Frustrations in the Morning

Chasing After One Love

Xiumin woke up on the wrong side of the bed, literally, as he felt the pain of someone’s body pressing on his back. Any longer and Xiumin would have fallen down on the floor, since he was half dangling off the edge of the bed already. Xiumin groaned as he turned around and pushed the unconscious body, which belonged to Chen, away from him. Though Xiumin pushed Chen with force, the younger one still slept soundly, while he murmured slightly about his dream. Xiumin sat up and glared at the two people besides him.

On the other side of the bed, Tao's long body laid down slightly sideways taking up more unecessary room, while his foot was placed on Chen’s back. Tao, still asleep, kept Chen away from him by kicking the older one slightly; Therefore this caused Chen’s body to push onto Xiumin’s. The king size bed was big enough for all them to sleep, but Tao had to taken half of it for his own.

How can Chen still be sleeping through this? Xiumin pondered in his head. He must be having a good dream or something.

Since there was no chance of him sleeping in these condition, Xiumin reluctantly got up, though it was still way early in the morning. The view from the window still shown a slightly darkened sky, though there was a dimmed light rising from the horizon. He slid off the side of the bed and went to the bathroom for an early morning bathroom break. After freshening up, he made his way to the kitchen for a mug of coffee, since he still felt a lot tired. 

As he passed by the living room, he saw Kris still sleeping on the couch, his long legs slightly hanging off to the sides, a pillow plasterd on top of his face, like he was using it to muffle out noises. Luhan laid on the floor next to Kris choking a stuffed panda bear, while slightly mumbling threats in his sleep. Xiumin didn't know what’s the deal with that, and shrugged it off.

As he entered the kitchen area, Xiumin heard rattling noises of pots and pans being taken out of the cupboards. Lay stood in the kitchen, taking stuff out to use for cooking breakfast. They were the only two awake right now.

"Is Taeyeon awake?" Xiumin asks Lay, while he watched the younger one rummaging through the cabinets, for things he can use. He then made himself some coffee.
Lay didn't hear him, as he was so focused in other things. After a few minutes of not getting any reply, Xiumin puffed up his cheeks in frustration.

"Lay! I asked if Taeyeon was awake!" Xiumin stomped his way over to Lay.
Lay turned around finally, as he heard the frustrated boazi's heavy footsteps make its way over.

"Oh hi Xiumin. You're awake." Lay quickly smiled at Xiumin then quickly turned back around to what he was previously doing.
Xiumin just shook his head. Typical Lay.

"I don't think Taeyeon's awake yet, but you can try waking her up. I think she still has work today." Lay called out, while still rummaging through the cabinets.

Xiumin grinned widely.
"Okay! Will do!" Xiumin snickered as he made his way to Taeyeon's bedroom.


Taeyeon giggled slightly in her sleep. She swatted away a tingly feeling on her neck. She readjusted herself on the bed and turned to sleep on her sides. There was a few minutes of nothing, and then the same tingly sensation swept across her nose and made its way across her cheeks. Taeyeon shook her sleepy head side to side, shaking off the tingly feeling again.

Someone in the room tried their hardest to hold in their laughter.

After another few seconds, whatever it was, was back tickling the top of her neck and made its way down her chest.
Taeyeon finally woke up, as she thought something was crawling on her.  
She let out a gasped as she sprang herself up in bed, flailing her feet to the sides in the process. She felt her feet kick something hard and heard something fall to the ground.

Taeyeon sat up in bed, wiping at her neck and face, looking for the culprit of what it was on top of her. After a few seconds of not finding anything, Taeyeon just sighed and declared herslef crazy. She then decided to get out of bed. She was about to slide off the bed, when she heard a moan come from below the other end.
Taeyeon surprised by the noise, quickly put her feet back up on the bed. Not knowing what it was, she grabbed and hugged one of her pillows for protection. She then slowly crawled on top of the bed to the other side. She inched her head towards the edge and peeked, scanning
 the floor. Taeyeon found Xiumin huddled on the ground eyes closed in pain.

