Best Friends

A Thousand Pieces

Yeon Young's P.O.V

The light around me was blinding. I was still in my apartment, but the lights were on this time. It took a second for my eyes to adjust. I looked down at myself. Duct tape binded me to my seat. I raised my voice to scream for help only to realize that my screams are muffled by a gag. What now, genius? I struggled to tear the tape. "Stop wasting your energy." I recognized that voice. Can't say I was surprised, they show it in Korean dramas all the time. Song Min Yeon. The voice that attacked me was different. It was sharper, a bit shrilly. Yeonie's voice was gentle and soft. She came out of the kitchen with an ice pack and gently held it to my forehead. What the hell is going on? This was the first time I noticed that glint on her wrist. A medical bracelet. Schizophrenia. That's why she always wore long sleeves, to hide the bracelet. What pissed me off was that I should've seen this coming. Obsessive, delusional fangirl kidnaps guy's rumored lover. THEY SHOWED IT IN KOREAN DRAMAS ALL THE TIME. I would've smacked myself if she hadn't bounded me so tightly. I groaned in stupidity. "Are you hurt? Uncomfortable?" She removed the gag and I tried to soothe her.

"Yeonie." She looked at me, smiling sweetly. Dear goodness, she's a lunatic. Just like you. You guys belong in the mental hospital together. I shook my head and focused on the task at hand. "Let me go." She cupped my face in her hands.

"Sweetie, I can't do that. She'll get mad." She brushed my hair out of my face. "Besides, you betrayed me." She walked to the counter, picking up a knife. "You were with Junhyung and Yoseob. I was alone, waiting for you. DIDN'T YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH ME, NOT THEM. YOU. You left me to be with them. I love you. I'm in love with you. How could you do that to me?" The knife was pointed at me.

"Yeonie, there's nothing going on between me and- wait, what?" It took a while for me to process the information.

"DON'T LIE TO ME. HE CARRIED YOU HOME." She threw the knife, only slightly missing me. Crazy, she's lost it. Hearing the door open, I glanced over, hoping it was Junhyung or Yoseob. They're the only few who know where I live.

"Lee Ha Young?" I muttered in disbelief. I assumed she wasn't here to save me since she was smirking when she saw me. Not exactly a surprised look. Then it hit me. High, shrilly, annoying. Lee Ha Young had struck me. I scoffed. Well. A psychopath and a mentally unstable girl working together. Should've seen this one coming, too. "Are you in love with me, too?" I asked sarcastically.

"Please. You stole Junhyung away from me. I hate your guts." Oh, so SHE'S the obsessive fangirl. "Yeonie, could you go grab my schoolbag from the car?" Min Yeon nodded and took the keys.

"I understand Min Yeon, she's unstable. What's your excuse?" I looked at her arm for a medical bracelet.

"I just don't like you. Min Yeon is my best friend, Junhyung is my oppa. You came and they were both taken away from me." She leaned down and whispered into my right ear. "You're going to die tonight." It's about damn time. A sharp pain pulsed in the back of my head. Min Yeon walked in and instantly closed the door behind her. Ha Young stood up straight and grabbed her bag. "Yeon-ah, did you do as I told you?" Nod. "Good, bring it here." Min Yeon went into the kitchen and brought out a bag of pills and a cup of water.

"Unni, will it kill her?" Min Yeon looked worried.

"It'll only make her weak. But this will kill her." Ha Young smiled and pulled a silent pistol from her bag. "Why? Did you want to do it?"

"Unni, I love her, I don't want her dead."

"You love her, but she doesn't love you. All week, she's been following Junhyung oppa around. She didn't even bother looking for you. Didn't you see Yoseob oppa carry her home? She doesn't want you. Only I care about you." She smiled gently and pushed Min Yeon's bangs back. "Feed her the pills." Min Yeon reluctantly agreed.

"You should've just stayed with me. I love you. We could have been living happily together. I know you love me, too." She whispered as she pushed the pill against my mouth. "Open up." When I refused to cooperate, she held my nose. Soon, my natural instinct to survive kicked in and I opened my mouth for a breath. She took advantage of the moment and stuffed the pills down my throat by handfuls. Laughing maniacally, she poured the water down my throat to keep me from choking. I grew dizzy. The world spun around me as I began to see doubles. "Miahne. Jinjja..." I felt the energy leave me. My eyelids felt heavy, my vision blurred. My head felt like it was being hammered. Nauseous. Symptoms of OD. I out.



Cold water struck my face. I shut my eyes against the brightness. Everything felt louder. Light headed. Everyone hates you. Betrayed by your best friend. Insane. You're losing it. Out of your mind. Min Yeon. Ha Young. Gun. Oh, I remember now. I'm about to be shot. I heard a knock. Was that real? They heard it, too. It was real. I began getting a grasp on reality. "Yah, Lower Class. Are you in there?" Junhyung's voice. Silence. I tried to scream, but the gag was back in my mouth. Ha Young almost ran to the door, but Min Yeon held her back. "Listen, Yeon Young-ah." Ha Young shot a dirty glance my direction. "Miahneyo." I struggled. I tried screaming again. Feeling weak. Junhyung. Don't leave. "I didn't know things would turn out this way." Ha Young unlocked the safety on the gun. "Please, don't be angry. I'll make it up to you somehow." Min Yeon looked at me with hurt eyes. "Yah, make a noise or something so I know you hear me." Ha Young knocks on the door. "Okay." He sighed. I struggled again, screaming. Fatigue. Oppa, don't leave. "Are you okay?" Ha Young knocks twice. "All right. Miahneyo again. I'll see you at school, I guess." No. Don't go. Please. Footsteps. Silence. I sobbed. He was so close. He could've saved me. I felt myself giving up. Head feeling heavy again. Vision blurring. Darkness. I lost consciousness again.

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still busy. crazy school work. still working very very slowly!


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peipei_bigbadgirl #1
Chapter 35: I like it the best!! Update soon
anasilvia #2
Chapter 34: Thanks for the update ..
Chapter 32: I love this story it's like the best
anasilvia #4
Chapter 31: Please update soon!
ellemoo #5
Chapter 31: Is it Yoseob? Please update soon <33 Curiosity is killing me XD
Chapter 31: lol hey new fan here and i love your story update soon
ellemoo #7
Chapter 30: YAYY UPDATE! Oh my god... I hope Junhyung will know the real reason for why she's doing so :'(
Chapter 29: Awww~~

Poor girl so many break downs....

But I reckon is much stonger than all the other normal ppl she can still stay strong after wat she went through, I support her!!!

Dont cry girl we admire u youngie~~~
b2utylove57 #9
Chapter 6: Just started the story, but it's actually very good :D So glad I've found a well-written fanfic with my ultimate kpop boy band :)Plus with Yoseob in it..I'm automatically biased xD Looking forward to reading the rest~ By the way, I really like Yeon Young's character. The first chapter was absolutely amazing.
Chapter 28: Eonnie update soon please really soon ;D ima addicted in youre story.......