Pink Shirts and Leather Skirts


Yongguk should have known that Himchan would never back down from a challenge, even when it forces him to lose all of the dignity he had left. Himchan was determed to show Yongguk that he wasn't going to give up. After all, there was no harm in making a little bet, right?


Because my friend wanted me to write it for her. I believe we came up with this idea at around one in the morning last night and we actually walked around Macy's looking for inspiration. I'm sorry glad to say that we found a lot of inspiration, so I'm putting this down on paper...or should I say online? Anyways, this was all written for fun and I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry for a horrible description once again; I try to make it sound ambiguous so the reader doesn't know too much of the plot. Without further ado, let's start!


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LeeXueyun #1
Chapter 1: Oh god! This too funny!
Chapter 1: gahahahahahah OMGosh this is hilarious! ahahahahahahah
Chapter 1: -runs away to laugh-
Chapter 1: Very..uh...very good job XD ♥
Chapter 1: -trying very hard to contain my laughter-
Chapter 1: Ohmygosh.
Chapter 1: O.O
I really laughed hard while reading this one. :D