4- Lost in the night (part 2)

The rain reminded me of her....


Dongwoon was playing the piano with full fervour and he was wondering about which song to sing first, when he tried to think about songs, automatically he was in a loss for words.  He decided to just keep playing fluidly with his dextrous fingers that rolled over the keys with some special power, like his hands were just made to play the piano and indeed they were.

Raina on the other hand was in another realm it seemed like. She seemed lost in her thoughts yet listening to the piano, just like background music.  Dongwoon now thought that it was a good time to start singing, and so he did.  With one hand on hers he started:

                                         “Maybe we need, just a little more time.
                                          Time that can heal, what’s been on your mind
                                          We can find what we’ve lost, before it all slips away.
                                          I need time to remember all the mistakes I've made.
                                          God only knows, what a heart can survive.”

                                                                                          -Cracks of a Broken Heart

“You sang that for your audition too didn’t you?” 

“ Why do you remember everything? You’ve got an elephant’s memory, you know that?” He replied mockingly while smirking, she was no longer lost in her world.
“Why is it that all guys smirk whenever they think up of something? All of them, think about something, smirk, you can find them smirking just like all the time!”

“Was that directed to me?”

“ No I was talking to the walls.”

“Keep talking then, I'm not stopping you.” He grinned.

“Why you little! I’ll count till from 1 to 10 Run devil, you better run!”

Dongwoon got up and rushed towards the bedroom where he picked up his weapons, a pillow and a folded blanket. He opened her cupboard and took out her Santa hat and put it on, “head armour” he called it.  There Raina was counting while her anger was boiling beneath her.

“ 1- 2- 10 Ready or not here I come!” She dashed towards the room and found Dongwoon with his back turned towards her. Just as she entered he turned, with a Santa hat on his head, a pillow in one hand and a folded blanket in the other. How normal.

“ You think you can take me down? ME out of the seven billion people on the planet?” He sang around while jumping.

“When did you become so smart ey? I'm impressed that you know so mu—“
Her voice was blocked by the pillow that out of nowhere hit her face and she fell on her back on the bed. There on the other side the blanket in his hands became undone and he slipped over it, landing right next to her. The expressions on both their faces were those of bewilderment, they look at each other and started laughing like little kids.


“Did you see your face?” Raina was now holding her stomach and laughing hard at Dongwoon’s expression and while doing so she turned and fell off the bed. Now it was Dongwoon’s turn to laugh madly and tell her serves you right.

They both started to run around and were hitting each other with pillows and throwing things around as if nothing was wrong. He didn’t know that something was wrong and she would never let him know.

That stupid thing of a phone had to ring at that precise moment to ruin everything. They stopped midway to search for it through the piles of cushions they had just thrown around. Dongwoon fell over one of the cushions lying on the floor and let out a huge girly scream. How very typical of him.

He just put his hand into his pocket and there it was all nice and shiny, ringing to the tune of “Three bears”. He went out and attended the call, it was from the manager there was no way to avoid it.

Raina just got up and plonked herself on the sofa, picked up the remote-control and switched on the TV.  That stupid phone always had to ring.


She heard him open the door to the verandah and talking in a loud voice over the phone, “Did you have to do that?! People are busy sometimes man!” Then he suddenly became quiet and said, “Yes, I know I know what I signed up for but next time just look at the time before you call, it’s my holiday!”  Saying so, he angrily cut the phone and threw it on the bed while ruffling his hair to brush away all the anger. It wasn’t worth it sometimes. Only  sometimes.

“Someone looks like a red-faced baboon when they’re angry you know, never looked at yourself in the mirror or what?” Raina said while slouching down with a cushion in her lap.
“Hey, you don’t have to do that, mean monkey, always saying something or the other”, laughing while he yanked the cushion off her lap and put his head there instead.

“Yeah, just make yourself comfortable and let the other person go die in a hole, six feet under.” She laughed as she played with his hair.
“So what do you wanna watch? I want to watch something funny.”
“ You.”
“Oy,  stop being cheesy. And hey! Give me a break, I can look funny sometimes okay? No need to tell me, at least I look at myself in the mirror, unlike some people”. She said, shaking her head from side to side. Could he get any more childish? Oh, this was merely the beginning.


The rain clattered on the windows and the cold swift winds sent a chill down her spine. This was only just the beginning.  The storm was starting now, the thunder threatening to take over any sound that tried to overtake it.  They say the eyes are the windows to our soul, whatever emotions we feel, whether we express it or not, can be clearly seen in them. 


There was an unmistakable fear in her eyes. Dongwoon noticed this and held her hand, it was cold. He held on to her, not knowing why she feared, he held on to her, because she had always held on to him. He couldn’t turn away now, he had never wanted to even. He looked into her eyes and stared into them, as if trying to say , “It’s all going to be over soon, there’s nothing to worry about.”




That was the problem, everything was going to be over soon.


Hey guys! Sorry for the lame and extremely late chapter. Thanks to all who still are reading this dumb-ness. In my mind, this story was long over, but to write it properly, ah, its a different thing then.

Help me improve, tell me any pointers you have. Criticisms allowed to the max. 
I won't be updating for a long time again I suppose, exams and the most important years of my life begin today.

Happy new year! May it be one filled with happiness and joy, if you ever feel sad, then don't. Cuz there's always going to be another tomorrow to set it alright.


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Chapter 4: update! wow, im realy glad you wrote this :D not easy to find well written stories out there, esp one with dongwoon in it, so, thank you authornim! all the best for your exams! :D keep thinking you'll do fine, and you'll do. :) hapy new year!
Thanks for the support everyone!
reddishtwin: yes, cua it's impossible and I want it. :P
Wuland: Thank you, keep reading :)
ryukai: Dee I got till here cuz of you
almightygee: Thanks !
So obsessed with HP you had to include a letter form Hogwarts in this chapter? Haha I salute you sis.
You little liar, YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING how could you say you're not good huh now I feel so small sob-sob. But anyway, your fic looks like it's up to a great start. Keep up the good work! And do update soon! I'll be looking forward to it!
wuland #5
yes im interesting with y0ur story, like it thanks
So far, I'm enjoying your style of writing. It has a calm exterior but there is a storm brewing underneath. I love all the sarcatic dialogue :) Just one thing - it is Café and not Caf'e.
almightygee #7
this story is beginning to sound pretty amazing. keep up the good work! :3