No Words Need To Be Said

The Poison Apple Tree



The studio floor is squeaky clean, washed with dabs of water and never with those chemical steamers since it’ll make the ground too slippery for the dancers to get a good grip on their footing. A large mirror overpowers a whole wall for the students to practice and rehearse with, making them feel a bit more professional than they really are. It’s a small class though, barely reaching the requirement of fifteen people.

"Okay, let’s get going people! Our concert’s coming up in a week’s earning!" Mrs. Park shrieks with the echoes of a hollow classroom, her voice nasally and ear-torturing. "Who’s up after Sungjong and Hoya?! Quickly, quickly! Stage crew, set up the microphone!"

Woohyun and Nayoung frantically fast-walk to the center of the room as the helpers, who are in deep fright of the teacher, quickly position the mikes to the correct height. The two singers clear their voices to warm up in aware that Mrs. Park will scream at them if they aren’t prepared. They can feel her hawk eyes stabbing at them.

"One, two, three! Action!"

The two of them follow the pace of the song, smiling when they’re suppose to smile, and sharing eye contact when scheduled in. Woohyun can feel the palms of his hands sweating from the pressure, hating how all eyes are on them.

The duet’s rather a slow song, romantic and subtle, and Nayoung had actually suggested this melody to Mrs. Park. After years of experience, the girl knows how to match the beat well with a person’s voice level. The background’s disappointingly a popular theme, where two lovers are forced to depart even when their hearts don’t say the same. But the music covers up the dismay, with an ideal chorus and flourishing soundtrack behind the singer’s attracting intonations. Much to their expectations, Nayoung and Woohyun have quite the matching voices that compliment well with one another.

The song’s over in the due cross of the impatience of Mrs. Park and the content progression of the concert. The mood of the song’s passion is ruined by the voice of the shrilling teacher. "The next portion! Chop, chop!"


The four of them pack up for a sweating day’s work, and Hoya invites everybody out for dinner in essence to calm such an unsettling duration. He his lips in hunger when mentioning this fantastic barbecue joint he heard from a friend. And yet even with such succulent details of their meats, Nayoung only has her thoughts over the missing of one of their members.

"Hey, you guys know where Myungoo went today? He wasn’t here for class, and Mrs. Park got pretty pissed off."

Woohyun puffs his cheeks in memory. "Oh yeah, he said he didn’t feel well today, so he took a day off."

Hoya scrunches his eyebrows in worry. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, I think he said he had a stomachache."

Nayoung nods her head in response and relies on her recognition for the directions to his house. Should she stay to eat first or just go? The ancient girl decides to follow her heart.

"I’m not in the mood to go out today. Sorry, see you guys tomorrow though!" She smiles at her friends and places a hand on her brother’s shoulder, "See you at home."

Sungjong flickers her an expression of curiosity, sure that his sister’s up to something. But the girl’s over a thousand years old, she can handle it. He shoots her a look of caution, and Nayoung proclaims back an expression of assurance.

They depart with their farewells and she’s left to endeavor on the dozens of roads ahead, knowing that only so much will lead her to her destination.


A couple of knocks are bashed from his door and Myungsoo’s eyes flicker to the sound. He’s uncertain whether or not to check whom it is, the thought that it’s just one of those annoying entrepreneurs reckoning to sell something, as they say it "one of a kind" merchandises. However the knocks continue on pounding his door, growing louder by the second, and he scowls in irk at having to get off his couch. The choppy haired opens the door and just as he’s about to ask the person what the heck they want, his words stop short.

Nayoung smiles sheepishly and shocks herself when she can’t say the words she was planning from the whole walk here. It’s as if the man has powers to lay her speechless. She stares at her toes until he invites her into his apartment.

"I’m so glad you’re okay, I mean, I was scared something happened to you…" The sentence of it all best suits a more friendly matter from her tone, but the girl still clenches her teeth at how awkward the words came out to be. She concentrates on his wellbeing, and seeing that he doesn’t seem sick, exhales a sigh of relief.

"No, just didn’t feel like going to school today." He makes both of them some tea, and Nayoung takes this chance to look around his place.

It’s quite a worn apartment, his home being made out of a small hallway of a kitchen, a cramped living room, and a bedroom which is perhaps the most sizable one. There’s a bunch of spaces that could be filled with furniture, but she wonders why it’s all so empty—abandoned. The smell of fuzz surrounds her from the sofa and it matches well with the dark beige walls. A few rooftop cracks border the corners, a hint of how old this building has stood. There’s such a sense of loneliness here…

Myungsoo hands her a cup of tea and the two of them sit on the furry couch. The girl can’t take it anymore and sets down her glass and Myungsoo’s on the counter. "What’s wrong?"

