Please, Don't Let Me Go~ (Part 1 of 2)

Perfect Escape

Last Chapter….


The attic door closed with a hard bang and everyone turned around to encounter with a note attached to the back of the door. 

Junsu approached the door, picked up the note, and read, “You’re... Still... Being... Watched.” Jen screamed at this and nearly fainted.

Ella started shaking. “J-Just take the boxes and let’s get out of here,” she said pointing to the four, big-sized boxes full of clothes.

As the boys picked them up, they all rushed down to the main floor at full speed.

“Guys, you won't imagine what we just found back there…”




Everyone got closer to form a circle. Liz was grabbing Junho’s arm, and so was Rhea holding onto Junsu. Sam and Nichkhun were in total opposite side of the circle. Mary, Jen, and Ella were standing beside each other, locking arms and Taec, Wooyoung, and Chansung were standing right behind them.

Junsu showed Rhea the note first, and then proceeded to pass it around. 

“So… What do you think we should do?” Junsu said, completely in charge of the situation. Rhea was completely buried into Junsu’s chest by then.

“I think we should-” Taecyeon said, being interrupted by the sudden turning off of the lights in the house.

Rhea, Mary, Jen, Ella, and Liz all screamed in fright. But they feared nothing, because they had someone to hold. But when it came to Nichkhun and Samantha, they were completely alone. And completely scared.

“Someone please do something,” Liz said, in the fasted voice she could manage to use.

“No one panic, alright? We-We’ll figure this out,” Junho said, taking out his phone, trying to light the room. 

This led to everyone getting out their phones and guiding their way towards the entrance door. After continuous attempts of trying to open the clearly locked door, Chansung gave up on pushing and pulling.

“We’re locked up in here…” Jen said, staring at the floor while Taecyeon comforted her.

“Let’s do something about it, then,” Mary said.

“Alright, Mary and Chansung, you guys go check the energy breaks downstairs, maybe this is just some kind of electric breakdown. After all, we are in the middle of nowhere. Sam and Nichkhun, you guys go look for something we can light the living room with. That’s where we’ll all be staying. We need to stick together in all times, or at least two by two,” Junsu said, everyone’s attention on him, “Liz, Jen, Ella, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, and Junho, you have to check every single door and window to see if there’s anything that isn’t locked. We need to get out of here before we’re caught. Rhea and I will go check the whole house to see if the maniacs are here. Please all take care of yourself and the ones you’re with.”

Nichkhun simple grunted. Sam’s heart sank with the reaction.

“Okay, let’s go,” Wooyoung declared as everyone left off on their missions.



-Mary and Chansung-

As they walked down the stairs that led to the basement, Mary dared hold Chansung’s hand, but he acted like he didn’t mind. You’d believe Mary should be scared for what they might encounter down there, but she wasn’t. She was with Chansung and that made her feel save.

“Where’s the box?” Chansung said, trying to light his way onto the box where all the light switches where located.

“It’s there,” Mary said, pointing into the darkness, “I think.”

Chansung quickly light the wall and found what he was looking for.

“Thanks,” Chansung said, squishing Mary’s hand and giving her butterflies.

As Chansung started playing with the switches, Mary couldn’t help but push herself into him a little bit more as the seconds passed. She swore she could see things moving in the dark, but she decided to ignore it.

“This isn’t working,” Chansung said, looking down at Mary, their faces inches away.

“Then let’s go…” she said in a whisper, but still not moving away.

That’s when something in the darkness fell and Mary jumped in surprised, accidentally placing a small peck on Chansung’s lips.

“I-I-I’m so sorry, Chansung, I didn’t mean to,” Mary said, looking down while she blushed.

He couldn’t she her face in the darkness, but he still managed to grab her chin so they’d at least see each other’s eye’s sparkle from the small light coming out of his phone. “It’s doesn’t matter, I don’t mind.”

Mary looked into his soft eyes and smiled wide before moving away and making their way onto the main floor hand in hand.


-Sam and Nichkyun-

While everyone went their way Sam and Nichkyun were left in the living room. Nichkhun was pacing for a while.

"So, where are the candles or lamps or flashlights? Whatever you have," Nichkhun said.

You could hear in his voice that he hated being stuck with Sam, so Sam plucked up all the courage she had into her next sentence.

"You don't have to stick with me if you don't want to, everyone can tell you don't like me," Sam could tell Nichkhyun didn't know what to say.

"I'll stay here, just hurry up," Nichkhun said in a low voice.

Sam wasn't expecting an 'I love you' but she was atleast hoping for a 'That's not true'.

Sam hurried up to the kitchen and rummaged throught the drawers. In the first one she could thell there were spoons and in the second one there were table ware. She hesitated when putting her hand in the third one for some reason, but like she coulnd't tell why she just dipped her hand and started touching. She instantly knew why she had hesitated at first when the burning feeling from her palm hit her.

"Ahhh" Sam screamed. The third drawer was full of knifes, from small to big, from thin blade to thick blade. 

