Just another day

The rain reminded me of her....


"She can never go, she's just testing my patience." Dongwoon thought as he put down the  bottle of beer he was drinking while looking out of the window. It was raining, just like the day when they both united and just like the day when she left. 

It has been almost a year since she left, leaving him in the storm, on his knees, imploring to her to never leave him but she still left, leaving him alone on the journey of life they had promised they would continue together. The jolts of lightning lighted up the dark night and he saw her, running away into the arms of someone else, he promised himself that time that if he found out who that person was he would confront him and ask him the truth one day. But he was transfixed with utter shock and could not remember anything other than the figure of her silhouette, caused by the lightning bolts that seemed to crack the sky just as her words had cracked his heart into so many pieces. 


"Hey, do you know what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?", she asked him when they were eating lunch at their favourite caf'e, the one near their college.
" I don't even know whaa I'm eatin' riee now, you expect me to know dee weder", his muffled sounds came as he was attempting to chow his sandwich and get more to eat as soon as he was done with it.

"I seriously couldn't have expected a better answer from you, you know. The pig loves to eat as much as he can and then whine about his stomach later" she retorted. Dongwoon looked up suddenly from his sandwich with a piece of lettuce hanging out of his mouth, he hardly gave attention to anything when he was eating so this was something of a big achievement somehow, to get Dongwoon to for once, look away from his food into her eyes which gleamed with curiosity at his unprecedented reaction. He was glaring at her now, trying to digest what she meant to say, and also what he had managed to hog down a while ago.
"What do you mean by that?" Dongwoon said keeping the sandwich down for a swig of coke instead. 

"You know, just talking about pigs and how they love their food so much that they can't look away from it". She replied with a slight smile that looked mischievious.
"Oh puhleez", Dongwoon imitated her phrase, the one she used henever she made fun of his eating habits which were needless to say out of the world for sure. 
"You're such a girl! If it wouldn't have been for your height, I'd have put a wig on your big head and you'd have boys following you."

Dongwoon raised an eyebrow at this and snorted mumbling ," I always knew I was the smart one with the big head." 
"Bless this vain creature, God, for once give him some sense!  Anyways, about the weather, they say there's going to be a thunderstorm soon so you better eat fast and then go home." She said finally getting to the point of the conversation since Dongwoon looked way too eager to finish his food first. Hearing these words however seemed to bring his attention back to the conversation since he suddenly turned towards her, an astonished look on his face.
"I'm not coming to your house today? It's the weekend right, I always come at weekends!" He was wondering why they weren't going to stay together and do homework today, a lot of it was pending for Dongwoon since he still had practices going on in addition to preparing for the new album his group was working on. Even though she did most of his work, he did one job perfectly fine, nagging.

He'd always tell her "Hurry up would you!", "You expect that you will understand your own handwriting after doing it half-heartedly? You can do it well, Fighting!" In the end she would always be tired of doing both his and her own homework but angry too, it always ended with a pillow fight and playing the piano at night. It was only at weekends that they really got to spend some time together, Dongwoon wasn't at college for more than half the time and when he did come, he would be followed around by his fangirls. He wondered how they were still together, one year was almost over since they first met. Still they never stopped fighting and bickering with each other during lunch time. It was one thing he never understood, he passed on the thought, just thinking that women are more complicated than Algebra and Trigonometry combined.

"Oh it's nothing, I just have some work to do."
"Can I come too?"
" You hardly get to rest, why don't you go home and sleep with a nice big cup of coffee? I bet you must be tired after an entire week of practice."
" That's there too, by the way we should get going now, looks like it's going to rain heavily."

Unknowingly, he had suddenly lost his appetite, there was a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach and he was sure it was not because of eating too much. It was something like a premonition, he felt a bit worried, it felt like something was going to happen, something that would change his life. He dismissed the thought from his mind and got up to go home with her, swinging an arm around her shoulder and humming a song.
It was just like any other normal day.

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Chapter 4: update! wow, im realy glad you wrote this :D not easy to find well written stories out there, esp one with dongwoon in it, so, thank you authornim! all the best for your exams! :D keep thinking you'll do fine, and you'll do. :) hapy new year!
Thanks for the support everyone!
reddishtwin: yes, cua it's impossible and I want it. :P
Wuland: Thank you, keep reading :)
ryukai: Dee I got till here cuz of you
almightygee: Thanks !
So obsessed with HP you had to include a letter form Hogwarts in this chapter? Haha I salute you sis.
You little liar, YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING how could you say you're not good huh now I feel so small sob-sob. But anyway, your fic looks like it's up to a great start. Keep up the good work! And do update soon! I'll be looking forward to it!
wuland #5
yes im interesting with y0ur story, like it thanks
So far, I'm enjoying your style of writing. It has a calm exterior but there is a storm brewing underneath. I love all the sarcatic dialogue :) Just one thing - it is Café and not Caf'e.
almightygee #7
this story is beginning to sound pretty amazing. keep up the good work! :3