Chapter 1

Finding a lost love

You were sitting on a plane in the first class seating; looking around you noticed a lot of business men and some stars sitting around you. You’ve never been on a plane before, much less business class. All of a sudden a girl that looked like a doll sat next to you “hi my name’s Geum Hee, what’s yours” she asked politely. “my names Karmin but you can just call me kiki” you smiled and started taking out your ipod when a pamphlet fell out. Geum Hee picked it up and looked at it “oh so your going to the same school as me!” she said in excitement “I’ve been going to that school for a while, but I have never seen you, are you transferring there?”


“oh, yes I am. I’m going into the art department. What department are you in?” you looked at her curiously “me? Well I’m in the modeling department~ I’m a senior there. But I know several seniors in the arts department so I’m sure you will make friends fast” you smiled at her thinking about what she said before your eyes widened “d-did you say modeling…you’re a model!” you couldn’t believe you were talking to a model. She just giggled and nodded before leaning back and closing her eyes. Geum Hee has shiny black hair, milky white smooth skin, and large dark eyes; it really reminded you of a doll. Deciding to do what the other was doing you took out your ipod, put your ear buds in and relaxed for the long flight ahead.

i'm back~ with a new story. i know this is a short update but i am at work and this was as much as i could type on my break. i am going to try and put out another chapter later tonight and it will be in chanyeols pov, please comment and subscribe. please tell me what you think of this update

oh and the picture at the top of this chapter is Geum Hee ^^

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WonZiGyuMin #1
Chapter 2: And wow please update soon
WonZiGyuMin #2
Hi im new to the k-pop world and um who were the boys in the band are they a real group or u just found the picture and liked it please respond soon thnx
pomiloli #3
I'm really looking forward to this story ^^
it seem interesting \(^.^)/ I'm waiting for the next update ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
geum hee looks cuteee:") LOLOOLXD CUTE STORY! UPDATE SOON!!!!!:D
pinkytoe220 #5
CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!