"Sam, is everything okay over there?" Khun yelled.

"Yeah, I just cut the tip of my finger, it's nothing" She yelled back.

After the knifes, she knew what she would find.... Flashlights. She took the six flashlights from the drawer and walked toward Nichkhun.

"Found them," Sam said, as she handed a flashlight to him.

She winced a little since it was her hurt hand. Nichkhun took the flashlight and noticed it  was wet.

"Sam this is wet and sticky," he said as he turned it on and pointed to his hand.

He couldn't believe his eyes, his hand looked like it had been dipped in red paint. 'What?' he thought, he noticed Sam putting the rest of the flashlights in the table and wincing a little.

"Ahhh" he heard Sam scream

"Sam is everthing okay over there?"

"Yeah I just cut the tip of my finger, it's nothing"

"The tip of your finger?! How could you possibly bleed so much from the tip of your finger!" He screamed at her and grabbed both of her wrists and turning them up.

He pointed the flashlight to them. He saw a deep gash running through the middle of her left palm. He looked up at her and saw she had watery eyes and tears were running through her cheeks. He had hurt her.

"Come on, let's wash your hands," he said trying to steady his voice as he took another flashlight and held on to her right hand, leading her towards the kitchen. 

He pulled a chair from the table and dragged it in front of the sink, Sam sat on it.

"Where's the first-aid kit?" he said.

"It's in the last cabinet to the left," she said in a low voice.

He handed her the other flashlight and went to look for the kit. He came back and asked her to stand up. He carefully washed Sam's hands in the sink and whiped the cut with alcohol. 'Doesn't look that bad anymore' he thought. He then applied some cream on it and wrapped up.

"Done" he said and stood up walking toward the living room with Sam trailing behind him.

'He's still holiding my hand,' Sam thought .

"Let's find the others," he said and they took the remaining flashlights walking to the hallway.



-Rhea and Junsu-

As the imaginary couple walked into the attic, they could hear some steps shuffling on the other side of the door. 

“I really don’t want to go in,” Rhea said, taking a step backwards. 

Junsu grabbed her hand assuringly, “Come on, you’re with me. Nothing will happen.”

Rhea looked into his eyes, somewhat believing his words. She quickly took her hand back and ignored what he had just said. Let me tell you, Rhea wasn’t the kind of girl that gave into a guy that easily. She believed all guys were the same. She believed they were all players that were just trying to have a little fun with her feelings. If someone wanted to get into her heart, they’d have to work harder than simply inserting some cheesy comments here and there.

Trying not to fall for her celebrity crush, she had been trying to push him away. But it was so hard. Rhea had had so many fantasies about this guy. And having them all come true in a matter of a day and a half, it just didn’t seem possible. Why would it be her over the other millions that wished to be with him? Still deep in thought, Rhea opened the door to find the room covered in what seemed white paint.

“What is this?” Junsu asked, walking right behind Rhea.

“I-I don’t know, Junsu.”

“Let’s go back and, uh, get the others, alright?” Junsu suggested.

“Um, yes,” she said, quickly turning around and unintentionally crushing into Junsu’s chest.

Rhea covered her face in embarrassment, “I’m sorry,” she said, moving to the right, ready to keep walking past him.

Junsu unexpectedly grabbed her by the shoulders before she could leave and pressed his lips against her.

As they pulled away, all Junsu could say was “You’re worth it.” He didn’t even know what he meant by those words. But something he was sure of now was that he was willing to find out. Only for her.



Author's Note

I'm so very sorry for how long it took for us to update. I started school last year and I've been so busy. I'd like to thank one of my best friends, and not-biological sister, Li. She's known as Liz in the story. Why I'd like to thank her? Well, because this girl literally hacked Ella's account to freaking try and finish this chapter for me. She's responsible of writing basically the entire Sam/Khun part (even if she followed my idea). I want to thank her so badly. Part 2 to this chapter will be basically Liz, Ella, and Jen (and their corresponding biases) having some action (not in the ual way, guys) and then all of them back together at their "meeting place." I really hope you guys liked it. Tell us what you thought and in what you think we should get better. SUBCRIBE, BABES, I KNOW YOU WANT TO.

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jiyonglurver #1
Chapter 9: Please updateeee~~~
greentealover1315 #2
Chapter 7: Oh MY Gosh!! Don't Drown!!!
Chapter 6: Update! Update! Update! :)
update soon! ^_^
i like sam-khun and junho-liz the most here! :D
I'm expecting more and more updates from u! :D
Update soon~
I'll be updating soon. It's just I've been really, really busy. So sorry. Don't worry, there's a lot of SamxKhun and RheaxJunsu in this next chapter (:
I wanna know more about Khun and Sam.. As a Nichkhun biased I am :P
And others are also very cute!
but i don't know why Jen is ignoring such a hot guy like Taecyeon!
Anyways, plzzzz update soon! I beg u! :D
goofygal14 #8
please update..i want to know more^^and please do more rheajunsu moment^^
Ahh </3 Chansuuuuuung ; - ; baby