Chapter3- Lost in the night (Part 1)

The rain reminded me of her....


Raina was going over her file again and again, trying to figure out if there was something wrong with it, she had a feeling there was but she couldn’t place it. She was startled by the ringing of the doorbell. She took all the papers and put them in the file, in a rush she ran and kept the file in the cupboard. The bell rang again, many times in fact, someone was very impatient.

“Ring ding dong, ring ding dong, ring digi-ding digi ding ding ding.” Dongwoon sang from outside the door. Raina could almost see him rolling his eyes even though the door was closed. He was a funny guy, doing childish things all the time, even though he looked old enough once he smiled you could see all his innocence, equal to that of a child, coming out of him. That’s what she loved about him, it was that smile she yearned to see again.

“Hold your horses Grandpa, man you’ve got no patience at all.” Raina retorted, she loved doing that, it always got him frustrated, her answers that is. But they always managed to brighten up the mood. They bickered with each other all the time but once they looked into each other’s eyes, even if only for a moment, they were reminded of all the things they had done together, of the things they loved about each other.

As soon as she opened the door he came in like the storm outside, messy and completely disorganized but after you’ve just woken up from sleep it’s a bit hard to concentrate on well anything in general except the things that matter the most to you.

He gave her a big hug, it felt like Raina was taken back to her childhood, she used to hug her big teddy bear and fall into slumber in the warmth she felt just by the presence of something she loved. He was no exception. He was just like her teddy bear, warm, cuddly and extremely childish.

Did I just compare him to a teddy bear? She thought, boy am I losing my mind or what? But she shouldn’t be too fond of him, not now when she was forced by circumstances to do what she hadn’t dreamt of even in her wildest dreams. She had to let go, sooner better than later. You cannot argue with fate can you? You can change it but only with your choices and that is why she had to replace her heart with a stone that burdened her, made her angry at herself. He had to leave her.

“Gerooffaa me, Old man!” she tried to speak under his jacket, bad idea she thought.

He let go off her, but not without grinning and hitting her behind the back of her head lightly. He loved doing that and in response she always overreacted. “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction” she said. He chuckled to himself at the strangeness of it all. Here he was ready never to let her go and she pushed him off calling him an Old man again, sigh girls.

He went and plonked himself up on the sofa, acting exhausted. Raina laughed to herself mumbling something but all he heard was “Never improve”.

“Yo Grandma!” he called her, patting the seat next to his and making himself comfortable. When she rolled her eyes, he started jumping around on the spot yelling “Come right here, Sugar Daddy will make it all right!”
Oh hell no, did he just call himself sugar daddy? She was never going to forget that one.

“Dongwoon-ah. Can you come over to the piano please? I can’t wait to listen to you singing again.”
Whoa, this wasn’t just happening, she just didn’t ask him to come over to the piano did she? She never asked for anything. It was always a huge headache for him to decide on gifts, whenever he asked her she replied with a bored tone in her voice “A Billion dollars and a letter from Hogwarts”. Since then he had started making songs for her, when he first sang for her, she was so overwhelmed by it all that she started crying, “sweating through my eyes” as she called it.

He hurried over to where she sat, open hair lightly blowing because of the open window and her head bowed, looking towards the piano. As he sat next to her, she looked into his eyes, staring into his soul, he looked back and couldn’t mistake the look of hurt in her eyes, she was hiding something, it felt like it. Just like in the afternoon, he felt uneasy, not under her gaze, but under the feeling that her eyes gave off. He didn’t know what it was and what he could do about it. All he ever wanted was for her to be happy. Noticing his confused look, she smiled immediately, almost reading his mind. His heart beamed at the smile, that’s how he always wanted to see her, smiling, because of him.

He went over to her and starting to play, he felt like the silence should first be filled up by the music generated by the keys of the piano and not his voice. He wanted the music to flow through them, just like their emotions and impulses. With each high note on the piano he wanted to experience a great experience in his life again, remember it again. With each low note he wanted to remember the hardships he had gone through and together with both the notes he wanted to show her that life is just like a symphony, filled with both high and low notes, just like life on its own. Even though there are many highs and many lows  , the end result is beauty in abstract. He wanted her to know that he was there, whatever happened.

