A Dinner of Mixed Signals

Love With Some Knots

Kentrie POV

So I was texting Yesung earlier today and he said he wants me to come over for dinner. Just as friends though. But only because he has a boyfriend. Its ok with me but I just don't want to get on his boyfried's bad side, you know?

It was about 9:00pm and Yesung said he wanted me at his place at about 9:10pm. So after work I said goodbye to Hangeng after cleaning up the coffee shop and headed over to the adress Yesung had sent me earlier. When I pull up I see that his house is a big brick one floor house. It was really nice looking from the outside. The small yard was decorated in colorful flowers that made the house look completely stunning.

I walked up the few front steps and rang the doorbell. It took about 10 seconds before Yesung quickly opened the door and greeted me with a friendly smile.

"Hey," he said as he motioned me to come inside.

"Hi," I smiled, "How've you been?"

"Pretty good, just got done talking to my boyfriend."

"Is he coming tonight?"

He frowned a bit but still kept the smile, "Not tonight, he's visiting some family."

I tilted my head and  replied with, "Aww, I wanted to meet him. He seems nice."

He smiled again, "Yeah, he's so sweet."

We went to the kitchen and fixed an easy small ramen dinner and sat down at the dinning room table with our bowls and chopsticks to eat.

He took a small sip of his drink then said, "So are you dating anyone?"

"Me? Sadly, no," I say shaking my head. "I haven't found the special guy for me yet."

"That's too bad," He said then continued eating.

I just shake my head as a reply.

After we finish eating we head into the living room and sit on the couch. We started watching some randomw variety show that was on then got into a random conversation about our favorite actors. movies, and TV shows. Suprisingly we had more in common than I thought. I guess coming over wasn't a total loss. After awhile the conversations started dying down as we ran out of things to talk about. After discussing music I was out of ideas.

I couldn't stop thinking about how gentlemenly he was. So well behaved and handsom. His boyfriend is so lucky!

All of a sudden he turned to me and looked me in the eyes. What was he doing? It was a bit strange. Next thing I knew his lips were on mine and my eyes widened. 'WHAT IS HE DOING?!' and 'BUT HE'S DATING SOMEONE' was all I could think. Soon he pushed off of me and stood up quickly.

"I AM SO SORRY!" He said while catching his breath. "I don't know what came over me."

I just sit there still shocked from what he just did.

"I-I....uh...." was all I could manage to choke out.

"Please forgive me, you are so much like Wookie. I guess I just miss him and got caught up in the moment," He said with true apology in his eyes.

"Its ok Yesung," I reply forgivingly. "You didn't mean to, it's ok, really."

He sighs and sits back down. I check the time on my phone. 11:00 already?! 

"I gotta get home and get to bed. I have work tomorrow," I say as I stand up.

"Ok," He says, "Want to meet up with me and Wookie tomorrow for lunch?"

"I'd love to!" I say eagerly.

Finally a chance to meet his boyfriend. I'm not sure why I want to meet him so badly but I just feel like I have to.

We say goodbye and I head back home. When I get home I collapse on my bed just thinking of the kiss.

"I can't believe it," I say to myself.

"He kissed me...."

I blush then get ready to sleep.


Sorry this chapter was so short. >~< I have the ideas, but I just don't have enought time to update as much as I want to. Also, tell me how you feel about the fanfic so far please and thank you ^^

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hope this fic will turn out great! post the first chapter soon! ^^