It's Cold...

Is Everyone Here Like This?!


Ji Yong POV

“Mmm…” I woke up, staring right at L.Joe’s face. AH! That scared me… He was still asleep. I tried to move, but his arm was locked around me. It was no use trying…or maybe I just didn’t want to try…

His face was so cute~ I hope he stays asleep a little longer. I looked at his hair, it looked so soft. I couldn’t stop myself from touching it while he was asleep. I played with his hair. Suddenly, he tightened his grip around my body, making a little noise. I kept playing with his hair.

He really isn’t going to wake up is he?? I poked him in the cheek, trying to wake him up. I poked him again. He doesn’t even move! I poked him again. He opened his eyes. He stared for a second, and then he smiled.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked. I nodded. “What time is it?” I looked at the clock.

“It’s 8.” He closed his eyes. “Wake up~” He shook his head.

“It’s the weekend, my family doesn’t even wake up this early~”

“Come on L.Joe-ah~” I pinched his cheek.

“Do I have too~?” He smiled. Gah! It’s like he’s showing all his aegyo at once!! But it’s so cute!! I sat up.


“Come one~” I pulled his arm, dragging him out of the bed. We went to the kitchen, it looks like everyone else is still asleep. “We should make breakfast!” I suggested. He shook his head. “Aww. Your mom always makes you breakfast, you should give back every now and then.”

“What should we make?” he asked.

“Pancakes!” He tilted his head, thinking. “Don’t worry, I know how to make them.” I smiled. “Just tell me where you guys keep the eggs and flour and things.” He took out some eggs, milk, and flour. I broke an egg into a bowl. He just watched from behind. “Can you break an egg?” I asked.

“It doesn’t look that hard.” He said, watching me.

“You try then.” I handed him an egg. He was about to break it. “Wait!”

“What?” he asked, confused.

“Do it in a different bowl.” I handed him one. I feel like all the egg shells will go in it. He smashed the egg on the side of the bowl!! All the shells went in…

“…See. It’s not that hard!” He said. We laughed. I took another egg.

“You do it like this, a gentle tap and then you open the egg keeping the shell in your hand.” I demonstrated and explained.

“I don’t know~ You just do it.” He pouted.

“You should at least know how to crack an egg! I’ll help you.” I put the egg in his hand and put my hand over his, showing him how to do it. He seemed very tense. I looked at him, his face was pink… Oh the hand touch! I immediately let go. He dropped the egg on the floor.

“Oops…Why did you let go!?” He yelled as he cleaned the floor up.

“Sorry~ I’ll just crack the rest.” I quickly beat the eggs together with the other ingredients. Time to cook them! I spread the batter in a pan over the stove. They were turning out perfect!!

“Wah~ They smell good.” L.Joe smiled, getting out plates. I finished. He only got two plates out.

“What about your family?” I asked.

“They can get their own plates.” We sat down eating. “Wah! These taste really good!” He seemed happy. “So where do you want to go today?” he asked.



“I don’t know~”

“Actually I wanted to take you into the town nearby; they have really fun shops and fun things.”

“Ok!” She smiled.

“It takes an hour to get there, get ready after we finish eating.” We finished, while she finished getting ready I wrote a note to my mom.

Mom, I’m taking Ji Yong-ah into town. I took some money from your purse, hope you don’t mind~ We’ll be back by dinner, probably.


I waited outside for Ji Yong.

“Ok, let’s go!” She was dressed really cutely. It makes me feel like this is a date. We walked to the bus stop, boarding when one finally came. There were few people inside, we sat next to each other.

“So, one whole hour?” she asked.

“Yup.” I said when my phone rang. “Hello?”

“Where did you go!?!” It was Eun Myeong.

“I left a note. Can’t you read? It’s right on the table!”

“Oh! Have fun~” She hung up. I looked over at Ji Yong, she was texting someone, smiling. “Who is it?” I asked curiously.

“It’s Niel. He’s bored and misses me.” Good, it’s not Jinyoung! Suddenly her phone rang. “Hello? Niel-ah! You wanted to talk over the phone instead~ haha. I miss you too!” Niel is acceptable, but Jinyoung is a no no. “No, I’m having fun. I’m hanging out with a friend. No, it’s not a girl!” Is she talking about me? Why doesn’t she just say I’m with L.Joe! I hastily took the phone.

“Niel!” I said, quickly moving to another seat on the bus before she could grab the phone back.

