Prologue: The Prophecy

The Forbidden Princess


"With the comprehension of the human mind, one child may rise up to overthrow royal rule"

- Tree of Life






Kris frowned, trying to sooth the irritating itch in his wings as the Guardian paced around the room, his cold grey eyes boring into his. His wings were going through a particularly painful spurt of growth and the incessant flapping sounds that were a result of him trying to press his wings together didn’t impress his teacher. Usually, guardians-in-training were subject to strict hours in training, learning how to harness their affinities, perfecting their etiquette and learning the principals and values on which all Guardians operated. Today though, as Exo-M’s leader, Kris was worried that the lazy start to the day (cookies and milk-tea, a treat provided only on days of celebration) were a sign that things were starting to fall apart.


“Duizhang, you’re such a worry wart!” the innocent Xiumin had as Kris chewed on his cookie broodingly in the cafeteria.


“I’m sure they just realised how hard-working and beautiful and talented and gorgeous we are-“ Tao was always quick to refute authority. The cheeky maknae was cut off with a withering glare, courtesy of the nervous Leader. He slammed his chopsticks onto the metal tray and stood up, tossing all the contents into a nearby trash-can. Being the leader bought heavy burden onto the nine year old’s shoulders and he was too busy stressing himself out to even reply to his brothers.


“I’m going to find a guardian,” he announced in a firm tone, lips pressed into a tight line as worry lines etched themselves into his forehead. “Please, please don’t do anything stupid like going to the main river and fishing or picking wild berries or trying to catch unicorns, because I’m not going to help any of you. Do I make myself clear? That includes, bandaging, covering up, making excuses...”


“Well isn’t he all sunshine and rainbows today,” Chen grumbled as the five nodded frantically. They knew each other well enough to know their eldest brother was not in the mood for their cheeky behaviour.


And hence was why Kris was standing nervously in front of one of the most powerful people on his planet, about to ask a very obscure question. His teacher sighed and stopped, using his own power to read the young boy’s mind.


“You say you’re worried?” the Guardian began, hesitating a little as he went on. The grave look in the Guardian's eyes was unmistakable as he sighed in a way that made Kris wonder if his predictions were correct. The older male rubbed his palms together and Kris noticed the skin on his hands was almost leathery, thousands of tiny creases snaking their way up his finegrs. “The tree just gave its prophecy.”


Kris inhaled sharply, trying to keep from fanning his wings out too far or from clapping his hands in glee. In the few months that he had been training his art of flight, he'd knocked down about twenty-two vases and fifteen portraits. The tree gave a prophecy once in five hundred years and they would always be of huge guidance for the Exonian people. As an eager nine-year-old, he could hardly wait to ask. “So what was the prophecy?”

The Guardian fixed his gaze on the child's smiling enigmatically as he decided to let the leader in on a little secret. His voice was silky smooth as he dictated the words of the tree, betraying no emotion at all. 


With the comprehension of the human mind, one child may rise up to overthrow royal rule"


Kris’s blood ran cold. 






“… We therefore propose the arranged marriage of Princess Seo Jihae to be betrothed to a Jung noblemen, as it will benefit the current economic status of our kingdom.”


Jihae stared boredly as the minister droned on and on about her life and decisions she should’ve been making for herself. Being a princess had helped her develop a certain indifference to anything that concerned her privacy, it had been invaded too many times to count. Not to mention she had just turned the tender age of six, a little too young to think of anything but butterflies and rainbows. Beside her, her adorable little brother Seo Luhan felt like bouncing up and down on his comfy, cushioned chair but noticed the dangerous look on his sister’s face and gulped.


“Princess, any objections?” The ministers all turned to her, their faces plastered with fake smiles, some even going as far to snort. Who would think a mere six year old could say anything of use? Jihae stood up leisurely, smoothing down the creases in her chiffon skirt.


“Exo is currently experiencing a hike in the value of its currency, allowing us to purchase larger amounts of fuel to power the machines that work our mines - mines that provide the wealth needed to sustain a planet. Our planet produces the finest pink diamonds our galaxy has ever known. If this marriage is ever essential, please notify me and I will gladly accept on the grounds that I hold a duty to serve my people. If this is merely a ploy to create a false sense of security and gossip for our people then I presume it is not the right thing to do,” Jihae replied calmly, wiping the smiles of the ministers’ faces. Her languages teacher, Minister Kang leaned over to take a gulp of wine, absent-mindedly dipping his beard into a hot pepper sauce. Jihae knew how much the tabloids loved hearing about royal scandals and how this huge announcement would determine a huge income for those who were involved with them. 90% of the ministers owned tabloid companies themselves. 


