took the laces, ready to tie it but I couldn’t figure out how. I forgot. I couldn’t remember how to tie the shoelace. A lump formed in my throat and I beads of sweat instantly formed on my forehead despite the fact that I was shivering from cold seconds ago.

A pair of delicate hands took the laces from mine and tied it. “It’s alright.”

I noticed i had a tattoo on my right wrist. It spelt Kyuhyun.

Who’s Kyuhyun?

“Sungmin-yah, let’s go.” The man said, gently pulling my hand.

“Don’t touch me!” I said as I scrambled onto my feet. “Stay away.”

“How do you know my name? And who is Kyuhyun? Why do I have his name tattooed on me? Where is this place? What is happening to me?” I cried out in frustration, grabbing a chunk of my hair and tugging it.


“Don’t say my name!” I screamed, losing all rationality. I realized that I was crying. I felt completely lost and perplexed.

 What’s happening to me? The question played on loop inside my head, making me more uneasy then I already am.

I paced aimlessly, trying to make sense out of all this. I felt like a giant ball of tangled thread. Everything was so confusing and threatening.

“Lee Sungmin!” the man shouted, gripping strongly onto my shoulders he gave me a violent shake. “Stop.” He said. “I won’t hurt you. Trust me.” He said, his eyes softening which each word he uttered.

He let go of his grip and held out his left arm. I moved my gaze and it fell on a tattoo he had on his wrist.

Sungmin. That was what the tattoo said.

“I am Kyuhyun.”




“Kyuhyun-ah, I can’t find my keys.” Sungmin yelled across the hall, looking under the couch after carefully placing the worn out guitar case down. He cherished the case and the guitar as it was the first gift Kyuhyun bought him after they became an item. It was damaged at so many levels but Sungmin never agreed when Kyuhyun offered to buy another one for him. “It’ll not be the same.” Was the reason Sungmin gave.

 “You were holding it minutes ago.” Kyuhyun said, appearing from the kitchen, nibbling on his breakfast. “Where did you...Yah, Lee Sungmin, stop kidding around?” he said, walking towards the older man. “It’s here. You were holding it all this while!” he said, snatching the keys away from his lover.

“Oh, I was? Great, give it back. I’m running late.” Sungmin said he said tip-toeing trying to reach for the keys Kyuhyun was holding up high. He gave up after a few tries.

“Your Highness, please. I have a very important audition I need to be at in less than 30 minutes.” Sungmin said, adjusting his he guitar case that was sliding off his shoulder.

Being a guitarist and the lead vocal for a local band, Sungmin led a very exciting lifestyle while Kyuhyun was the total opposite; being an introvert he opted to work from home as a web designer.

 Kyuhyun first met Sungmin (and fell in love) at the bar Sungmin’s band frequently performed. Kyuhyun thanked god for making him surrender to Hyukjae's (one of the very few friends he had made in his life) persuasion when the rapper assigned himself a mission to bring Kyuhyun out of his cocoon by stubbornly insisted on dragging him out on one of the weekend. Life hasn’t been the same since that eventful night. Hyukjae introduced Sungmin to Kyuhyun, one thing led to another and before Kyuhyun realized he was in love with the baby faced man. When Sungmin confessed that he felt the same way, everything fell perfectly into place.

“Hyukjae will start nagging if I get to the audition late, Kyuhyun-ah.” Sungmin said, pulling the ‘puppy eyes’ trick.

Kyuhyun let out his signature smirk and Sungmin knew he’s not going to get his key back without a bargain.

“I’m going to miss you.” Kyuhyun said in a low voice, his eyes moving towards Sungmin’s pink lips.

“I am going to be late…” Sungmin whispered as Kyuhyun’s lips hovered over his. He inched closer and closed the gap that existed between them.

Kyuhyun’s became nerveless when his skin brushed with the skin of the man he was insanely in love with. He pulled Sungmin closer, running his hand through Sungmin blonde hair. His hand then moved lower and as he felt Sungmin’s fingers slowly moving down his arm. He felt a tug and his eyes snapped open as Sungmin pushed him away.

“Gotcha’!” Sungmin said with a mischievous smile plastered on his adorable lips, which was now red and slightly swollen.

“YAH! How can you do that? That’s playing dirty.” Kyuhyun yelled, pointing accusedly at his partner.

“You threatening me, isn’t?” Sungmin said, hands on hips.

Kyuhyun’s pouted with crossed arms.

Sungmin laughed at the sight and threw himself at Kyuhyun.

“I love you.” He whispered to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun let out a surrendering sigh and hugged Sungmin’s waist.

“I love you more.” Kyuhyun replied.

“I know.” Sungmin said, pressing the tip of his nose on Kyuhyun’s. “Can I go now?”

Kyuhyun nodded half-heartedly, giving Sungmin a peck on the lips.

“Bye!” Sungmin said, waving and throwing flying kisses until he disappeared behind the door.

First chapter done.

i didn't proofread it, so there will definitely be alot of errors.

an maybe i should have made the whole falling in love part a little more longer, right. *sigh*

my apologies~~ *bows*



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Chapter 2: omg!!!
oh noo crap is it over? XD noooo ahha

It's really beautiful!! and i admire kyu for staying with him and dedicating himself so much; it's a horrible disease and you probably need a load of tolerance that may not even pay off D: but i'm going to say as the person below me ~ throughout the story i could totally feel the emotions and the devotion that they both have for each other, and crap im starting to cry just now omg DX
Love it!!<3
monypatos #2
Chapter 2: You made her cry ... the idea of ​​a fic with such thematic is risky but you did it give your story a feeling of love so beautiful an unlimited devotion no matter if you remember or not, just for the sake of love with all my heart without expecting anything in return.
I have a case near me, a friend of my mother's alzheimer recovered after receiving shocking news and now this very well and remember everything but I forget the 8 years of his illness was as if his life to stay in time out. .. and that's all this you have to ask, it's like my story I asked a continuation with an ending so sad because they deserve a second chance ... I'm sure Kyu will thank you!
fygaeming #3
Chapter 2: i hope you make a sequel
this is so T___T
This story totally reminds me of the movie A Moment To Remember...although i haven't finished watching it.
Chapter 2: This.... I dont even know how to describe it... Sungmin got alzhiemers... And he forgot about kyu *crying* this fic was wonderful :')
Chanyeolbelongtokris #6
little-dreamer #7
Chapter 2: Oh my! This will be my favorit fic ever! Simple but full of love :)
Chapter 2: Omo i read this while listening to huh gaks the Person Who Once loved Me (also about a love who got Alzheimers)...i am sobbing right now. So cute but so sad. :(
the ending was sooooo sweeeet....
*teared up
Oh after I read the bus stop fact this make me sadder...there is such things...poor the patients...poor their family and lover... :'(