
Itunes Meme Challenge

scream | 2ne1 | pg | 183 words

I fell in love with a horrible guy
"It won't happen next time"
So many times
I've sworn that so many times

Jisu always swore to himself that he wouldn't let this happen anymore. But sometimes he slipped and came back. How many times has Dari told him the same thing, how he's changed that he wouldn't do it anymore. He flashed that smile that drove Jisu weak in the knees and set his heart racing.

Weeks would pass, they would be that happen couple. But then Dari would go out, have a few drinks and come home using him as his own personal punching bag.

Lifting his shirt to look at the new bruises and cuts that littered his body he sighed. As quickly as he could he hurried out the door with his bags held tightly in his hand. Chin high in the air he ran as fast as he could ignoring the calls and the cries of his boyfriend. He just ran and never looked back.

Weeks passed before he heard from him again. Once again he showed up, sniviling and crying about how he was sorry. How he would never do it again. He flashed that smile and all was forgiven.

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