“Are you Ji Yong-ah’s friend? Why are you referring to me by name already…” he said.

“Yah Niel, this is L.Joe!”

“WHAT!?! Don’t lie!” he yelled in disbelief.

“It’s really me. Ji Yong-ah is staying with me the WHOLE break.” I said before she snatched the phone back.

“Niel-ah! Y-Yeah…it’s true… I couldn’t go home, so I asked L.Joe-ah.” She explained to him. Heehee. She hung up after a while and shot glares at me.

“So what’d he say~?” I asked playfully.

“He wants to come too~ He’s upset I didn’t tell him.” Hehe. I want them all to know! Her phone rang again.

“Hello? Niel-ah already told you!?!” PWAHAHA! It must be Ricky! “I didn’t want you to freak out like this… Yes, I’ll talk to you later, bye.” She kept glaring at me. I just smiled, feeling victorious. Her phone rang again.

“Hello…Sandeul-ah…yes…it was Niel right?” Good job Niel! Tell them all~ I couldn’t stop smiling.

Her phone constantly rang, call after call. Every ring made me smile. The calls finally stopped as the bus reached the town. We got off.


“Wah~ It’s so cold here…” She crossed her arms.

“I’ll buy you something hot.” We went to a coffee shop. “What do you want?” I asked her.

“What does it taste like? I’ve never had coffee before.”

“What!?! Never!?!” I asked in disbelief. What kind of person has never drunk coffee? I ordered two different ones, we sat at a small table. “Try it, it’s a latte.” I handed her one, drinking the other myself.

She made a bad expression.

“Haha, you don’t like it? Try mine instead.” I gave her mine. She took a sip.

“This one’s not that bad.” She said. I drank the latte instead. Ah… that was just an indirect kiss, wasn’t it? I smiled to myself while we finished.

“Where do you want to go next? Shopping or playing around?” I asked as we walked.

“Both.” She answered with her hands in her pockets.

“Are you still cold?” I asked. She nodded. I put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to me.

“It’s not that cold…” She said shyly pushing me away. Hehe so cute. We walked around; I think there is a bowling alley around here somewhere…


“Is that you L.Joe!?!” I turned seeing a bunch of guys. Who are these…OH!

“Wah! How have you guys been!?!” They were my friends from before high school.

“We’ve been great, haven’t seen you since you started going to that sports school.” The all looked at Ji Yong. “Looks like you’ve been doing especially well~” They smiled.

“Hehe. This is Ji Yong-ah.” I introduced her. She was a bit shy.

“Nice to meet you!” My friend Hyuk came out, they shook hands. “Are you two dating?” he asked.

“No.” Ji Yong said quickly...why so fast…? They all laughed.

“And here we thought L.Joe finally got himself a girlfriend! So what are you two doing?”

“I was trying to find that old bowling alley, is it still around here?” I asked them.

“Yeah! Do you guys wanna play? You need more than two people~”

“Is that ok with you Ji Yong-ah?” I asked her. I kinda wanted it just to be us, but we need more people…

“Yeah sure.” She smiled.

“Wah~ Her voice is so cute~” The guys surrounded her. “Are you cold?” Hyuk asked. She nodded. “Here, for you.” He put his own jacket around her shoulders.

“Ah! No it’s ok.” She tried to hand it back.

“You look freezing! L.Joe should at least take care of his friend! I’m Hyuk by the way.” Tch. Hyuk was always the type to flirt with girls…but why didn’t I give her my jacket!


Aw L.Joe took her on a date~ Cute and jealous L.Joe hehe. But who are these friends of his, this Hyuk person seems kind of flirty...what could happen??

Thank you for reading! If you have anything to say please feel free to do so~ ^^

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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 81: Haha. I knew it. It's always the first guy.
iamawesome_rheacia #2
Chapter 69: Spoiler.

And l.joe is forever alone.
Chapter 31: I ship her with Jinyoung T^T Please authornim more of her with Jinyoung //knows this story is complete but wants to wish + continues being stubborn
Chapter 56: Reading this for the second time ! Oh how I love this ff<3
Cant wait to read this! Gaaahhh have to do homework 1st :(
ChocolatePandaCookie #7
Chapter 79: Someone please tell me how to subscibe?
Chapter 8: KYAAA L.JOE-AH!!! If nothing happens with Jinyoung soon, I'm gonna ship L.Joe more and more! XD
Chapter 5: LOL I burst out laughing at the end XDD I ship her with L.Joe just sooo badly right now XDD