Whose Boyfriend?

A Love of a Friend... Or Something More

Donghae’s POV

Clouds. White and fluffy clouds cover the bare blue sky.  I closed my eyes and let the music take me to a different place. A different place than where I am right now.

The song ended and the next song played next. I put my iPod on shuffle and the song Miduhyo (I Believe) by Dong Bang Shin Ki sunbaes is playing next.

I was listening to the song and just listened to the melody of the music, trying to relax. I didn’t really listen to the lyrics until the chorus when they sang:

          I believe in you... as I look at you
          I will send all my feelings for you
          I want to keep the feelings I have for you hidden
          Even my fears that you might leave me one day

The song was still playing but the chorus keeps on repeating in my head. It keeps on repeating in my head like a broken record. It made me forget about the song and made me focus more on the lyrics...about him

I continued to listen to my iPod and let the music soothe my mind. But it didn’t work. All my head could think about is the chorus and Hyukjae.

It’s scary how the song eerily reminds me of my feelings for him. It sums up everything that I feel towards him and everything that I’m thinking about that is about him. It makes me think about him more. He’s always on my mind.

I felt someone shook me and saw that Kyuhyun was the one who shook me.

“Hyung... we’re here. We’re back,” Kyuhyun said. He turned back and continued to play his game.

I looked out the window and saw that the plane was going to land soon. I guess I took a quick nap. The plane was now landing, making me closer to see him again. I don’t even know if that’s a good thing or not.

Once the plane landed we took our stuff and head outside where Hangeng hyung said that Heechul, Leeteuk, Yesung and Hyukjae were picking us up.

I guess the other members had different schedules or are waiting back at home... our home.

I closed my eyes as I could feel a headache coming.

“Are you okay Hae?” Ryeowook asked me.

I nod my head and answered, “Deh... I’m fine. I hate going on planes. It gives me motion sickness after.”

That was a lie. I love riding planes. But nowadays I hate it. I hate a lot of things I used to love these days. Many things irritate me and I don’t even know why.  You can even say I became more unpleasant to be around now.

We continued to walk until we saw four people in an obvious ‘trying-so-hard-to-not-stand-out-so-fans-won’t-notice-us-type-of-idols’ outfits.  Idiots.

“Those four idiots are them aren’t they,” Kyuhyun asked.

We all just nod our heads and continued to walk their way.


Hyukjae’s POV

“Yah... Hyukjae. Wake up. We’re picking up our boyfriends today,” I heard someone yell.

Boyfriends? Did I just hear that right? Whose boyfriend?

“Deh?” I asked the voice sleepily.

“Don’t play stupid with me and take a shower you smelly anchovy. You don’t want your boyfriend to smell you do you?” the voice continued. After hearing the voice speak again, I could recognize it as Heechul’s voice.

“Who? Who are you talking about hyung?” I asked him again.

“Donghae,” Heechul said simply. “Who else was I talking about? My Hannie? Now hurry up or else,” Heechul hyung said as he exited my room.

I stretched my stiff arms in an attempt to wake up. Once I was awake and aware of my surroundings, I head to my closet and picked my outfit for the day. I chose a simple white tee and jeans. After I chose my outfit, I head towards the bathroom to take my shower.

I looked in the mirror and saw my smiling reflection. “He’s finally back,” I said to myself. I smiled at the thought of having him by my side once again.

Having him close to me and see Donghae sleep in the bed next to mine is enough. He doesn’t know that I sometimes stare at his sleeping figure when he’s asleep. There are so many things I want to tell him but I’m scared to tell him.

I took my clothes off and step in the shower, scrubbing myself clean. After I was done, I quickly changed and head out to the dining room where Leeteuk hyung and Heechul hyung were waiting for us. Yesung was still getting ready.

I saw Heechul sniff me and I instinctively backed away. “Hmm... you smell good. Trying to impress a certain member,” he said in a joking but serious manner. He laughed and continued eating his burnt toast and messed up scrambled eggs.

“Heechul...” Leeteuk hyung said in a warning voice. “You’re supposed to be a hyung, why do you always start arguments?” Leeteuk hyung asked him.

I heard Heechul laugh and he said, “So what if I’m the hyung? Does that mean I have to be boring? Besides, I’m not saying anything that isn’t true. I’m just helping these two clueless love birds in my own unique way.”

“What are you talking about,” Leeteuk said as he took another sip from his coffee.

“You might’ve not noticed but I have. This stinky little anchovy has been missing a certain fish with a name that starts with a letter D,” Heechul continued.

I just stared at him not knowing what to say. I know that he has suspected my crush on Donghae but why does he have to tell everyone about it? I didn’t even say anything to Donghae yet so what right does Heechul hyung have to tell someone about my personal affairs?

Leeteuk continued to drink his coffee and thought about it for a while. “D? Who? Donghae?” Leeteuk said in disbelief.

“Bingo,” he said as he took another bite from his burnt meal. “See? Look at him. He’s not saying anything because he knows I’m right. Anyways, we should head to the airport now. They should arrive about an hour from now. Thank goodness Wookie and Hannie are coming home. I can’t deal with frozen dinners and burnt breakfasts anymore,” Heechul stated as he finished the remains of his burnt breakfast.

