Chapter III

You again


Hi, there ^_^ Sorry for not updating in such a long time. I should be ashamed of myself, and I really am... 

But the thing is that I don't really have any inspiration to write... I do have lots and lots of ideas crowded in my head LOL but I can't seem to put them into something readable... And also school is taking its toll on me... English literature -_- Midterm exams... And Korean... That's difficult for sure but I enjoy studying it.

Anyways, for a few chapters from now on, I will show you some kind of flashback or I don't know how to call it... The past brought to present. I hope you'll enjoy my story and don't hesitate to comment. I don't bite and I want to know your opininions about this fanfiction. 







No one’s POV

It’s been quite a shock for both Young Hee and Junhyung when the reality was unveiled. Although years had passed since their first and last meeting, they still hold a grudge against each other.

The first time they met was when Junhyung was 9 years old and Young Hee, 7. Their parents were business partners and after a great success, they decided to go on a holiday with their families in Switzerland. It was the kids’ first time going abroad and the feelings were mixed: they were excited because they would have a lot of fun playing in snow and doing many winter activities, but they were also anxious about the thought of going so far away from their home, the places they knew and loved, and about the fact they would meet someone new.


-Mommy, when are we going to land? Young Hee asked with a sleepy voice.

-Soon, dear, soon. Don’t worry, daddy and I are here with you. Sleep a little bit more, her mother assured her, kissing lightly her forehead.

Trusting her mother, the little Young Hee went back to sleep. Four hours later, the Ryu family landed in Switzerland. At the airport, the Yong’s were waiting for them because they had taken an earlier flight.

-Appa, when are we going to go snowboarding? I’m bored, Junhyung whined.

-Be a little bit more patient, Junnie. We are waiting for your father’s friend. When he and his wife and daughter arrive, we can go to our cabin and you can play all day, his mother explained in a sweet voice. Junhyung loved his mother and always listened to her words. He couldn’t stand seeing her mad and he would always do everything possible to make her smile.

-Here they are! Da Mo-ah, you punk! What took you so long? Son Ja, Junhyung’s father laughed and went to hug his friend.

-Hyung, it’s nice to see you! The man smiled and went to shake hands and hug his long time buddy.

Even though the fathers knew each other for years and the mothers grew pretty close in a couple of years, this was the first time the kids would be able to meet. They knew each other from descriptions made by their parents and were excited that the chance to get together had arrived.

-Annyeonghaseyo, Ryu Young Heeibnida. Good afternoon, my name is Ryu Young Hee, it’s nice to meet you! Young Hee greeted respectfully both in Korean and English, leaving Junhyung speechless. But after his mother nudged him, he presented himself.

-Annyeonghaseyo, Yong Junhyungibnida, I hope you had an enjoyable flight, the little boy bowed and peeked at Young Hee. He furrowed his eyebrows noticing the girl yawning and having her eyes half-open, thinking she was showing disrespect towards his parents. Ever since that age, he had been having great respect for them and seeing Young Hee in that state, made his blood boil. In the meantime, the mothers were also glad to see each other after such a long time and begun chatting.

At the cabin both families were sharing, the kids were starting to feel lonely. Their mothers were talking happily in the kitchen, preparing dinner, and their fathers were laughing loudly, telling jokes and remembering their childhood.

Junhyung was watching Young Hee from afar, studying her. It was strange for him to be this close to a girl, the only female in his life being his mother, so he didn’t know how to talk to her. He didn’t even have the courage to leave the so cozy sofa where he was almost hidden in fluffy pillows and warm blankets.

“She’s so weird… Well, my mom was right, she IS pretty. Mommy is never wrong anyway. But what is she doing? Reading? I’d better die, I’d better starve, or… I can’t even think about it… I’d better give up on Coke for a month… (no, it’s too much, I can’t handle a month without Coke…) for a week than to read. Ugh! Who likes those books anyway? She’s younger than me, she should be coloring, playing with her dolls. And what did she say when she greeted us at the airport? I didn’t understand everything… ‘Annyeonghaseyo, Ryu Young Heeibnida, hfjhlahRyu Young Heehdhdjklamnndirojbd’ Tsk…” Without noticing, Junhyung left his comfortable place and got closer to Young Hee. He only realized where he was when he was a few steps away from her so he couldn’t go back. He sat across from her, watching her with curious eyes.