“Princess, it is not our intention to-“Minister Kang spoke hurriedly, flinching under her steady gaze.


“Then why not the potential heir, my brother? The Jungs are noted for their beautiful too, naming one, Jung Soojung, a girl renowned for her silky black hair,” Jihae continued, ignoring the disgruntled look her angel-faced brother had shot her. “Wouldn’t it be stronger political marriage to uphold?”


“Princess! We do not wish to pursue this decision any further-“ Minister Kang was letting the pepper sauce-dipped beard brush his fine gold robe, smearing the foul-smelling stuff all over his chest especially since the sauce had been an accompanyment to fish. 


“But that is not what you want because Luhan is too much of a valuable asset to lose, while a mere girl could not do anymore than create gossip among my people?” Jihae continued with a sweet smile painted over her features. She maintained a façade of innocence, not letting the dishonest ministers throw the blame on her. “If you, ministers responsible for creating equality and peace on our planet believe in these values you’ve blatantly shown us today, then I, as Princess of Exo must ask- are every one of you right for the position you uphold?”


The ministers, one by one were silenced, each inhaling with caution as if even their tiniest movements would attract the young princess’s attention. Their faces were pale and their palms sweaty. Jihae smiled an enigmatic smile and stepped of the podium, grabbing a portion of cake just to be cheeky. Luhan, who often idolised his sister followed suit and grabbed a chocolate-dipped strawberry, chewing on it insolently to show his defiance. 









Sooyeon settled beside her husband who was lying half- in bead, sweat slicking his toned chest. She’d seen many beautiful men in her life-time so the sight of her gorgeous husband didn’t exactly excite or arouse her. He turned to capture her petite frame in his arms, sleepily nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck. Too bad she didn’t love him half as much as she made it out to be.


“Yunho…” she cooed sweetly, feigning drowsiness as she rubbed her eyes adorably.


“Mhmmm?” Yunho replied, sighing contentedly.


“The Royal family…” she murmured as she a blood-red fingernail down the side of his face. Yunho stiffened, he’d always been a bitter rival of the King’s ever since they started out in Royal Exonian Academy for the elite. He was fully awake now, all signs of sleepiness gone from his handsome features.


“Yes?” he answered, sitting straight up as he carried his wife’s head in his arms, cradling it gently. His tone was bitter as he replied, his wife was indeed strikingly beautiful but her plans to overthrow the royal family were often smart but ridiculously impossible. “What are we going to do? Assassinate them all?”


“The Tree of Life gave its prophecy today,” Sooyeon murmured, ignoring her husband’s question before she dictated the phrase. Outside, the citizens were indulging in festivities in the wake of the announcement. The Tree was their sole source of power, wise and greatly revered. “With the comprehension of the human mind, one child may rise up to overthrow royal rule.”


Yunho felt a smirk spread across his face slowly. He felt himself floating on a cloud of gold, the admiring faces of the naïve Exonians smiling up at their new King and the best of all, the sight of his dear rival, Seo Jiseok grovelling at his feet. He spoke hastily, pulling his noble robes over his bare body. “Seo Jihae, the little prodigy-princess, she’s the key to our success.”


Sooyeon smiled, satisfied she’d manipulated her husband for her own benefit. It was almost enough to compensate the fact that just today, she’d discovered birthmark’s on all of her six son’s shoulders. Birthmarks that marked them heavenly duty – duty as Guardians of Exo. 



Royal Rule No 1:

For the Chosen Guardians of Exo, their duty overrules their life, including royal duties....




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Alxnndaydp #1
Chapter 6: oh my god this is an awesome story. please continue it. update soon please :} the queen is such a biatch=_=
nicceee`~amazingly awesome!!!
Wow! I just discovered the story and read through it faster than Kris flies.. XD
It is really (and I mean REALLY~!) good! I love your writing style. I wonder how you work since you seem to be two... :)
I will be waiting an update! Keep up the good work!
Hello, sweeties! c:
Thank you for being so patient with us. We're happy to let you know that your review has finally been finished over at the shoppe! ;3 Please don't forget to comment and credit!
Your story review is finished ^^
Chapter 6: I just hate Sooyeon >><<
AND Luhan and Jihae sorta felt a connection eh?
Chapter 6: UPDATE NOW>>>
coolme #8
Chapter 6: Haha omg i just absolutely adore your writing!
The story is progressing really well and i just cant wait fro Jihae to meet everyone Muahahaha
oh and thank for the update... ><