The Identity

The Lingering Presence (Sequel to Death Anniversary)

“HYE YEON!” L.Joe ran up towards the girl hurriedly and turned her around.

“What the heck?” The girl was so surprised that she couldn’t help but say that out loud.

“Oh…sorry.” L.Joe’s face fell when he saw the face of the girl. It definitely wasn’t Hye Yeon. What was he thinking? Hye Yeon has been dead for a year and 2 months already; he must be mad to think that she would come back alive.

Seeing his crestfallen face, the girl suddenly pitied him. She doesn’t knows why but she finds this stranger really familiar…as though she’d saw him somewhere before in her life. “Uh, hey, you alright?”

“Uh yeah. I’m really sorry about that.” L.Joe bowed and turned to leave.

“No wait! I, uh, can we talk over a cup of coffee? Oh wait, no, tea since I don’t drink coffee. Haha…?” The girl offered.

“S-sure…?” L.Joe hesitantly replied.

-At the café-

“’I’m Moon Min Rye, what’s yours?” Min Rye offered her hand towards L.Joe, who is currently staring at her.

L.Joe wasn’t listening to Min Rye at all; he was studying her features and movements. ‘Why is she somewhat similar to Hye Yeon in a way…?’

Min Rye waved her hand in front of L.Joe and looked at him quizzically. “Why? Is there something wrong?”

L.Joe finally snapped out of his daze and quickly replied, “I’m sorry. Oh, I’m Byung Hun but  everyone, well most of the people, calls me L.Joe.”

‘Byung hun….why does this name sound so familiar to me? Why is my heart…suddenly aching?’ Min Rye placed her hand over her left chest; she had a heart transplant a year and 2 months ago. ‘Don’t tell me my heart is failing me again…?’

“Min Rye ssi, you okay? Do you need me to send you to the hospital? You look like you’re in lots of pain” L.Joe was getting really worried.

“N-no. I’m just… well-“ Min Rye took a deep breath and felt slightly better. “It’s just, I had a heart transplant a year and 2 months ago from another girl and well, maybe it is time for me to get another one? Hah.”

‘A year and 2 months ago? That’s when Hye Yeon died…it can’t be…?’

“Here’s your ice lemon tea, sir and your hot tea, ‘mam” The waiter placed the drinks on the table and left.

Min Rye took a packet of milk and 2 packets of sugar and started pouring it into her tea. She’d started liking her tea that way ever since the heart transplant and she has no idea why.

L.Joe stared at her as Min Rye mixed her tea. ‘That is how Yeonnie loved having her tea too…’

Min Rye felt a pair of eyes on her as she stirred her tea. “L.Joe, is there something wrong?”

L.Joe…the way how the words slipped out of Min Rye’s tongue felt so…right somehow. It was as though Hye Yeon was really sitting in front of him and calling his name.

Min Rye suddenly realized her mistake and quickly added, “I mean, L.joe ssi. I’m sorry but somehow I feel that I know you somewhere before and so I’d totally forgot to speak formally to you. I’m really sor-“ L.Joe chuckled and interrupted Min Rye’s blabberings, it was exactly how Hye Yeon had behaved whenever she gets flustered over a matter.


Three years ago…

L.Joe was listening to his iTouch and strolled down the corridors of the classrooms, ignoring the stares he got from his…well, other admirers. All of a sudden, a girl ran past him, knocking into him at the same time and books were scattered all over the floor.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I’m late for a class and that’s why I was running! I’m really really sorry for bumping into you. Oh  god-“ The girl was blabbering so much that L.Joe pulled her chin up towards her to make her stop.

‘She’s…pretty.’ L.Joe observed her features and noticed that the girl was blushing.

“It’s okay, let me help you up.” L.Joe offered his hand.

“Th-thank you.” The girl bowed and held on to L.Joe’s hand.

As she was about to run to her next class, L.Joe grabbed her wrist and asked “Hey, you haven’t told me your name.”

“Hye Yeon, So Hye Yeon. Nice meeting you but I have to rush now! See you around!” And Hye Yeon rushed off.

L.Joe smiled unknowingly and quickly shouted “I’m L.Joe! See you soon!” Hye Yeon waved her hand to acknowledge that she heard him and ran off to her next class.

-End of flashback-

L.Joe smiled at the flashback that he got but quickly came back to reality. He had this burning question that he had to ask now.

“Its okay, really. But I have a question for you…do you, by any chance, know the donor’s name?”

“She’s So Hye Yeon.”



Heh, so i've decided to put up the second part of this story cos i'm already working on the ending ^-^
Yep, have decided to make this a threeshot!
Do subscribe & comment to let me know if this story is good or not! I see subscribers but no commentors :(
Thank you yvonnennovy , adhiek and intanricky96 for subscribing!
So...i'll probably do the last update next Tuesday? Or maybe even later if i managed to finish everything. Heh.

Bye loves <3

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@intanricky96 thank you! ^-^
It's totally great ! I like it :)
@FreeedzO8 keke ^-^
Awwww. That's so cute! :)
@Chunji_myboy keke i was deciding whether i should make Ljoe's life miserable or not but cos he's my bias....heh, y'know, cant bear to let him suffer so much heartbreak heh.
Thanks! <3
I'm glad he fell in love with the real Min Rye but I can't help to feel sad for Hye Yeon. It kinda seems Hyeyeon and L.Joe's love isn't that strong.... But GREAT STORY!^^
@FernandaLJoe Glad you like it! Thanks for reading & subscribing! :D
It's so sweet author nim.......
melted here....
nice story author nim
@shai209 kekeke ^-^

@yvonnennovy 1/4 done with the final chapter! ^-^

Thank you guys for commenting!
yvonnennovy #10
hello! interesting story!!^^ update soon!! :)