He played with one hand and kept the other on hers, petite and like a child’s as compared to his huge masculine one. She looked up to him smiling and nodding, she knew what he meant just by looking at his eyes. It had pure concern for her, for what, he didn’t know. She now knew that even he could sense something was wrong but nevertheless she kept smiling, she had learnt to do so after going through a lot too. In a way, in their bad times where they couldn’t   be near each other, it was the hardships they endured that bound them together, made them what they were today.

He started to sing finally, trying to break the ice or rather the blanket of warmth and silence that surrounded them. He always felt guilty that he couldn’t spend enough time with her and that she always had to wait, now that he had the time, he wanted to fulfil his promises and commitments to her. Even though they were separated for long periods of time, it isn’t or it wasn’t always the similarities only in them that brought them together, it was the differences too. At one time he remembered feeling lost and angry at himself for not giving her time, he wanted her to be happy, even if it meant leaving her for her own good. He remembered what she had said to him that time.

You just can’t do that. I'm going to be really honest with you, let me finish and don’t interrupt, you’ve told me what you think and now it’s my turn to talk and you will listen. Two people meet, start becoming good friends and soon it becomes more than that. I don’t know if you remember it but you mean a lot to me. Whenever you were not there, I understood because I knew what you had to do, I know sometimes you just want to leave what you’ve worked so hard for.

You’re no one to decide what’s good for me or not, my mom does that not you. Do you feel that we have absolutely nothing between us to actually not care about one another? Just because you’re not there most of the time doesn’t mean that we don’t care about each other. I know you care, I trust you on that, if you plan on breaking that I’d feel bad but if that’s what makes you happy then fine I’ll learn to live with it.”

That was when he knew that he had found the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Hey readers, I'm extremely sorry for prolonging the update for like ages! I sit in bed at night and think about what I'll write next, I come up with great lines and words then sleep and forget it all, yup you guessed it right, I'm just too lazy. Then today I forced myself to finish the pending update for 1 chapter atleast, this one's kind of like a filler but I hope you like it, iif you find ANY ANY ANY mistake you will tell me because I'm desperate to improve. It's going to be my first year since starting writing soon. Fanfictions are new to me and I'm kind of liking them but I hate my sloggish-ness it takes the fun out of everything ( that's right I scold myself) ( I'm astonished as to how the Neurology journal still doesn't have my picture yet)

School is going to start soon and so are exams and it is 10th grade, a VERY important year for an Indian student so I need to buckle up, tighten my shoelaces and start studying if I want to pass even.
Thanks for the support everyone, I really appreciate it when people enjoy my writing
Since exams are coming soon, I may not write much, but I'll try to (not my best though cuz i'm lazy i admit) 
Wish me all the best! Thanks for reading guys!
- Dumb Kid (Komal) ( Did you know that komal is like kkumeul in korean like same pronounciation and it means "Dream", I lost my mind when I heard Dongwoon say the word in a song)
PS- Just made a random poster of sorts which is ermm *walks away quietly


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Chapter 4: update! wow, im realy glad you wrote this :D not easy to find well written stories out there, esp one with dongwoon in it, so, thank you authornim! all the best for your exams! :D keep thinking you'll do fine, and you'll do. :) hapy new year!
Thanks for the support everyone!
reddishtwin: yes, cua it's impossible and I want it. :P
Wuland: Thank you, keep reading :)
ryukai: Dee I got till here cuz of you
almightygee: Thanks !
So obsessed with HP you had to include a letter form Hogwarts in this chapter? Haha I salute you sis.
You little liar, YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING how could you say you're not good huh now I feel so small sob-sob. But anyway, your fic looks like it's up to a great start. Keep up the good work! And do update soon! I'll be looking forward to it!
wuland #5
yes im interesting with y0ur story, like it thanks
So far, I'm enjoying your style of writing. It has a calm exterior but there is a storm brewing underneath. I love all the sarcatic dialogue :) Just one thing - it is Café and not Caf'e.
almightygee #7
this story is beginning to sound pretty amazing. keep up the good work! :3