Be Back Soon

Itunes Meme Challenge

be back soon | justin nozuka | pg | 160 words

It's killing me, killing me
How I can't get no love without our combination
Killing me, killing me how I get so choked up with every conversation
Killing me, killing me how I'm left in the rain, while you are on vacation
Baby please let me know when you're coming home

Times like these were when it was the hardest ignoring the aching pain in his chest. Jisu knew it wasn't healthy to sit at home doing nothing but wait. But he couldn't help it. Constantly staring at the phone, chest aching, heart breaking waiting for his call. He knew deep in his heart how angry Dari would be if he found out he was just sitting and waiting.

But he loved him and it didn't matter if he had to wait hours, minutes or days for his call. Jisu would sit patiently till his heart no longer ached, till it stopped breaking. Bits and pieces falling on the floor.

Jolted out of his thoughts by the shrill ringing of the phone, he practically lunged across the room at it.

"H-Hello." Trying as hard as he could to keep from bursting into tears, he waited to hear the voice that could heal all wounds that formed while his beloved was away.

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