
Itunes Meme Challenge

affirmation | savage garden | pg | 169 words

I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

Stumbling through the house half drunk, the other half grieving. Sometimes Dari coudln't understand how he got himself in this predicaments (most of the time he would blame Inati but this time he knew it was his fault.)

Kicking past half filled bottles and glasses, he passes by the kitchen and wonders if that voice will still greet him with a chipper good morning and kiss on the cheek. But all he says is a sink filled with dishes, mold and a roach skittering by,

He wishes he could go back in time, when everything was golden. When he was happy and had the best person by his side. But he can't. Jisu will never take him back now. Not after what he did, what was said and the things he put him through. The cheating, the abuse, drugs and the drinking.

Falling back down on the couch he looks up at the ceiling and thinks back to the times when everything was nice, when he had it all.

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