Hope; the toy puppy.

Kingdom of Kpop

Hope; the toy puppy - 2. 

"Did you pack everything?" Tiffany asked. She fiddled anxiously with the golden crown, examining it's priceless jewels. Files given by a servent sat by her side, pages and pages of terms and agreements for the Kingdom. Her red hair fell into her eyes that drifted occasionally.

"YUPPERS!" I exclaimed, cheerfully. 

"You sound excited, Taeyeon. I thought you didn't like Jiyoung?" She said, flipping the crown in circles.

"Who said I liked that pabo?!" I exclaimed. "I told you, Fany, he's a wannabe fashionista. There's going to be others, why? Are you jelly?" I , grinning.

"Yes, I am, Taeyeon. One day I wish you can call me a wannabe or seaweed head." She answered, sarcastically.

We both broke into fits of giggles, laughing as if it will be the last time we would together. We both recovered after a short while, trying to maintain our grace as ladies. 

..Who am I kidding? I lost my grace when I fell on my .

"..Taeyeon, before you go, I want to give you something." Tiffany said. She was staring at the ground, her voice becoming small.

I nodded. She walked to a tall oak, her head not daring to look up. She pulled out something in the depts of a large bush, something small that I couldn't quite see.

She handed it to me. It was a toy puppy, about the size of my palm. It was missing a button eye, the other one not even sparing well. It had rough, brown material some stuffing sticking out.

"That's Hope, he's the stuffed animal that my..mother made for me before she died." She explained, her voice cracking under the pressure.

Mother was a forbiddon word amongst our friendship. This is the second time she mentioned her mother's death. The first time when we were younger at age 10,  when we were playing hide-and-go-seek. I found her hiding in the closet, but she was crying.

"Hope was with me through thick and thin. When I was bullied in elementary school from my name: Miyoung. And..my mother's death itself." Tears fell from her eyes, her words breaking up and choking in  memory.

She sniffled, staring right into my eyes. Her soft, brown eyes filled with the sad past.

"I don't use it much anymore..on your journey, it will be rough. When you look at Hope, think of me, okay? Please take good care of it, Taeyeon."

She plopped the treasure into my hands, clasping my palm over the other.

"I-I don't know what to say.." I stammered. "I can't take this from you, it's your only memory from..from your mother!" Don't cry, Taeyeon. Don't you dare cry! 

Her eyes smiled. "Mother may have left me, but I was lucky enough to be given a friend like you. Please accept it,"

We hugged each other, our friendship becoming closer from that conversation. 

I will bring back BoA, for the kingdom and for you, my best friend.


As Tiffany and I parted our ways, I waved good-bye to her, Jiyoung's crown twinkling in the sun. I looked forward, the green grass whispering their secrets, the laughter of children filled the air. I kicked a pebble down the dirt road, watching it travel farther and farther. I passed by 4 children playing hopskotch, a little girl tripped, her friends rushing to her aid. Teenagers teased innocently on wooden benches, sharing douboki and taking sips out of their pop cans. I even spotted an elderly couple, feeding greedy pigeons with the leftovers from their lunch. I smiled.

'Where are you brother?'

I finally reached the pearl castle, the flag high in the blue sky. G-dragon sat on the tall stair-case, a bored expression on his face. His seaweed hair was now dyed a bright blue, a cap on his head. The words 'BADBOY' was written on his cap, under the ridge read: 'GOODGIRL'. He wore a jacket with a coat of blue fur on the back. He wore bleached skinny jeans and hightops. 'Wannabe fashionista, whatta I tell ya?'

"WOW. FANTASTIC BABY. DANCE!" I teased, imitating the dance for his music video. He looked up and made a weird expression at my attempt to copy-cat.

"BOOM SHAKALAKA!" I continued, dancing towards him.

"We don't have time for horrible dancing." He scolded, standing up. "C'mon, we have to go." 

G-dragon started to ditch me, when I cried: "BABY, COME BACK!" 

"Sorry, I'm a Bad Boy." He retorted, coldly.

..You won this time.


"Do you even know where we're going?!" I exclaimed. G-dragon lead us to nowhere, only the sight of grass was in view. 

"Try leading an immature child with the only hint 'the sky'." He impatiently answered.

I groaned and plopped under the shade of a tall tree. I took out Hope, examining uhe lost button eye. Don't give up on hope, Taeyeon. I urged myself. Jiyoung joined me under the shade, staring out into the distance.

Suddenly, a canary flew right beside me. It examined me with it's black, beady eyes. It's soft, gentle wings fluttering. 

"Hello, Canary. How are you doing?" I asked. 

The Canary picked at the ground. 

"Oh, I'm good. Thanks for asking!" 

"You're seriously crazy.." G-dragon mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. But then, I started to believe that he was right when I saw the Canary change into a man. 

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Back with a BIG BANG (literally) as I updated with Chapter 3 and 4! You get some royal fluff with different ships, hope you enjoy. ;)


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BoyMysterious #1
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
sea0horse #2
Chapter 5: cute tae! please gate moments! update soon!
kpopsters #3
pls pls update soon~
albioo #4
yay gtae! taeyeon is such a dork ! update soon
ahh this is so cute XD i literally laughed out loud at taeyeon's dorkiness. the storyline is interesting as well!
update soon :D
yay for gtae!
fantastic #6
This is so interesting.. To think that you said ur amateur at making this.. Update soon.. Surely id subscribe.. I love gtae much..
lakaransahrawi89 #7
please update soon...
Awesome! I love Gtae <3
sugaswife #9
kekeke, 'saeng, Deea-unnie here. I think this will be the first not rated fic I'll subscribe to *o*. Robot Himchan~ ASDFGHJKL Update soon~
gtaelovers #10
Update soon..Can't wait the story.