Ready Or Not

The Poison Apple Tree


For once in their lives, the annoying school bell brings muse to their ears as the siblings quickly gather their belongings and fast walk to their house. Along the way, Nayoung wonders if she cleaned up the place in the morning, hoping that it doesn’t look as scattered as always.

Yesterday was so much more staggering than asked for, and to think what Sungjong had reacted when told of what happened. Honestly, he was compelled to thank the guys for helping him and his sister, but what are the chances of fresh out of high school students rebelling against the government and winning? Much less even having the wit to go against the petty construction workers.

Sungjong bites his tongue when seeing the six boys standing outside of their apartment door, waving at them in eagerness to get everything started. It seems like they’re more confidant than them. The brother scavenges his backpack and finds the key, inviting everyone inside. "Any of you hungry? There’s some leftover pizza in the fridge." It’s obvious that he’s trying to lighten up the mood, but with circumstance like these, even food can’t brighten it.

Seeing no response, Sungjong sighs and relents to seat himself on a chair. "Where do we start?"

"I say we start with a petition—no, a complaint. They can’t just file reconstruction without our consent can they? I mean, we should get a say in this. A lot of people’s memories were made in that park." Sungyeol starts off. It surprises Nayoung, being that he was the one agreeing with the remodeling.

"I agree. We can begin something small at first, and gradually lead to the bigger crap. I don't think they’ll be able to build anything knowing that there’s people out there disapproving it!"

Nayoung slowly nods her head in understanding, eyes unblinkingly staring at the depths of nothing. Her mind wanders off—for a split second—of what might happen if their little rebellion doesn’t work, but she shoos it away in regret of such awful thoughts.

"Alright, it’s settled then. I’ll go to the police department and register a complaint." Sunggyu volunteers, making the siblings' guilt surmise into their stomachs. The feeling of throwing up is overpowering their stomachs.

"It’s fine, Sungjong and I can just go—" The girl tilts her head in wonderment when she’s interrupted.

"Wait…" Woohyun fidgets with his fingers before finding the guts to say what he needs to say. "Do you mind me asking you two something?"

By now, everybody’s heads turn to the greasy boy, puzzling at what he’s going to say that’s making him act so awkward. Sungjong gestures him to go on.

"Okay. I’m just wondering…what does it feel like to live so long?" Woohyun pulls off a smile of embarrassment for asking such a personal question, but it’s been bugging him as soon as the truth was told. He worries if the comment’s too insensitive.

Sungjong smacks his knee in sheer laughter, loving how weird the inquiry had rolled out of his friend’s mouth. However the sister takes it a tad less funny and shrugs her shoulders.

There’s so much she wants to say. So much to tell. Heck, a thousand years worth of stories and emotions. How the two of them have watched a million lives go by them. The times where they’ve cried over all their loved ones setting themselves free—leaving them. How no matter if time slits straight through them, they’re still here. The years where they’ve watched generations change, the world becoming more modernized and different by the second. All the countless knowledge they’ve kept from the days toppled by them. The happiness, the boredom, the hurt, the love, the pain, the dreams, the memories, even the time she found out what a pomegranate was—everything.

Yet with the billion and trillion details trailing through her mind, Nayoung can only say, "Fun." And hearing her one word description, she smiles. "It’s been fun."


Sungjong clears his throat in pivot of how emotional the atmosphere’s already starting off with, and takes out a piece of paper and a pencil. "Okay. I think me, Sunggyu, and Hoya should go to the police department and file a complaint." He points at his sister. "You and the rest should go check on the park and find out more information from the nearby construction workers."

Nayoung raises her eyebrows in disagreement. "How come I don’t get to go with you guys?" It’s clear by her tone that she’s upset with her rank.

Sungjong shakes his head. "Because. You don’t look intimidating at all. And no, I’m not being ist. Just think about this. Take a look at Hoya, the boy’s like a fierce marshmallow!"

Hoya widens his mouth in bewilderment. "What the ? I look like a marshmallow?"

"No. He probably means that you look mean, but you’re actually squishy and soft on the inside…Duh." Sungyeol shrugs, gaining a glare at his bewildered friend.

Nayoung interrupts them with a scoff, "Fine. Just make sure you beat the hell out of those guys." She snatches the paperwork about the tree demolition and hands it to Sungjong. "If they need proof. I made copies already so don’t worry if they want to take it or something."

The brother kisses her forehead and rubs her upper arms in reassurance. She doesn’t look nervous at all, but Sungjong can’t be fooled. It’s the price of being an older sibling—always watching out for the younger. "I’ll see you later."

As the four remaining watches the three leave the apartment, Woohyun gestures for everyone that it’s now their turn to do the next step. Nayoung, too choked up to say anything, nods her head in agreement.



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Wow... Everything about this story is amazing.
Your choice of words, how the story flows... And everything.. It is all so perfect.
Im so glad I found this gem.
I'm going to tell my friends about this fic because its so wonderful.
Chapter 5: I agree with shineeshawol04 the way you write is beautiful! Sungjong, Nayoung, everything!
Oh My GOSH you are AMAZING !!I mean the way you write is like.. WOW the words you chose to describe what was happening is so.. professional and poetic-like if that makes sense :p if you were a student and i was a teacher i would give you an A+ ^^ of course you're older then me but anyways UPDATE SOON ^^ !!
Love it so far! I love the choice of words and the chapters so far are amazing! Subscribed! ^^
This sounds super interesting! Te description was very detailed, and the choice of words was fantastic. "an everlasting serum bodied inside them where with every bite is a tank of more poison. " gave me a shock. I can't wait to see more! (And I'm not sure who the poster was assigned to, but we'll get arou d to it as soon as we can!)
