The Hat of Fate

Kingdom of Kpop


The Hat of Fate - 1. 

"Tiffany!!" I called, swinging from the branches of the forest. I was loosely hanging from the thin twig, waving my short legs uselessly. 
"TIFFANY!!" I shouted even louder. I gripped on the branch ever-so-tightly, aigoo, where is that woman?!
"Taeyeon?" A familiar voice shouted. The one and only stuck out her head, gaping in shock. "Wha-how-oh my god!" Her wavy, red hair was pulled up in a ponytail, revealing her elf ears. A fresh coat of lipstick was put on her lips.
"One, two three!" She pulled me down, I screamed and fell onto the grass. I rubbed my bottom, my body aching. Twigs were stuck in my light, brunette hair. My skin was slightly bruised and had several grass-stains from staying the jungle. My elf-ears were missing an earring while my transparent wings was becoming more and more dirty.
"How in the world did you end up like that?" Tiffany asked, putting her hands on her hips. 
I winked cheekily, shifting one shoulder: "Intuition?" 
She pushed me aside, playfully: "Yah! Your such a pabo sometimes!" 
I laughed to the sky, "You can't resist my aegyo~" I exclaimed in a high voice.
Tiffany sighed: "I seriously started praying for whoever ends up being your boyfriend.."
I continued to laugh to the sky, snorting like a pig in several places. 
Boys..what a silly topic! I always like to joke around and crack bad jokes, it's what I live for! Boys are far away from my mind, I'm too young to be thinking about that stuff anyway. Plus, there's nobody really single I know except Kwon Jiyoung aka. Mr. I'm-so-cool-with-my-half-shaved-head. Pabo-ah! 
Kwon Jiyoung is the king of Kpop. He's seen everywhere on bill-boards and his songs play in all the resturants. 
"You're my heart, heart, heart, heart-BREAKER!"
"Sweet Medusa~" 
"Don't go home, baby!" 
The forest is the only place where I can't here his voice. I don't get what's so special about him anyway, he's just another wannabe fashionista. They fade away like fashion trends. Nothing to get excited over.
 Suddenly, the famous trumpet call sounded. The blare echoing through the trees. I became a little worried. The trumpet only called when something important happened, it means all the citizens had to meet at the Kingdom. ..But, that hasn't happened since 2005..why now?
We gathered around the castle. It was pearly white with towers and flags billowing of korean idols. The descending staircase was intimidating, the trimmed hedges and lawns were taken cared of. The vintage glass windows made this place seem important and clean.
Kwon Jiyoung opened the door, a whole crowd of fangirls cheering. His sea-weed hair was dyed a hot pink at the tips, his half-shaved head revealing. He wore cross-earrings and a necklace. He wore a red, leather jacket and multi-coloured skinny jeans. His combat boot shoelaces were untied for 'fashion purposes'.
He grinned at his fans, making them scream even louder. I made a sound against my throat, pointing a finger at my mouth. Tiffany smiled at my childish behaviour.  
"My name is G, G, G, baby baby."
"GD, GD, BABY BABY!" The fans finished, shrieking. I swore someone fainted.
Other non-bias people clapped their hands in admiration and respect, others whistled from the familiar face of the important idol. 
G-dragon cleared his throat, regaining his 'poise'. The man has a half-shaved head, little too late for that...
"Of course, I'm not here to sing. As you all know, the trumpets are a sign of danger." He explained, pacing anxiously. Nobody dared scream in adoration.
G-dragon paused, gaining momentum: "Queen BoA has been kidnapped."
I gasped along with every other person. Everyone started mumbling in shock, worried expressions placed on their faces. BoA was a sign of independence, future, hope. Like the boa constrictor, she was intimidating, it was a real surprise that she was kidnapped by a merciless person. 
"Omo! BoA sun-bae has been kid-napped?"
"Noona, why?"
"Aigoo! Why?!!" 
G-dragon slammed the end of his spear in the ground, everybody stopping at once and the people who were late was shushed.
"Shocking, yes. She has been Leeteuk, the once smiling angel."
He waited for more whispers, but everybody was too frightened and horrified to react to the situation. G-dragon pressed on.
"If you are un-aware, back in 2005 before I became king, Leeteuk turned dark. He set the castle on fire, Queen BoA banishing him. There are still burnt marks on the marble building to this in 2012, the man has returned for vengence! He has kidnapped the Queen, quoting that: 'If you want to see her again, you must meet me in the sky. Thus, I, Kwon Jiyoung will venture off to save the Queen with a companion that will be drawn out of this top hat."
A bodyguard handed him an old magicians hat, the material dusty and broken.
I glanced at the fan-girls, each one of them had their fingers crossed behind their backs. I rolled my eyes. Of course, I thought. This is their chance to be with their lovely oppa, their fantasies are probably him like kissing them or saving them from a monster. 
G-dragon rummaged through the hat, until he pulled out a small peice of paper.
"Kim Taeyeon..?" He announced, a bit surprised. 
"WEHH?!" I screamed. What are the odds of me going against sea-weed head? AISH, PABO!!
Everyone stepped aside, including Tiffany. I stared at her, she gave me a motherly look. I sighed and trudged up the staircase where 'lovely' GD stood, still confused.
When I reached the top of the stair-case:
"Annyeongsayo, my name is T, T, T, baby baby." I repeated. 
Everyone laughed, I giggled my dorky laugh along with them. 
"ayeon, ayeon, baby baby!" Tiffany chanted.
The audience urged more, I couldn't let them down, right?
"K to the I to the Taeyeon-Taeyeon! K to the I to the-"
I laughed again, Who knew my corny jokes of G-dragon would appeal to the audience?
"Ahem." Jiyoung interrupted, clearing his voice. "Anyway, I'll be going with Kim Taeyeon off to save Queen BoA. Tomorrow we will be venturing on our journey, in temporarily replacement, Tiffany will be taking my place as queen."
He took off his golden crown, tossing it to Tiffany. She smiled gratefully, bowing. 
Kwon Jiyoung left the stage, several of his fans following.
I stood on the stage, awkwardly. I grinned:
Hey guys, welcome to the first chapter of my amateur fic: Kingdom of Kpop! Woo!! I hope you get the referenced and I'm really thankful for the warm welcome. :)
Stay tuned for Chapter 2, annyeong! 
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Back with a BIG BANG (literally) as I updated with Chapter 3 and 4! You get some royal fluff with different ships, hope you enjoy. ;)


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BoyMysterious #1
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
sea0horse #2
Chapter 5: cute tae! please gate moments! update soon!
kpopsters #3
pls pls update soon~
albioo #4
yay gtae! taeyeon is such a dork ! update soon
ahh this is so cute XD i literally laughed out loud at taeyeon's dorkiness. the storyline is interesting as well!
update soon :D
yay for gtae!
fantastic #6
This is so interesting.. To think that you said ur amateur at making this.. Update soon.. Surely id subscribe.. I love gtae much..
lakaransahrawi89 #7
please update soon...
Awesome! I love Gtae <3
sugaswife #9
kekeke, 'saeng, Deea-unnie here. I think this will be the first not rated fic I'll subscribe to *o*. Robot Himchan~ ASDFGHJKL Update soon~
gtaelovers #10
Update soon..Can't wait the story.