She appalls at the sudden change in his character when he smirks. "Nayoung, are you worried about me?"

The boy always had been one to facade his emotions, either with facial expressions or his words. And yet even with the mounting years of this mask he's fixed on himself, it’s hard to believe that it just melts away when being with the girl. It drenches him with the feeling of thankfulness, but irritation also. Noticing that Nayoung doesn’t reply, watching him with her brilliant eyes, he looks the other way unknowingly.

A burning sensation sparks his cheek when a hand caresses it, and he repels back with scorn. However the confidential wall he holds doesn’t dare compare to the patience of a thousand years, and Nayoung breaths out a light chuckle. A flame ignites in him at the affliction of her laugh, making him think she’s belittling him, and Myungsoo glares at the beautiful girl.

He presses her against the couch and grows even madder when she deems ineffective at the sudden action. A growl breathes out of his mouth and his lips meet hers in fierceness, his temper exceeding past relevance. Nayoung’s fully aware of how hot he can get when he feels undermined and she brings one of her arms to smooth out his hair in effort to calm him. It’s a move balanced between affection and elderly admiration. However it doesn’t work and Myungsoo brings his head to her neck, kissing it in lust.

At the moment, Nayoung can’t help but feel aged, the seconds of her life diminishing before her eyes. She’s been alive for so long, and at times all she ever wants to do is…well, stop living. For certain the girl’s never been one to suicide, excluding the fact that it’s impossible for her to do so. A flashback repels back into her mind and she recalls a day where she had cut herself in accident from skinning an avocado. It was ridiculous how careless she was. The sight of blood was nauseating for her, and the realization that her lunch would soon throw back up from was bold. Immediately after the cut, she had expected to feel the sear, one to be burning hotter than fire to shoot up her skin, but to her deepest surprise she had felt not even the slightest hurt. It was as if nothing had ever happened for when she opened her eyes back from fear, the large gash was no longer inflamed in her palm. Amongst other accounts after, that was the day the siblings found out they were indestructible.

Here she is with a man in his college years, probably just reached the year he can finally be legal to party in a club or drink alcohol, that’s on her skin, her fair skin that hides her one thouand years. The idea makes her scrunch her face in awkwardness and she presses Myungsoo’s shoulders in act to stop. Nayoung can’t stand the expression of pain in his face and she gives him a peck on the lips. "Tell me what’s wrong."

The choppy haired boy observes their entwined hands and averts his attention back to her. "There’s nothing wrong Nayoung, I just didn’t feel like going to school today."

"Are you hurt? If you want some time alone, I’ll just take my leave and—"

"No!" He widens his eyes in panic, gripping her hands even tighter in angst. Nayoung watches his movements, taking in the apprehension building up inside of him. The only thing she wants to do right now is take away his fears, but how can she? If she could convert his anxiety into her, she’d take that offer in a second. Myungsoo fakes a cough in alarm and looks the other way. "Don’t…don’t leave."

To his uneasy wonderment, Nayoung reluctantly takes her hands away from his and gets out of the couch. The overwhelming emotions of loneliness and terror poisons Myungsoo as he breaks into a sweat, however no words can describe the remedy of relief drowning him when he catches on what she’s doing.

Nayoung holds the two cups of cold tea in her hands and heads to the kitchen to add more hot water in them. She carefully places one of the mugs in the warmth of his hands and grabs the blanket Myungsoo had tossed on the floor previously to let her sit. The girl seats herself down and covers the sheet over the two of them, wrapping one of her arms around his as their body heat transfers in comfort from one to the other. She doesn’t give eye contact to him but simply sips her tea as she turns on the television. Her head lies on the boy’s shoulder and no words are shared, letting the fast pumps of their heartbeats speak for them and the rest of their day.






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Wow... Everything about this story is amazing.
Your choice of words, how the story flows... And everything.. It is all so perfect.
Im so glad I found this gem.
I'm going to tell my friends about this fic because its so wonderful.
Chapter 5: I agree with shineeshawol04 the way you write is beautiful! Sungjong, Nayoung, everything!
Oh My GOSH you are AMAZING !!I mean the way you write is like.. WOW the words you chose to describe what was happening is so.. professional and poetic-like if that makes sense :p if you were a student and i was a teacher i would give you an A+ ^^ of course you're older then me but anyways UPDATE SOON ^^ !!
Love it so far! I love the choice of words and the chapters so far are amazing! Subscribed! ^^
This sounds super interesting! Te description was very detailed, and the choice of words was fantastic. "an everlasting serum bodied inside them where with every bite is a tank of more poison. " gave me a shock. I can't wait to see more! (And I'm not sure who the poster was assigned to, but we'll get arou d to it as soon as we can!)
