First Day

A Thousand Pieces
Yeon Young's P.O.V

First day back at school after the, erm, incident. Also the first day back in school as Junhyung's girlfriend. I had my earphones in and was walking to school to Change by HyunA. I was so busy thinking about what happened that I hadn't noticed I had reached the street corner. Dazed, I didn't even see the street pole. A sharp pain rang through me. I pulled my earphones out and rubbed my forehead.

"Please don't tell me I'm dating an embarrassing klutz." I know that voice anywhere, I spent most of my time here running from it. Junhyung smirked and walked over to me. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He put his arm over my shoulder.

"I'm here to drive you to school, jagiya. And do you have my lunch? Just because we're together doesn't mean the deal is off." I shoved the lunchbox at him and kept walking.

"I like walking." Actually, I'd love to take a ride in his R8, even his music is similar to my taste. I just don't want to make a big deal at school. Those girls recognize his car as if it was their own. "Junhyung." He caught up to me.

"Hmmm? And you should call me oppa." I smacked him in the arm.

"Could we stay quiet about us? I don't want anymore attention, not from those girls."


"What?" He took a deep breath.

"I want the world to know that Jung Yeon Young is my girlfriend!" Junhyung shouted the last part out loud. I held my hand over his mouth, shushing him. He laughed and put his arm back around me. "I'll walk you to school. And I won't say anything to those girls. I don't need to."

"What do you mean?" I stepped in front of him. He grinned.

"You'll get jealous of the girls bugging me and you'll tell them yourself. Either that or..." He looked at the ring on my hand. . I tried to pull it off. Exasperated, I stopped struggling with the ring and gave up. He grabbed my hand slipping his fingers between mine.

"Didn't you take your car? Why are you bugging me?" He gasped pretending to be hurt by my questions.

"Nope. I had a feeling you'd say no, so I had my driver take me here and sent him away." He swung our hands back and forth.

"And if I had said yes?" He scratched the back of his head, obviously never thinking of that possibility. I scoffed.

"Then I guess I'd have to carry you...LIKE THIS." He carried me up bridal style. I felt my face turn red. I smacked his chest.

"HEY. PUT ME DOWN." I looked around at the people whispering. An ahjussi and ahjumma were laughing. I knew that couple. They're my neighbors, their apartment was in front of mine. "People are looking," I whispered.

"So let them." Embarassed, I buried my face into his neck. I kind of liked this, despite the embarassment, but I wasn't about to let him know that. He was warm, and he wasn't going to put me down. I stopped struggling and pulled myself closer. Even with my face in his neck, I knew he was smiling. This is a victory for him.

"Aren't you tired?"

"Anni. Just relax and let me take you to school, nae?" I nodded.



"Yah, Junhyung!" Yoon Doojoon's voice. "Is that my little sister you're carrying?" I became quite close to his group. I had trouble being in my apartment after what happened so they took turns taking care of me. They're like my brothers now.

"Since when did I approve of you, Yong Junhyung? If she gets hurt, you're dead." I recognized that sweet voice, Yang Yoseob.

"Yah, whose best friend are you? We've known each other since we were kids!" Junhyung held on to me, but I knew he was going to have another battle with Yoseob.

"I'm friends with both of you, but I like her more." I smirked against Junhyung's neck.

"I felt that." This was directed at me. "Don't make me drop you."

"You drop her and I'll make sure you hit the ground before she does." Lee Gikwang.

"YAH." Junhyung shouted but he tried not to disturb me.

"Even I'm on Youngie's side." Son Dongwoon. I've completely taken over his group of friends. My cheeks hurt from smiling.

"Youngie? How well do you know her? You guys. Traitors. Meet a girl and ditch your friend." I was surprised he was carrying me for so long. It's a twenty minute walk to school, and he was arguing with them for at least ten.

"Alright, that's enough. We all agree Yeon Young is cuter than Junhyung. Let's just get to school before the bell rings. Come on, ugly." I felt Doojoon pat Junhyung's back.



After a few more minutes, I began hearing female screams, followed by disappointed murmurs. "Oppa is here!"

"But, who's that girl?"

"Could it be?"

"Look! His hand! It's a couple ring!" Shriek of anger. I hid my face deeper into his neck.

"Yeon Young isn't at school yet!" Crap.

"Is that her?" No no no no. Someone tapped my shoulder.

"Don't worry about them, we got your back." Gikwang. I pulled my face away and looked at him. He smiled reassuringly at me. I turned my gaze to Junhyung. Looking down at me, he smiled and nodded.

"Oppa! Who's that girl? Is she hurt? She has legs. Can't she walk?" He just kept walking. I tapped his chest.

"We're already at school, why aren't you putting me down?"

"I'm walking you to class." He smirked at me. The group of girls followed us.

We got to my class, but rather than putting me down outside, he asked me where I sat. "You've already caused a huge scene, just put me down here."

"I'm already here, just let me put you down where you sit. Don't make me carry you the whole class period." I sighed and pointed to the seat in the back. He sat me down at my desk. "Be good, Jagiya." He leaned in and kissed me gently. I sat there, dazed. I heard a few of the girls scream, throwing a tantrum outside. Realizing what had just happened, I clasped my hands over mouth in shock.

He smirked and stood up straight. He walked out of the classroom, leaving me there to face the crowd of hateful glares alone. Of course he did. He made a scene and now I have to deal with it. I just kept my head down. "Annyeong, Youngie! Have fun in class!" That group of boys. I'm going to kill them later. I just dropped my head onto my desk. The girls around me slammed their books on their desks. I could feel their eyes burn a hole into me.

This is going to be a very long day.

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still busy. crazy school work. still working very very slowly!


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peipei_bigbadgirl #1
Chapter 35: I like it the best!! Update soon
anasilvia #2
Chapter 34: Thanks for the update ..
Chapter 32: I love this story it's like the best
anasilvia #4
Chapter 31: Please update soon!
ellemoo #5
Chapter 31: Is it Yoseob? Please update soon <33 Curiosity is killing me XD
Chapter 31: lol hey new fan here and i love your story update soon
ellemoo #7
Chapter 30: YAYY UPDATE! Oh my god... I hope Junhyung will know the real reason for why she's doing so :'(
Chapter 29: Awww~~

Poor girl so many break downs....

But I reckon is much stonger than all the other normal ppl she can still stay strong after wat she went through, I support her!!!

Dont cry girl we admire u youngie~~~
b2utylove57 #9
Chapter 6: Just started the story, but it's actually very good :D So glad I've found a well-written fanfic with my ultimate kpop boy band :)Plus with Yoseob in it..I'm automatically biased xD Looking forward to reading the rest~ By the way, I really like Yeon Young's character. The first chapter was absolutely amazing.
Chapter 28: Eonnie update soon please really soon ;D ima addicted in youre story.......