-Am I that interesting? Young Hee asked Junhyung, still engrossed in her book.

-Aaa… Mwo? He was a little bit taken aback by hearing her talk.

-You’ve been watching me for a while…

-How did you… the boy whispered, blushing a few shades of red. He felt like having been caught doing some sort of howler.

-If I haven’t raised my head, it doesn’t mean I haven’t felt your presence.

-Oh… What are you doing? He asked hurriedly, feeling the urge to change the subject of the conversation, to stop feeling so embarrassed in front of her.

-Can’t you see? I’m reading. A book. Have you ever read one? I highly doubt it. You don’t look like a person who enjoys reading books. Tsk…

-Yah! Listen, you geek! Shut up and stop being the smart one! I don’t need your comments full of wisdom, neither your advice. You’d better keep your nose in that book and quit talking. Tsk… I don’t know why my parents even like you… And saying that, he lefts Young Hee dumbfounded. Both of them feel bad. Neither she wanted to be that rude, nor him.


Oh, I’m screwed. Why did I tell her those hurtful words? It wasn’t nice of me. Umma will be disappointed… But she wasn’t quite polite, neither. I just wanted to make conversation with her and she started to be a smart … I don’t want to see her face ever again. But I’m stuck in here with her for the next two days. I’m gonna die… Her parents seem such nice people… Her father has such a gentle expression and his voice is so warm. His wife is so beautiful… She had a bright smile on her face and was so kind to me. She even gave me a present. Is Young Hee their daughter? I don’t think so. I bet she has been adopted. Her real parents hated her for being such an impossible kid and let her for adoption. That makes sense. Yup. Two people like the Ryu’s can’t have such a brat as their real child. She pissed me off. You’ve messed with the wrong person, Ryu Young Hee!


Young Hee’s POV

That kid! Ugh! How did he dare to talk to me like that? Was he raised by wolves or what? He almost barked at me. I felt the hate in his eyes. Why was he so rude? What did I do to him? Seriously, now, what kind of question is “What are you doing?” when you can see clearly that I’m reading? I do start to think that he has been raised by wolves and has never seen a book, until now. But I wasn’t too polite, neither. What has gotten into me? I hope appa won’t find out that I was such a rude person because he will be disappointed… I don’t want my daddy to be sad because of me. He is so happy right now and I don’t want to ruin his mood. But this kid ruined my mood, as well. Fine, Yong Junhyung, you have no idea who I am and what I can do. You won’t forget me. I won’t let you!


No one’s POV

That day the kids didn’t talk, communicate in any way, they didn’t even get too close to each other. When Young Hee was going to the kitchen, Junhyung was heading to the bathroom. They both avoided each other, trying to stay as far as possible one from another. Their parents felt that there was something wrong with their children. Young Hee wasn’t as bright and bubbly as she used to be, she wasn’t playing with her dolls, nor singing, dancing or drawing. She was immersed in her books. She was reading, reading and reading. Her mother was a bit confused by her behavior but she put the blame on the tiring flight and let Young Hee be herself.  Junhyung was acting strange as well. His toys were in their box, he wasn’t dancing, fooling around or playing pranks on his parents. That’s why they felt that something was missing. Mr. Yong offered his son a can of Coke but he refused it, with no explanation, leaving his father amazed. He knew Junhyung’s obsession with Coke and never in his life had he seen him saying “no”. But he as well thought that the flight was at fault and let the boy switch the channels on TV.

As night arrived, the two families gathered around the table. The wives had cooked delicious meals and all the members started to eat, praising the “chefs”.  The kids were happy seeing the table covered with loads of food and didn’t know what to eat first. It looked like they were back to their old selves until they saw each other across the table. And at a glance, the war began. When the dinner ended and it was time for dessert, the little ones hurried to grab a cupcake. Young Hee was first to take one but when she turned around to go back to her place, she bumped into Junhyung and all her cupcake was smashed on his shirt. She apologized, bowed to his parents and tried to help him get rid of the cake that was glued on his neck and chest but the boy slapped her hand away and went to change his clothes.

