Need some sleep and a boyfriend

Love With Some Knots

Kentrie's POV 


I hadn't gotten a good sleep in a few days and felt that the reason might have been the last visit with my parents 4 days ago. I just couldn't get over how they just shoved the idea of marraige in my head so quickly. It's not like I couldn't get a guy just more like I was too busy to keep up in a relationship with one. Between working two jobs and trying to keep up with friends I was lucky to get at least 5 hours to myself for relaxation. So after I got to work at Heechul's small coffee and tea shop at 9 am, I decided to sneak a quick sip of coffee before anyone could see.

"Excuse me," I jump and turn around only to find Hangeng standing there with a face of dissapproval, "who said you could have a drink without giving a sip to me?"

I smile and hand the cup over to him, "Sorry," I say avoiding eye contact, "I just need something to keep me awake."

"I thought you looked a little sleepy," He said as he looked at me then took a small drink of the coffee full of sugar.

"Is it that obvious?" I say yawning.

"Yeah, pretty much. Is something going on that you haven't told me about? Is there someone I need to beat up?"

"No," I say taking the coffe back from him, "I just visited my parents a few days ago and what we talked about has me a bit stressed I guess."

"Oh, the marraige thing again?" He said remembering what happened last time I had that kind of conversation with my parents. "Well here comes some of the first costumers for today," he said changing subjects, "I'll be in the back if you decide to change jobs for today. It gets boring making all the tea, coffee, and snacks." Hangeng turns and goes to the back as I just reply with "ok" and head to the register setting the coffee on a shelf under the counter.

"Hello and welcome to Heecul's Coffee Corner. How may I help you?" I say getting ready to type in the order then looking up to see a gorgeous young man standing on the other side of the counter.

"Um, I'll just have a decaff coffee please," he says in a friendly tone. Something about his rough yet gentle voice sends a shiver up my spine.

"O-ok, that'll be $1.49. Is that for here or to go?"

"For here please," he throws another smile my way and I can't help but blush and smile back.

"Ok, I'll have that right out for you," I say in a nice tone.

"Thank you," he bows and takes a seat near the window.

I write his order down and send it back to Hangeng then come back to the counter to take the next order. When Hangeng brings out the man's order I take it over to his table and set it down.

"Thank you, uh..." he looks for a name tag but sees that I'm not wearing one and looks akwardly down hoping that I didn't notice him looking at my chest.

"It's Kentrie," I say smiling, "my name's Kentrie."

"Oh, thats a name I've never heard of," he said jokingly but in the nicest way.

"I get that a lot," I laugh back.

"My name is Yesung," he said sticking out his hand for a handshake.

I shake his hand, "Thats a name I think I might not have heard before." Yesung laughs then picks up his coffee and takes a small sip.

"You seem like a nice girl, you should call me some time. We could hang out or something. Hope you don't mind if I invite my boyfriend though."

Once he said that my heart flutters then drops when he said boyfriend. 'He's already dating someone?!' is all I can think. But to be nice you reply, "That sounds great! Here is my number," I take out a napkin and a pen from your apron and write down your number. "Here you go," I say with a friendly smile.

"Cool," he says and takes the napkin, "I'll give you a call later tonight and we can make plans or something."

"Alright," I say still smiling, "I'll talk to you then."

I walk back to the counter in a mood of happiness and dissappointment. 'I can't believe that just happened' think as I take the next order.


After work Hangeng goes to the front window to change the sign to closed. He comes back and sees me about to pass out from lack of sleep.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest. I'll close up alone tonight. I don't mind," he said patting me on the back.

"What? You'd really do that for me?" I say suprised at how he said that without any hint of joking.

"Of course, what are friends for?" He smiles and I hand him my apron and go to get my purse from the back.

"Well thanks for closing up. I'm sorry I'm so tired, if I wasn't I would totally help," I say in an apologetic tone.

"I know, and its alright. I just hate to see you so worn out and hopless," He said like a true friend who didn't mean that in a mean way at all.

I smile and hug him, "Thank you," I say sweetly.

He is a bit confused at first then hugs me back, "Your welcome," he says.

When I let go I see Hangeng's face was a bit red and I realize he was blushing.

"Uh, well," He looks at the floor avoiding eye contact with me, "go get some rest."

I nod and smile then head to my car. When I get home I turn on the TV to some random cartoon that was playing. I watch it for a couple minutes then start to doze off. Before I can actually fall asleep my phone goes off. I stay laying on the couch for a minute then get up to check it. The text was from an unknown number. When you open it, it reads:

Hey, it's Yesung from earlier today at the coffee shop :)

I smile and then remember that he has a boyfriend, then I suddenly frown. I save the number in the phone and text back:

Helleo, how've u been?

"Hmm," I say thinking aloud to myself, "I wonder what his boyfriend is like." I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen. "Maybe since he seems like he would be the guy in the relationship, I can see his boyfriend being someone kind of girlish and feminine."

After grabbing a watter bottle from the fridge, I take a drink then head back over to the couch and check my phone.

I'm doing good, what about you? You seemed pretty tired today at the coffee shop. Everything ok?

I sit there for a minute suprised that he even noticed that I was tired today, then I replied:

Yeah I'm ok, I've just had some touble sleeping for the past few days.

After about a minute my phone goes off again.

Oh, well then get some sleep and text me tomorrow, good night :)

I smile when I see the face at the end of the message then send:

ok i will, good night

"Too bad he's already taken," I say falling back down onto the couch.

I sigh and shut my eyes to finally get some decent sleep.


Hangeng's POV


It's already nine? I couldn't believe how fast today went by. As I closed up the shop Heechul came out from the small office in the back behind the kitchen.

He looks around then asks, "Where did Kentrie go?"

I look walk over towards his direction, "She left early, didn't you see how tired she was today? She could barely keep herself up," I say defending my best friend and co-worker.

"Yeah, I guess," He said leaning against the counter, "I was just about to come out here and check on her. But she never warned me about leaving early."

"Well I told her I'd cover for her," I say putting up my apron.

"Ah, so I see. Well, next time tell her to tell me when she is leaving early," he said with a yawn.

"Ok, I will," I say walking to the front door while putting on my jacket, "Have a nice night Heechul."

"Thanks," he said waving, "You do the same!"

I smile and walk to my car to head home. As I turn on the radio to listen to a CD Kentrie burned for me a few days ago I start to smile.

"I can't believe it," I say shaking my head with a smile.

"Ten years and I still don't have her in my arms..."

When I get home I get out my phone to text Kentrie to see if she made it home alright, but I'm sure she would be asleep by now because of how tired she seemed earlier.

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hope this fic will turn out great! post the first chapter soon! ^^