“Is that true Hyuk? Do you like Donghae?” Leeteuk asked me directly clearly ignoring Heechul’s insults of Leeteuk hyung’s cooking.

I didn’t know what to say so I simply nod my head and avoid eye contact.

“Look at me Hyuk,” Leeteuk hyung demanded. I looked at Leeteuk hyung as he continued, “Don’t be ashamed of it. If you like him, then you should tell him. It doesn’t matter what other people say. Don’t wait until the last minute or you’ll regret not telling him.”

I looked at Leeteuk hyung and said, “I’m just scared of what will happen to our freidnship and to Super Junior.”

“Like I said don’t think about what other people think and just think of Donghae. You should tell him soon or he will hear it from other people if Heechul continues to tell people about how you like Donghae,” Leeteuk said.

I chuckled at how Leeteuk was right. Donghae should hear it from me not from Heechul’s loud mouth.

Yesung went to the kitchen fully dressed and said, “Kangin, Sungmin and Shindong are still asleep. Do I wake them up or not?”

“We don’t have early schedules so let them rest. We’ll take the Super Junior van instead of bringing two cars. Let’s go?” Leeteuk stated.

We nod our head in agreement and head outside when Heechul stopped and said, “Wouldn’t we attract our fans if we go to the airport in our van? We can just take two cars going there. Then when we come back, 3 of them would go on one car while the other 2 would go on the other car since Henry and Zhou Mi stayed in China.”

“Okay... we should do that then. Let’s just go because they would be arriving soon,” Leeteuk stated.

The ride to the airport was sort of quiet. I rode with Yesung on his car while Heechul rode with Leeteuk on Leeteuk hyung’s car. The airport was about 30 minutes from the dorm and Yesung hyung tried to drive there as fast as he could.

Once we were in the airport’s parking lot we wore our black sunglasses in attempt to hide our identity as Super Junior members. We waited in the ‘passenger pickup’ area. It wasn’t long after we arrived when we saw the 5 of them walking towards us with their luggage.

“Long time no see guys,” Heechul greeted them as he grabbed them one by one and messed up their hair.

“How was your trip,” Leeteuk asked.

“Do you guys know that you guys look like idols who try not to be noticed by fans with what you’re wearing?” Kyuhyun asked laughing.

“We miss you too you brat,” Heechul said as he took Kyuhyun in his embrace and mess up Kyuhyun’s hair even more.

I took that chance to look at Donghae and look at him fully.

Even though it was only about 4 months since I last saw him personally while he was promoting as Super Junior –M, he changed. He looked tired and he wasn’t his usual cheery self.

“We miss you guys,” Yesung said.

“Let’s go home before our fans notice our arrival,” Donghae said simply.

“Alright... let’s go. I’m sure you guys are tired,” Leeteuk said understandingly. “We brought two cars so 3 of you will ride in my car and 2 of you would ride in Yesung’s car okay?” Leeteuk continued.

They nod their head and decided that Hangeng, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook would ride in Leeteuk hyung’s car while Donghae and Siwon would ride in Yesung’s car.

We helped them carry their bags and thank god that the fans didn’t notice us yet and made our way to the parking lot without any paparazzis and fans.

“How was the trip? Is promoting with Super Junior –M hard? Is learning mandarin hard?” I asked them.

“It was fun. When you’re a performer what isn’t hard,” Siwon said jokingly. “It’s hard learning a new language but it’s manageable,” he continued.

“That’s good. How about you Hae,” I said.

We almost arrived to where we parked earlier.

“It’s fine,” he said exhaustingly.

“Are you okay?” I asked him.

“I’m fine,” he replied instantly.

Something seems off and he doesn’t seem fine to me. I want to ask him what’s wrong but I decided not to.

We finally arrived in front of Yesung hyung’s car. We helped Siwon and Donghae put their luggages in the trunk.

Siwon sat shotgun which left the backseat for me and Donghae. Siwon was talking with Yesung and Donghae remained silent.

Yesung hyung started the car and Donghae sat on the opposite side of the car. Yesung hyung continued to drive home and talk to Siwon when Donghae began to doze off.

Donghae seems to be sleeping with his head moving back and forth from the car’s movements. I unbuckled my seatbelt and sat on the middle seat. I gently pushed Donghae’s head towards me so he can rest his head on my shoulder.

The frown on his face seems to smoothen out as he slept peacefully with the frown on his face gone.


A/N: I hope you guys like it. I sorta extended the oneshot to a threeshot because it seemed like you guys wanted it to be longer or a sequal so...surprise:D So please leave a comment and tell me what you think. Don't worry it's still an Eunhae/Haehyuk fanfic with a side of Hanchul.

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I'll make this oneshot a threeshot is that okay?


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Chapter 3: So cute I love it ♥
Chapter 2: Wow I really like it it's as real
The ending was sad and cute. Loved it.
Cute!! I loveeeee it ♥♥♥
The ending is so great~
ohhh..so sweet!
so sweet<333 omg this is to fluffy assfggkkfkdmdndn thankyou!
xnapoenya #7
Uhh so fluffy,,,
Sequel to the power infinity! pretty please~
i love u fr extending dis!!.. :DDDD.. THANKKKYUUU!!.. ^____^..
Does this mean a sequel is coming are way? Please.