Chapter I

You again


7:00 AM, Sunday morning







Young Hee: For God’s sake, it’s Sunday… who the dares to wake me up at this hour? I’m going to kick their a… Umma?  Yeoboseyo?

Mom: Young Hee, honey, are you ok? Are you hurt? Did you go to get a checkup at the hospital? Why didn’t you call?

YH: Mom, calm down and slow down, I can’t understand… and why are you yelling?

Mom: How can I be calm? My daughter has been attacked by some gangster and you want me to calm down? You could have been injured, , robbed or even killed… Oh, my God, it’s my entire fault…

YH: Mom, it’s not your fault, don’t overreact… I’m fine; you can hear me talking so I’m fine. Except the fact that you woke me up at 7 in the morning… And it’s Sunday.

Mom: Oh, dear, I’ve been so worried… Are you sure you’re ok? You haven’t been injured, have you?

YH: Mom, the only ones who are not ok are those ing bastards who dared to mess up with me. They need a bunch of doctors to cure their wounds but nothing can cure their ego.


“Bad guys”: Hey, missy, why is such a beautiful young lady by herself? You are an irresistible prey for some bad boys…

YH: *ignores*

“BG”: It looks like the lady has some bad attitude, why don’t we teach her a lesson? Manners are important these days.

They follow her on a dark street and catch up with her. She has long legs so her speed is quite unusual for a girl. She is not afraid of those morons but she’s tired and the only thing she can think of right now is a nice warm bath with bubbles and vanilla scented candles. But the guys keep on following her and this gets on her nerves.

YH: Hey, guys, it’s a wonderful night, the stars are bright and the wind is gentle, why don’t you go home and listen to the sounds of the nature? I’m sure they can do wonders…

“BG”: The lady thinks she’s smart… Ok, but we are better than her.

They come even closer and touch her shoulder. In a couple of seconds, both of the guys were laying flat and begging for mercy. Their groans alarmed the neighbors and so they called 911. Young Hee left without talking to the police but the incident appeared on the news.

*End of the flashback*

Mom: Dear, you can’t live all by yourself anymore…

YH: Why? What’s the reason? I can take care of myself, I study, I have great marks, I have a nice job, I can pay my own bills. And since I was little I’ve been taking karate and taekwondo classes, I can protect myself…

Mom: Honey, both I and your dad are really proud of you, you’ve been doing great but what happened two days ago was a sign. You are young, beautiful, smart and quite rich and this may attract unnecessary attention and unwanted things can happen to you… We are not living in a wonderland, Young Hee, you know that, that’s why you’re moving. It has been settled to live with someone.

YH: Mom, it’s not fair. I like my life the way it is… Please don’t…

Mom: Ryu Rebecca! (her mother calls her by her American name only when she’s angry and it have been years since she last heard that name) Listen to me! You’ll be living with someone who we trust and you will do as I say!

YH: Ne, umma… I’ll go to live with Michiko and Ayumu… But really, their house is too small for the three of us…

Mom: Who said you’re going to live with Michiko? I do trust her, I am her mother’s best friend and her father is like a brother to you father, but I’m not talking about her.

YH: Then who am I going to live with?

Mom: Do you remember the Yong family?

YH: Hmmm… Yes, I think I do. We spent a weekend with them at some cabin in the mountains when I was… hmm… six or seven years old…

Mom: Well, you’ll be living with their son. Don’t be lazy and go pack your stuff. He’ll come to pick you up at 9. Hurry up! Don’t make him wait!

YH: What? At 9?! Mom, I can’t even pack my clothes… Couldn’t you tell me from the beginning? “Young Hee-ah, since some idiots attacked you two days ago, you’ll be living with an unknown guy that we trust. Go pack!” I would have had a half an hour more to get my stuff! Ugh… But can I refuse?

Mom: NO WAY, MISSY! Do as we say, it’s for your own good!

YH: Mom, please, list-… Great! She hung up. Now what the hell am I going to do?! Who is this guy? Why do I have to leave? I could have lived with Michiko. But no, if my mother says so… Dammit!

No one’s story

Being Sunday morning, Young Hee stumbles getting off of her bed. She goes to the bathroom to take a shower, brush her teeth and change into some casual clothes. After 15 minutes, she starts packing. She picks all her clothes from the closet, the shoes from the rack, her books (and there were a lot because she’s a bookworm), her papers from school, her plushies, the CDs (being an avid k-pop fan, has a pretty impressive collection). There are even some plants scattered around her apartment but she can’t leave them, she loves taking care of them because she can talk to them and they wouldn’t judge her like people do. Gathering all her belongings, she decides to call her best friend, Michiko.

Young Hee’s story

I’m sure she’s still sleeping, it’s 8:15 and for God’s sake, it’s Sunday… But I really need to talk to someone so, sorry, Gackty girl, you’re going to hate me for a couple of minutes, but I have to talk to you.

MK: Moshimoshi… Young Hee-ah, it’s Sunday morning, do you hate me that much to wake me up at this hour? It’d better be important, otherwise…

YH: Ne, Michiko, it really is. My mother called me a few minutes ago…

MK: And because she woke you up you have to wake me up as well? Nice, mature…

YH: Anio… She wants me to move…

MK: WHAT?! She calls you a few times a year and now decides that you have to move? Where? Does she want to take you with her? Where the is she right now? India? Saudi Arabia? Chile?

YH: No, I’ll stay in Seoul, she doesn’t take me with her… Because of what happened Friday night, she wants me to live in a safer place.

MK: Pff… Like it’s been the first time that happened to you… But this time you kicked their asses nicely. *laughs*

YH: Yeah, I did. But this time it got on TV so my parents found out…

MK: Come here, your family has trust in us so I don’t see why you can’t live with me and my sister.

YH: I wish… But my mom has already decided. I’ll live with the son of some friends…

MK: THE SON?! Young Hee-ah, are they nuts? You’re a young, pretty girl and you’ll be living with a guy? Do you know him?

YH: It seems that my parents have been close to his family for a very long time and that’s why they trust him…

MK: So who’s this guy? Do I know him?

YH: I don’t even know him myself… I only remember that we spent a weekend in the mountains with his family when I was a child and… … … … …

MK: Young Hee-ah, are you still there? Yah! Do you hear me? Rainy!

YH: I remember him! Holy Mother of God, it’s the end… The end!

MK: Good, I thought you started drooling over you posters again… So, who is he?



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