The Prettiest Hands


This is a story about Baekhyun and his beautiful hands.


Oh god. Don't even ask. I have a huge thing for Baekhyun's hands. I guess i have a sort of hand . But this was a dare of some sort to write this short...i dont even know if i should call this a story ahhaha. 

But please don't take this too seriously. I wrote it in about 5 minutes. 

I was having Baekhyun Hand feels. Excuse me. 



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Chapter 1: yes i know...he's gonna have a big......
Thank you!! This had to be done. XD

Baekhyun's hands are beautiful~ ^^

My friends call me weird for noticing Baekhyun's hands first. Seriously, they were the first thing I noticed about him. But ajsgsadhgkasdl. They're so pretty and big and gaaah. His fingers~

Hand ? :D
Wuzzup #4
I feel ready to join the army too...
I have a HUGE thing for Baekhyun's hands (and voice) as well XDD so you're not alone there XDD