"Xiu-Xiumin? What are you-" Then Taeyeon saw her feathered pen on the floor near him, and realized it was Xiumin who had been tickling her.
"Ah ha! So it was you who was doing that! I thought a spider was on me or some other horrible freaky creature!" Taeyeon pouted.
Xiumin stayed on the floor in pain.
Taeyeon eyes widens questionably as she got off her bed and squatted on the floor next to him.

"What's wrong?" Taeyeon nudge him worriedly.
Xiumin tried to sit up, hands between his legs. He then looked at Taeyeon accusingly.
"What's wrong?" Xiumin choked out, his face still scrunched up in pain. "You kicked Xiumin Jr. when you got up!"

Taeyeon just blinked at him for a few seconds and then laughed as she stood herself up.
"Don't blame me. It's your fault... Why were you even doing that in the first place?"

Taeyeon puts her hands forward for Xiumin to take, helping him stand up. Xiumin wrapped his arms around Taeyeon for support.
Xiumin his face very close to Taeyeon, just stared at each other. Xiumin couldn’t help but find how beautiful she looked even early in the morning. Her makeup-less face, was flawless and smooth. She looked so innocent, pretty, and everything nice there was in the world couldn’t compare with her. His sleepiness and grumpiness from early morning, just simmering away and dissipating into the warmth of Taeyeon’s body against his.

“Oppa...” Taeyeon began.
“Ya?” Xiumin whispered softly, still in his trance.

“You...have morning breath!” Taeyeon giggled as she broke away from his hold, holding her nose teasingly.
Xiumin, his mind back from outer space, just pouted at her.
“Hey its not like you're any better!” Xiumin replied. He then went over to her and purposely let out a deep breath.
“Hey stop that! You’re polluting our planet’s air!” Taeyeon giggled as she ran around the room, while Xiumin tried to chase her with his morning breath.
Xiumin finally pinning Taeyeon against the wall, smirked at her. Taeyeon tried wiggling free, but Xiumin was far stronger than her.
“Take back what you said or else..” Xiumin threatened Taeyeon.
“I’m not scared of you!” Taeyeon stuck her tongue out.
“Okay then. You asked for it!” Xiumin puts his face so close to Taeyeon’s, the tips of their nose touching.

It’s really going to happen...I’m going to- Xiumin’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud noise coming from outside the hall, in the kitchen area.

“Oppa what was that?” Taeyeon asked worriedly.

Taeyeon wanting to know what’s up with the noise, dodge Xiumin and ran out her bedroom as fast as she can. She wanted to make sure her home was still intact.
Xiumin still stood there dumbfounded, just staring at the wall where Taeyeon had been. Replaying the events in his head, and looking for anything that went wrong. He let out a loud and frustrated sigh as he made his way outside, wanting to know what the heck interrupted him. 

Hope you guys enjoyed the update! I wish I could be a better author and update often, but I can't! Please tell me what you guys think! Comment and Subscribe! Please... :)

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Taeyeonismyidol #1
Chapter 10: Update please I miss you
Chapter 10: Luhan-taeyeon please. Oh baekyeon/seyeon/kaiyeon, too. Hwaiting, authornim! '-')9
mayanguli #3
Chapter 10: this is really cute.. update soon please
aree_double_e #4
Chapter 2: fighting :)
Chapter 10: Update soon please :) This is a really cute story and LOL at y Kai!
Chapter 10: Author-nim, please update soon :(
dduijjang #7
Chapter 10: update please!!!!
Taeyeon97 #8
Chapter 10: I'm new readers :) I like this xD kissing moment pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
sparklinpeas #9
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh. this story just too cute! <3
SNSDletitrain #10
Chapter 10: I like more exo K-taeng moments,because they are closer,I like BAEKYEON! But I like kaiyeon too!you must make moments with them,but I think kaiyeon has to be...I don't know...Hot(because of kai)and BAEKYEON :D