Madame Jessica

A Very Fluffy Tale In A Fluffy Dimension


Still SuJu and SHINee POV


After the reunion with Heechul, SuJu and SHINee went to eat sushi.


1 Hour Later


"Okay do you guys want to go around to the few shops outside of here?" Leetuek asked.


"Sure!" the latter replied back.


After looking around at the small shops, they decided to go back home. But, apparently the SM vans decided to ditch them in the middle of Seoul because the drivers craved to eat donuts (fatasses :P). Which means they left SHINee and Suju at the shops.


"What the hell happened to our van?" Kyuhyun yelled.


"Hey guys, there's a note here," Siwon said, picking up a small piece of paper up.


They read the note:


Dear fellow Kpop Idols,

Since we're craving for donuts, we decided to ditch you guys in the middle of Seoul. Sorry for the inconvience. We're guessing that you guys might have to walk home. Oh well.


The Drivers :D


"More like sincerely, the fatasses," Kyuhyun snickered.


"Good one Kyuhyun hyung," Jonghyun commented.


They started to walk home. On the way, they met an old lady who asked for help.


"Hey you! Young man! Would you like to help an elderly person cross the street?" she asked politely.


"Sorry, but we need to get back to our dorms. We have an interview in a couple of minutes so we have to go home quickly," Sungmin reasoned.


"But please there are so many cars that are moving so fast," she said, trying to convince them.


"No way you old hag!" Kyuhyun swore.


"Kyuhyun!/Kyuhyun hyung! You don't yell at an elderly person! Apologize!" every else yelled at him.


"I don't have to say sorry to that old hag!" said Kyuhyun stubbornly.


"Grr, you have angered the great, awesome, ultimate, not-elderly, awesome-sauce, Madame Jessica! For that you shall pay." said the angered old lady.


"... Ok?" Suju/SHINee said, being a bit surprised.


"Expelleramis-Transportus-Toto-Thena-Fluffia-Dimensionus!" Madame Jessica shouted as cast a spell on SuJu and SHINee.


"..." Nothing happened.


"Just a wait a bit will you! Geez, kids these days," she said, annoyed.


She heard a "Pop!" and turned around. "Finally they're gone!"




"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" shouted Jonghyun.


They were apparrently spinning around in a rainbow time travel.....portal?


The torture portal finally stopped when when they landed on what appears to be either fluffy cotton candy or clouds. (I think it's cotton candy. With Pop Rocks infused in it :D.)


And a piece of dog suddenly fell down and landed on Kyuhyun's oddly shaped head.


"What the ?"


"BWAHAAHAHAHAHA! THAT'S REVENGE FOR YOU!" Eunhyuk said, still laughing and rolling around on the ground.


''Shut up."


And then Donghae randomly glomped Eunhyuk. "Hyukkie!"


Eunhyuk blushed.


"Wait a minute. Where are we?" Onew asked to no in particular.


"I think we're in some sort of fluffy (gay) world," Leetuek suggested.


Kyuhyun felt something furry brush against his hand. He went to look at his reflection in a nearby chocolate pond.






"We're all part animal!"




Everyone went to look.


"Ugh, wait for me!!" said Yesung.


"Kyuhyun's right. We are."


Everyone had either animal ears and a tail or 2 things that relate to the animal.


"What now?" Yesung asked.



Ok if everyone wants to know what animal they are, here's a list:














Well, until next time! Bye!

-Snowy1364 and Katdaug20387




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Chapter 19: Oh Yay! =D
nAJOnHyun #2
Chapter 18: Vampire~ shinee and sj^^
Chapter 18: A! Or C! In a vampire-wolf universe thingy~
Chapter 18: B!!! I LOVE MINECRAFT!!!!
fanficfan499 #5
Chapter 18: C somewhere dangerous ^^
Chapter 18: C! Somewhere mysterious and dangerous..... Like a werewolf or vampire thing! (NOT TWILIGHT!!!)
kausalluveunhae #7
Chapter 17: both and hw bout exo too....hehe
Chapter 17: both pretty please.
Chapter 17: E/D!! I Don't Care, just do both or watever ^^ XD
Chapter 17: nyahahahahaha xD
it's so ____ing hillarious!!

*poof siwon appear
"u must repent ur si..."

"shut up siwon!!" throw bible on his face