chapter 15: shoppingggggggg

i'll never let you cry again.

Jisoo POV

Finally I was alone with Jiyeon. I decided to question her further about why Lee Joon was there that morning.

“Didn’t he explain everything just now?” Jiyeon said, and played with her fingers, looking bored.

I thought for a while, and said, “Are you sure? I have a feeling that you guys are not just ‘friends’…”

Jiyeon jumped out of her seat, “What are you talking about? It was just a coincidence that he came by here, and we just became friends…what are you talking about you crazy girl?”

And Jiyeon started tickling me.

I am really ticklish and I immediately gave up and we both fell onto a bench.

“It’s been a long time since we had some time alone, don’t you think?” I said.

Jiyeon nodded, “I miss the times when we were still in primary school, young and naïve, we just did whatever we wanted to do…”

“Jiyeon ah! Let’s go on a holiday together during the summer holidays!” I said.

Jiyeon’s eyes brightened, “That’s a great idea! But, we have a school trip in the summer already, going on 2 trips? I’ll be broke…”

I pushed her on the shoulder, “What are you talking about? You’re so rich, I mean your parents…”

I quickly put my hand to my mouth.

Jiyeon always hated about people talking about her parents and I can’t believe I just let slip just now.

It was only recently that I finally knew about Jiyeon’s parents, and how they abandoned her.

It showed she trusted me by telling me the truth, so I was happy, how could I be such a big mouth?

Jiyeon just smiled, “It’s okay, we could still play back here after the school trip right?”

I nodded, relieved that Jiyeon was not angry.

I got up, took Jiyeon’s arm and walked out of the café.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“Firstly, we are going to your house to get you out of these clothes and then we are going shopping for my mum’s present!” I said and we left.

Lee Joon POV

I was practically running up the stairs back home, but I decided to calm down and take the lift.

I mean 16 floors? I couldn’t be crazy right?

I hold the cupcakes and cake in my hand, excited about what mum will say.

I opened the door and called out, “Mum, I’m back!”

There was no reply.

I checked the whole house, but it was empty.

That’s when I spotted a piece of paper on the dining table.

I picked it up and it said, “Joon ah, I’m going out on a date, you can finish those cupcakes if you want, and I will not be back till late so make your own dinner.”

I crushed the paper into a ball and threw it out of the window.

I was furious.

Does she even treat me like her son?

All she knows is to go out with guys…

I stared at the dining table…

After dad left, we never ate one meal together anymore…

I looked at the cake and the cupcakes and went to throw them into the rubbish bin.

What’s the point of trying if nothing ever works out the way I want it to be?

I took up my jacket and left the cold empty house.


I was shopping with Jisoo for her mum’s present when something caught my eye.

Jisoo wanted to get a drink so I told her to go on first and I’ll meet her later.

I went into the shop and it looked like paradise to me.

I spotted a cute hairclip and tried it on.

The shop assistant immediately walked towards me, “It looks so pretty on you miss!”

I nodded, it really looked pretty.

I immediately bought it and went out of the shop.


update for LeeCyN_ and rinnieeee love u both okokok kekeke! do u guys like my new pic for my main image in the foreword for this fanfic too??

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 71: I love the story....such a great story...Finally Jiyeon found her lover,Chang sun.
Chapter 71: That was such a great story, the characters were well developed, & the plot was very compelling. I couldn't stop reading. It's refreshing to read about JiJoon; I think they're always underestimated.
Nice story!
I like Jiyeon and LeeJoon couple♥
btw who is Jisoo?
princesslovable #4
Omggg this was the BEST story i have ever read!!!
Thank you sooo much! I have read all of your stories so far but i think this is one of my most favouritest (infact it is ma favourite story out of ALL stories/fanfics i have read) :D
Chincha Saranghae for sharing your stories!!! <3 (^_^) x
love .
This story should have another season. The ending was a little too rushed!
gelazen #7
hi,the plot is interesting and the story is already complete... i'm soooo looking forward!!^^
sungran #8
Nice fanfics kyyaa. Jiyeon's problem is so many. But JiJoon moment are so many too in this fanfics <3
paroxysmx #9
@giovannipia<br />
aww dongsaeng ure tooo sweet~!<3<br />
@asianstorylover <br />
its kpop fool hehe :d <3<br />
@twixxbar142<br />
THANK YOU <333 heheheeh :D