New Years

A Thousand Pieces
Yeon Young

I sat quietly in the car as the sound of his engine purred. I'm sitting in my dream car, with my dream guy. This all happened within a blink of an eye.

Four months. It's been four months since the day this jerk crashed into me at the airport terminal, four months since the day we met. It's been four months since I've had a day of peace, all because of him. 4 months. 122 days. 2928 hours. 175680 minutes. Four months was all it took for me to fall for him.

I looked over to the driver's seat. He had a goofy smile on his face. "It's 9AM. Where are you taking me?"

"Just let your dream guy handle this." He is never going to let that go. He the radio and clicked the AUX button. I Like You the Best by B2ST. I felt my face turn hot as he looked over at me and laughed at my expression. "Relax, it was just a coincidence." I stuck my tongue out at him and turned to look out the window.

My eyes began to feel tired. I haven't gotten much sleep at the hospital, the voices were bothering me all night. Jae Eun told me that my subconscious mind created her to block out the voices. This is all giving me a headache. The only thing I'm sure of is that I'm crazy. I'm too tired to care right now. I just let myself drift to sleep, soothed by the soft rumbling of his car.



I opened my eyes to an empty car. I looked around and found a post-it on the dashboard.

Stay in the car. Went to run an errand. Be right back.

Only geeks keep post-its in their cars. I snorted and leaned back. What kind of jerk runs errands on a "date"? He opened the car door, holding a small white bag. "Ditching me already?" He simply smiled and got back into the car, leaving the bag beneath his seat.



After a while, he stopped the car and got out to open the door for me. Please don't be a fancy restaurant, please don't be a fancy restaurant. I looked at the sign. . Pierre Gagniere. Of course. I dropped my head as he dragged me into the restaurant.

"Annyounghaseyo, Mr. Yong. Table for two?" The man saw me hiding my face behind Junhyung. He looked at me from head to toe. I felt my shame grow as I looked around. All the women were wearing dresses and heels. They gasped when they took a look at me. Of course they did. I wearing jeans, converse, and a hoodie to an expensive restaurant. The waiter cleared his throat. "This way please."

I realized Junhyung wasn't dressed fancily either. Practically the same thing I was wearing. Smiling to myself, I felt less self-conscious. I felt awkward sitting down though. This place isn't for you. I closed my eyes and breathed. They're right, I don't belong here. I looked up. Junhyung was looking at the menu. He wasn't wearing a suit, but he still looked like a part of this world. I looked around. People were still staring. Anxiety. I can't do this. I began fidgeting as the women around me started whispering. They're talking about you. You don't belong here. You don't belong with him. This was a mistake, his mistake. Leave. Self conscious. Panic. "I'm sorry, I can't do this." I whispered to Junhyung as I stood up, grabbing my bag.

"What? Yeon Young, wait!" I ran. Away from that place, those people, that world. Away from the whispers and disdain. Away from Junhyung. I heard him call after me. The more he called, the more I ran. I don't know what I was thinking. How could I have believed for even a split second that we could be happy together? It was a stupid idea. This isn't a fairytale. I'm not Cinderella. We would never be happy together and it was stupid to believe so, even for a brief moment. Stop dreaming. He doesn't like you, he's just intrigued by a little nobody from the lower class. Grow up.

I slowed down to a walk when I couldn't hear Junhyung anymore. I wiped my eyes, continuing to walk briskly. I don't even know where I am. I just kept my head down and plugged in my earphones, walking to It's All Lies by B.A.P.



It took my entire playlist for me to gather up the courage to hold my head high. The lights blinded me. At least I know it's night. Strings of lights hung from lamppost to lamppost. People surrounded me, couples to be exact. Where am I? I looked for a sign. Town Square. A banner strung across a gazebo in the center of the square. "New Years Festival," I read aloud. There was a digital clock on the jumbotron. 11:43PM. I'VE BEEN WALKING FOR HOURS? I took out my earphones and joined the festivity. Walking around, I realized I was the only one there alone. I sighed. Feeling like a loser again, I turned to leave.

Before I could even take a step, I felt arms wrap around my waist. Based on reflexes I've acquired thanks to Hyunseung's attack, I elbowed the guy's stomach and kicked his shin. Turning around, I raised my fist, ready to defend myself. I started to laugh. I've attacked Junhyung. "YAH. WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He gasped in pain.

"You shouldn't have attacked me like that."


"Think about who you're doing that to next time." He shook his head and stood up straight.

"Is that why you left?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I don't belong there." I muttered, looking down. "We're from two different worlds, Junhyung. It's childish to believe that we could ever be anything more than friends."

"I thought you didn't watch dramas? Young-ah, it's 2012, minutes from 2013. Who gives a damn?"

"I do. I'm not a girl from a high social class. I don't have money, looks, or status. You'll regret being with me." He pulled me close to him, one arm around my waist. He used his free hand to tilt my chin up.

"Don't be stupid." He gently leaned in, tilting his head. I felt my heart racing. He slowly pressed lips against mine, our eyes closed. My hands slowly went from his chest to around his neck. We heard the crowd cheering.

"3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We pulled away from each other and looked around. Confetti and streamers covered the air around us. I felt something cold fall on the tip of my nose. Looking up, I smiled. Snow. We looked at each other, grinning. He brushed my bangs out of my face and rested his forehead on mine, the way he did when we first made that deal.

"I have something for you." He reached into his pocket and took out a ring box.

"Junhyung," I gasped. He smirked.

"Relax, it's not a diamond ring." He opened the box. It was a pair of couple rings. I smiled like a goofball. He snapped the box shut.

"What the-"

"But earlier someone said something about not wanting to be with me?" He sighed. "I guess I'll have to find another girl with looks, money, and status." I felt myself burning up, with anger this time.

"YAH, YOU DARE?!" He laughed.

"Kidding." He took my hand into his and put the ring on. I slid the other ring onto his finger.

"Happy New Years, Jung Yeon Young."




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still busy. crazy school work. still working very very slowly!


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peipei_bigbadgirl #1
Chapter 35: I like it the best!! Update soon
anasilvia #2
Chapter 34: Thanks for the update ..
Chapter 32: I love this story it's like the best
anasilvia #4
Chapter 31: Please update soon!
ellemoo #5
Chapter 31: Is it Yoseob? Please update soon <33 Curiosity is killing me XD
Chapter 31: lol hey new fan here and i love your story update soon
ellemoo #7
Chapter 30: YAYY UPDATE! Oh my god... I hope Junhyung will know the real reason for why she's doing so :'(
Chapter 29: Awww~~

Poor girl so many break downs....

But I reckon is much stonger than all the other normal ppl she can still stay strong after wat she went through, I support her!!!

Dont cry girl we admire u youngie~~~
b2utylove57 #9
Chapter 6: Just started the story, but it's actually very good :D So glad I've found a well-written fanfic with my ultimate kpop boy band :)Plus with Yoseob in it..I'm automatically biased xD Looking forward to reading the rest~ By the way, I really like Yeon Young's character. The first chapter was absolutely amazing.
Chapter 28: Eonnie update soon please really soon ;D ima addicted in youre story.......