Feeling the taste of love again

The Lingering Presence (Sequel to Death Anniversary)

L.Joe’s heart practically missed a beat. It really was his girl’s heart in Min Rye’s body… That explains the similarities in their actions…and why she’d felt so familiar.

“I have been behaving out of the norm ever since that operation. I used to hate tea but look at me now, drinking tea and I must put a packet of milk plus 2 packets of sugar! And… I’m not lying but I felt that you were really familiar when I met you just now..not forgetting the crazy heartbeats that I had when I saw you..” Min Rye whispered the last part but L.Joe still caught it.

‘Did Hye Yeon send her to me so that I’ll be able to move on? If so..it won’t be wrong of me to try to get to know Min Rye better right..?’

“I-i..Hye Yeon was my girlfriend..so her heart is really..inside you..” L.Joe confessed.

Min Rye’s eyes widened; she was shocked that it was such a coincidence to meet the donor of her heart’s boyfriend right in front of her. “I’m sorry..” Min Rye didn’t know why but she felt guilty.

Seeing the drop in the atmosphere, plus Min Rye’s dejected look, L.Joe placed his hand on top of Min Rye’s and gave it a tight squeeze. “It’s alright; it wasn’t even your fault anyway. I’m glad that my girl saved another’s life.” L.Joe reassured her.

Min Rye looked up and smiled. “Thank you.” She glanced at her watch and gasped. “Oh my god, I really have to go now! See you!”

Meanwhile, L.Joe felt his heart melting when he saw Min Rye’s smile. It was akin to Hye Yeon’s; it wasn’t a huge kind of grin but a small, shy smile that had made L.Joe’s heart skipped a beat back when he had first known Hye Yeon.

L.Joe snapped back to reality and quickly pushed his phone towards Min Rye. “Number please.”

Min Rye looked a bit surprised but composed herself and punched in her number. As she was about to get up and rush off to her appointment, she looked at L.Joe in the eyes and said, “I guess..i’ll be seeing you around then. Bye!”

L.Joe felt his heart beating crazily and smiled to himself. ‘Yes..i’ll definitely by seeing you around.’

-Back at home-

“I’m back!” L.Joe shouted the moment he stepped inside the house.

5 heads turned around and the same expression and thought went past their mind.

‘Did L.Joe just..smiled? Did he finally snapped out of it and went back to his cheery self?’

Chunji was the first to speak up. “Did something good happen?”

L.Joe smiled when Min Rye’s face popped into his mind. “Yes..i met a girl today and guess what, Hye Yeon’s heart is in her. She’s so similar to Hye Yeon in so many ways!”

Everyone had the same expression stuck onto their face – shocked yet relieved at the same time. Shocked to know that Hye Yeon’s heart had been donated to another girl and relieved that L.Joe has finally snapped out of his depression mode.

“DID YOU GET HER NUMBER?” Ricky jumped onto L.Joe’s back and questioned him excitedly.


Soon, everyone was bombarding L.Joe with questions and encouraged him to ask Min Rye out again. Not because Hye Yeon’s heart is in her; but because they really want L.Joe to find his happiness again.

-A month later-

For the entire month, L.Joe and Min Rye had gotten a lot closer. They texted each other every single day and met up almost every other day. They have also found themselves slowly falling for each other but no one said anything.

As usual, they met up at the café again. They ordered the usual and were chatting happily until Min Rye questioned L.Joe.

“Byung Hun ah, can i..ask you something?” Min Rye paused.

L.Joe looked at her quizzically, “What is the matter?”

“The reason why you have gotten so close to me..is it because of Hye Yeon..?”

This question jolted L.Joe’s heart and mind and even he, himself, questioned his actions towards Min Rye.

Did he really move on? Or was he using Min Rye as a substitute of Hye Yeon?

Yes, Min Rye was indeed similar to Hye Yeon in terms of her behavior and taste in eating but they were different too. Hye Yeon was a shy girl while Min Rye is a really out-going girl. So did L.Joe really fell for Min Rye as herself?

The answer was obvious – he had fallen for her unknowingly throughout the month that they had been hanging out with each other.

L.Joe gently looked into Min Rye’s eyes and placed his hands on top of Min Rye’s and confessed, “I believe that I have really fallen for you, Min Rye. For whom you are.”



As I’ve said earlier on in my status, I’d lost inspiration all of a sudden so this was really forced out and….. it . I know :’(

But still, thank YOU for subscribing and for reading my threeshot!

Till then, see you guys around!

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@intanricky96 thank you! ^-^
It's totally great ! I like it :)
@FreeedzO8 keke ^-^
Awwww. That's so cute! :)
@Chunji_myboy keke i was deciding whether i should make Ljoe's life miserable or not but cos he's my bias....heh, y'know, cant bear to let him suffer so much heartbreak heh.
Thanks! <3
I'm glad he fell in love with the real Min Rye but I can't help to feel sad for Hye Yeon. It kinda seems Hyeyeon and L.Joe's love isn't that strong.... But GREAT STORY!^^
@FernandaLJoe Glad you like it! Thanks for reading & subscribing! :D
It's so sweet author nim.......
melted here....
nice story author nim
@shai209 kekeke ^-^

@yvonnennovy 1/4 done with the final chapter! ^-^

Thank you guys for commenting!
yvonnennovy #10
hello! interesting story!!^^ update soon!! :)