Not Such a Busy Day

Love With Some Knots

Hangeng's POV

The alarm clock by my bed goes off and I groan. Why did I have to get the most annoying alarm clock at the store? Oh yeah, because if I didn't I would still be asleep right now, and late for work later. I sigh and roll out of bed. I walk into the living room and turn on the TV so it isn't so quiet in the medium sized apartment. I go back into my room and change into jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

I go to the kitchen and unplug my phone from it's charger and turn it on. I check the message box to see if Kentrie had texted me. 

She didn't.

Of course, probably texting that guy she seemed to like yesterday at the coffee shop. I sigh and go to sit on the couch.

"Should I text her?" I question myself and think of what I would even say. Maybe something like 'did you get enough sleep?' or 'Was your trip home ok?' Would that be weird for me to ask?

I look at my phone againa and open a new message:

Hey, just wanted to make sure u slept last night

Then I send the message to Kentrie. I stare at my phone as it says the text was sent.

"...Did I really just send that?...." I can't believe I just sent that to her, she must think I sounded weird. I hope not.


I really did just send that...I get up and walk to the kitchen and get a small snack bar for breakfast. After I finish eating it I check my phone. I got a message back from Kentrie.

yeah best sleep ive had in forever! ^u^ thanks for filling in for me!~

I smile as I read. Thank god she got some rest. She looked horrible yesterday at work. Well, to me. Apperently not to that guy that was hitting on her yesterday morning. At the thought of him I throw my couch pillow to the other side of the room.

"Ugh! Why can't I just tell her how I feel?!" I yell at myself, "Why does it have to be so hard?!"

After a couple of minutes I check the time. Its 9:40. I decide to go to the store to pick up a couple things before I go to work.

When I get to work Kentrie is already behind the front counter sneaking another coffee.

"Hey," I say as I sneak up behind her and hug her.

"Uh, hey," she says in a bit of confusion.

I let go and pick up the coffee and take a sip hoping she didn't overload it with sugar again. I set the coffee back down and stand beside her.

"So you got decent sleep last night?" I say smiling.

"Yeah, finally," she says in relief, "I feel sooooo much better today than I have in  week."

"Well thats good."


I walk to the back taking the order sheet Kentrie handed me and get out a few cups for the first orders.

Why did I hug her like that? I think to myself. Now she MUST think I'm weird. *sigh*

A couple hours pass by and its finally break time. I walk to the front and change the sign to closed as the last customer leaves. I walk over by Kentrie who is seated at a table and I sit down infront of her.

"So how are things going with that guy you were flirting with yesterday?" I ask

She must have been suprised because her eyes widened as she looked up at me.

"You saw that?" She said.

"Yeah," I replied, "did you get his number?"

"Yeah...." she said and frowned.

"Something wrong?"

"...He's got a boyfriend," she said in a dissapointed tone.

I do everything to hold in my happy smile. So he's not available! I still have a chance! I thought to myself.

I held in all my excitement and continnued with the conversation.

"Oh," I said, " I see. But it happens to the best of us....We just have to move on." I was hoping she'd get what I was hinting at.

She sighs, "Yeah, I guess so. I'll just have to keep my eye out for someone else."

I try so hard to keep my feelings from pouring out right then and there. Apparently she just isn't getting all my hints. The hugs, smiles, winks, and telling her specifically to 'move on.' Is there no hope for me anymore?

 "Uh...Hey Kentrie," I break my sentance off there and hope she didn't hear it.

She just looks up at me. I just look away.

"What?" She says.

"Uh, nothing nevermind."

"Um, ok."


After the break I felt like a complete idiot. I hope I didn't make things too akward after that. Why does telling her my feelings have to be so freaking hard? Why can't it be at least a little bit easier. 

After work, I invited Kentrie to have dinner (as friends) but she denied and said that she was texting Yesung earlier and that they were going to meet up and hang out later. *Sigh*

Why does she pay more attention to some guy she just met than a friend she has had for years? Am I getting boring? Is that why she keeps avoiding me? Well, at least I hope she isn't. That would for me. I just feel like our friendship isn't what it used to be lately. I need to come up with a plan to win her heart, because making akward conversations between one another isn't working out.


Hope you liked it so far ^^ Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I want to. School keeps getting in the way *siiiiigh~*

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hope this fic will turn out great! post the first chapter soon! ^^