Later that night, when everyone was standing in front of the fireplace, with a cup of hot chocolate in their hands, Junhyung put the cup on top of his toy truck and got up to get more marshmallows. But then, he stepped on the remote control and the little car speeded right into Young Hee’s pile of books and the hot chocolate spilled on her “A little princess”.  The little girl was shocked seeing her favorite book destroyed and couldn’t move a muscle. That was an item she prized, she loved it dearly. She had received it as a gift from a friend she missed a lot. When Young Hee was holding that book, she could hear her buddy calling her, laughing along with her, she could feel his presence. Junhyung felt sorry for the book and felt sorry for the little girl but he couldn’t utter a word. After a few seconds, Young Hee picked up her book without a word and went up to her room. Mr. and Mrs. Yong were mad at their son, knowing too well his clumsiness, but they were surprised to see him like that, unable to say a word. They scolded him for not apologizing to Young Hee, for being clumsy once again, but the boy was only hanging his head low, speechless. He was sent in him room and the adults were left alone in the living room, talking, laughing and sharing memories. 



Meanwhile, in Young Hee’s room

The little girl had no emotion on her face. No furrowed eyebrows, not a wrinkle to express a little bit of discomfort or sadness. At all. Holding tight her beloved book, she tried to smell it but to no result. It wasn’t the same book anymore.

“It was our book. Not mine, OUR book. It used to have your smell on it, oppa, it smelled like watermelon. Every time I was upset, I could hold our book and everything that bothered me vanished. “

But Junhyung didn’t go straight to his room. He wanted to find a way to apologize so he stopped at Young Hee’s door. The door wasn’t closed and he could see the girl holding her book and could hear her.

“She really cared about that book, didn’t she? I feel so stupid… I should have been more careful, umma always tells me that I’m clumsy and I should pay attention, but I never listen to her. Now what I’ve done…”

“But now… Now it’s not like that. It’s like you would have vanished, too. Oh, oppa, why did you have to go and leave me alone? I love umma and appa, they love me too, they try to make me happy. I love Michiko, she’s always with me, she’s my lovely dongsaeng. But you’re missing. You would have made everything perfect and I would have been able to bear with this brat. This kid, ugh… “

“This kid? What kid? Me?”

“I feel good that I smashed that cupcake on his shirt. What kind of shirt was that, anyway? Who does he think he is? JYP? Seriously now… “

“What, she feels good? Good?! This brat, ugh… You destroyed my shirt, my favorite shirt, and I destroyed your book. Now I feel good, too. Apologizing? In your dreams!” And he left with no word for Young Hee, jumped on his bed and fell asleep with his clothes on.

“What did I say? I don’t feel good for what I did. I didn’t want to ruin his shirt. He seemed attached to that piece of clothing… It was only a shirt… But maybe he had received it from someone dear, just like me. Oppa would be mad at me right now, a princess shouldn’t act like that. I should apologize again, I should make him feel better, right oppa? I still have the book, it hasn’t vanished into thin air, it’s still with me. You are still with me, I have great memories of the two of us, right? We used to have so much fun together. Now I’d better give him something to repay my mistake. I know what! “

And the little girl tip toed out of her room and headed to Junhyung’s room. She knocked faintly at his door, but he didn’t respond. “Maybe he’s still mad at me…” She opened the door slowly but to her surprise, the boy was sleeping. “Kekeke, he’s so cute… He was still angry, he fell asleep like that… Uhmmm… I can’t let these here, I can give them to him tomorrow morning. Junhyung-ah, you sleep with a teddy bear? What a baby boy! Kekeke, you look like oppa when you sleep. Sleep well, Junhyungie.” And with that, she kissed his forehead and left his room silently. That night, Young Hee fell asleep thinking of ways of making Mrs. Yong’s son feel better and maybe, she thought, they could become friends. 

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