Don't Wanna be Alone

Irresistible Lips

"Singapore! Singapore! Singapore!" the group BtoB was shouting inside the van, because they were too excited of the vacation. I was silently clapping and my smile was just wide the whole time. "Woot! Singapore! Hong depyo-nim is so generous!" Eunkwangie exclaimed before most of us laughed. "This is only once so let's enjoy it to the fullest," Minhyuk said, and we all agreed, before chanting the country's name again. I glanced at Sungjae who was a little lifeless, I didn't know why. I moved a little closer to him and rested my chin on his shoulder, poking his side as well. "Sungjae..." I began, as he glaced back at me. "What is it, Peniel-hyung?" he asked with a light smile on his face. "Are you okay?" I asked, with my eyes round and innocent. He chuckled and made me sit straight, then he rested his head on my shoulder. "Everything is fine..." he mumbled, but I felt something wrong. Heat. His body heat, I felt it was different than the past times he did this. I moved my hand to his forehead, then to his neck. I widened my eyes slightly, as we reached the airport and glanced back at Sungjae. "You have a fever..."

We sat in the seats behind hyungs, and I sat beside Sungjae who was in the window seat. In front of him was Ilhoon, who seemed to be thinking of something. I didn't know why as well. What was happening to our maknaes? I looked back at Sungjae who seemed to be paler and more lifeless as each minute passed. I looked at him worriedly and touched his hand lovingly. "Are you going to be okay this trip?" I asked as Sungjae tilted his head and smiled at me. "Don't worry hyung.. I'll be fine..." Sungjae assured and intertwined our fingers. He always knew I liked this kind of skinship. I just smiled warmly and nodded, as I rested my head on the neck pillow, and doze off to sleep. 

As we reached the airport, it was breathtaking to see hundreds of fans waiting there. I tended some fan requests while we were walking down the hall but I held Sungjae close to me, since I knew he was sick and feeling a little down. We got in a van and we rode it to the hotel, hoping there was medicine there. As we reached the hotel, I helped Sungjae in unpacking his things and arranging his bed. He plopped down in his bed and wrapped the blanket around him. "So cold..." he mumbled, making me worried more than ever. "Wait I'm just gonna call hyung, okay?" I said before leaving but Sungjae stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "H-hyung.... Stay..." he managed to say. I bit my lip and couldn't help but do as he pleases. I just wished that someone, anyone, would come to our bedroom to see this. Thankfully, someone did. 

"Peniel-ah! Are you finished-- What happened??" Hyunsik hyung said as he entered the room, then seeing Sungjae wrapped with blankets. I looked at him with pleading eyes. "Hyung Sungjae is sick... He has fever.. Get medicine..." I stated before Hyunsik nodded. "Okay, okay... I'll ask Yonghyun-hyung for medicine," he assured before leaving instantly. I looked back at Sungjae and smiled lightly. "Sungjae... Everything's going to be alright..." I comfortingly said, holding his hand tight. 

Why was Peniel-hyung like that? Suddenly, he became worried about me. I hate it! I hate it! I love it? No, I hate it! He should have shown me that he worries about me weeks ago. At least I had that glint of hope that he cares about me, or even loves me. Did he not get my teases for him? That pretend kissing, our skinship, everything, were hints that I loved him so much. I didn't know why he didn't get it. Maybe because he thought it's only brotherly love. Maybe that was it. Brotherly love or worse, friendly love. I snapped back to reality when I heard Peniel's comforting voice, as I felt I needed more warmth because of the cold. I wrapped another blanket myself and Peniel helped me with it. I lied back down and turned sideways not to face hyung. It was too painful to bear. I closed my eyes and slowly, I drifted to sleep.

I ran, as fast as I can. It was evening, the cold wind sent chills to my spine and the stars twinkled as if they were cheering me. Cheering me on what? I don't know. I just ran as fast as I can, until the setting became clear to my eyes. The airport. Out of all places, why the airport? I don't know as well. My mind was off to thinking while my body just reacted like I was searching for somebody. As I saw a familiar body, my body just ran to it and hugged it tightly. I was shocked. My body hugs random people. I felt that a tear slipped from my eyes and I was crying. "Peniel hyung... Don't leave me here... Please..." Those were the words that slipped from my mouth. The figure didn't move, it was totally petrified in that spot. Before he removed my arms and pulled away from my hug. "I'm sorry Sungjae," was all that I heard before I trembled to the tiled floor and yelled...

"Peniel!" I yelled as I sat up from my bed. I looked around, beads of sweat fell from my forehead as well as the wet cloth on my head. I was still in our hotel room, and I sighed contently. It was only a dream. I adjusted myself and saw Peniel hyung sleeping in the chair but his head and arms were on the bed. I almost shed a tear. He kept being with me all this time, instead of having fun in this country. I smiled warmly and fixed his bangs, making his milky white skin appear along with his face. His glistening eyes, his nose, his red lips, all were perfect. I couldn't help but lean in to him. But I quickly lied down again when I saw him shift. When I heard it was quiet already, I sat up and saw his face in my direction. Perfect. I leaned in slowly and silently, not to wake him up. I stopped when our faces were one inch apart, hesistating a little whether I will continue or not. It didn't matter to me, he wouldn't know anyway. I crashed my lips against Peniel's lips, even though I knew he wouldn't answer it. I closed my eyes, as if the world stopped. I made the feeling linger, since I knew it was going to be my last kiss from him. 

I was taking the elevator up to our hotel room, smiling as I got the medicine for Sungjae already. I walked in to their room quietly not to wake them up, but something shocked me. I saw Sungjae, kissing Peniel in his lip. I couldn't move at all. Who wouldn't be? Seeing one of your band members kissing another band member. It was not right. I slowly went out and leaned my back to the wall. "Sungjae-yah...." I mumbled and shook my head. 

A/N: Surprised with the sudden new POV? I hoped you were xD Okay, so first was Peniel's, then it was Sungjae's, then finally the mystery POV x3 Who do you think it was? Hyunsik? Changsub? Eunkwang? Hohoho! Don't worry, the answer is in the next chapet ;3

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Hi Subscribers! Minhoon Chapter will be posted in a few days! It has in it, because majority voted for . So anticipate!


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Chapter 13: That's too bad. :( Well, I wish a good luck with your school. *wave*

be back again someday. :)
It almost a year since the last update. T_T When will you update this?
Chapter 10: Please Update Soon!!!
Hi, I just already read your fiction yesterday but I really really like it. Thank you for your. I don't know but I really like the way how you tell the story <3 So nice ^^
I see that you're so busy with your school hwaiting ~ I'm waiting and encouraging you to update a new chapter :x
And one more thing, can I translate your fiction to Vietnamese for my friends? I'll link to your original and also I will fill all information about author and your fiction. Because my friend's English is not good but finding fiction about MinHoon couple in our language is too difficult so I want to translate your fiction for my friend because I really like your fiction. Hope you can allow me to translate :x Thanks and hwaiting ~

Have a nice day.
CunieCun ~
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #5
OMG looove this FF <333 PLZ keep going even thought u r busy i'll wait, so dont stooop!!! >,<
Update sooon!!!!
Chapter 11: I love Minhoon and Penjae I hope more updates come and don't stop cause this is addicting
idollartree #7
Chapter 11: Baek Seungheon getting mentioned makes me love this story even more than I already did :)
MeNotYou #8
Chapter 11: Omg I love Minhoon and Penjae! Thank you so much for updating, been waiting for it for ages xD
Chapter 11: Bahahaha the KwangSeobSik trio are stalkers and instigators XD But I'm not complaining since it brought out MinHoon and PenJae~~~