
I'll Take That Bet

"How about we give the new girl our very own SM High welcome?"

"What are you proposing, Kim Jongin?"

"I'm saying... Let's make a bet."


You walked down the hallway, shooting poisonous glares at your classmates. They were so rude, staring at youbecause you were the new girl at school. It was your second day, and because of your red-streaked hair and eyeliner, you were already dubbed "the emo kid". Honestly, you weren't even emo. People were just a bit too judgemental these days.

"What?" Haven't you ever seen a pretty girl before?" You scoffed. They quickly looked away, avoiding your gaze. Sighing, you walked to your locker and opened it, pulling out the books needed for your first few classes. Then, you wandered around the school.

A dark haired boy with plump lips grinned at you. He was good-looking, you admitted, but he seemed like a jerk. "Are you lost?" he asked.

"Yeah, I am." You sighed. "Do you happen o konw where Mr. Kim's class is?"  The boy grinned wider and laughed. "What?" you asked.

"There are about five or six Mr. Kim's in this school." He grinned wider, showing off his gorgeous smile. Then he reached over and grabbed your schedule, scanning over it. "Ah, I happen to have that class, too." He nodded, his grin growing wider. "I'll take you!" His arm went to wrap around your waist but you grabbed it, holding it firmly away from your waist.

"I'm looking for a guide, not a boyfriend." You rolled your eyes. Still, you followed the boy to class. When you arrived, the boy took a seat in the back. You took a seat in the front. Then, the boy moved up to sit next to you. "I'm Kai, by the way."

"Nice to know." You took your books out of your backpack and set them neatly on your desk.

Kai waited a few minutes. WHen he realized you weren't going to introduce yourself, he cleared his throat. "You're ~~~~, right?"

You turned your head slowly. "How do you know my name...?"

"You were here yesterday! I heard the teacher call your name." He chuckled.

The teacher walked in and class began. However, that didn't stop Kai from constantly talking to you. When class ended, you were so happy to get away from Kai that you almost sprinted out the door. However, you realized that you didn't know how to get to your next class.

"Are you lost?" A low voice startled you. You looked up to see yet another gorgeous boy with messy curls and an innocent face. He was impossibly tall, just like...

You shook your head to clear your mind. "Ah, yes! I'm lost. Do you know where B115 is?"

He nodded. "I'll take you there right now." With a grin, he held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Park Chanyeol. And you are...?"

"~~~~," you informed him, taking his hand and giving him a firm handshake. He nodded. "Alright, let's go. Wouldn't want to be late."


School was over and you gripped the straps of your backpack tightly, walking out. You had to stay late since you were new, and the principal wanted to talk to you about your classes.

Suddenly, a girl who had more eyeliner than you stepped in front of you. "Who do you think you are?" she tilted her head to the side.

You pushed her to the side and continued walking. The girl grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back. "Listen, I've been best friends with Kai since preschool. If anyone is going to be his, it's going to be me."

Sighing, you kept walking. "You can have him," you shot quickly over your shoulder.

"I- what?" The girl stopped in her tracks. Then, she started laughing. "Oh, my gosh." Curious, you turned around and looked at her. "Ah..." When she calmed down  enough to talk, she informed you, "I really don't like Kai. He just told me to bully you so he could come and save you- and you'd fall for him, just like in dramas. Obviously you don't like him. Ahahah, Kai, she doesn't like you!"

A crestfallen Kai stepped out from behind a wall and sighed. "I guess it didn't work," he said. "You really don't like me at all?"

You bit your lip. "You planned all of this... for me?" Kai nodded. So it wasn't the most romantic thing, but it was kind of nice.

"I want you to be my girlfriend, ~~~." Kai stepped up to you and took both your hands. "I really do. You're different from the others, and I'm afraid that if I let you go, I'll lose the opportunity to have someone like you."

Tears welled up in your eyes because it reminded you so much of your ex-boyfriend. You shook your head. "I don't- I don't think I'm ready for a relationship." Tearing your hands free, you ran from Kai.


As you approached home, it was dark. There was someone waiting outside of your house. As you got closer, you realized it was Kris.


"~~~-" he started.

"What are you doing here?!" You tried to push past him to get in.

"Look, I'm sorry. I need to-"

"Get away!" You screamed at him, tears running down your cheeks already. Kris gripped your arm, his grasp strong.

"I'm not letting go until-"

Suddenly, Kris was ripped from you. "She said to get away."

It was such a cliche drama-like moment that you felt like laughing. Kai stepped to you, checking to see if you were okay.

"Who the hell are you?!" Kris growled, trying to grab for you.

Kai wrapped his arms around you protectively and turned so Kris couldn't reach you. "I'm-" his voice faltered, remembering his failed confession. "I won't let you get near her." Kai turned to you, smiling.

Kris threw a punch, but Kai was facing you and couldn't see. You gasped, quickly pushing Kai to the ground. Kris's punch hit you, but it was at a weird angle so it just caused a bit of pain, otherwise harmless. Kai's eyes opened wide and he hugged you even tighter. "OHMYGODAREYOUOKAY?!" Kai shook you, and you winced a bit, nodding.

Kai's overreaction caused Kris to widen his eyes as well, and back away. "Sorry-" 

"GO AWAY!" Kai waved Kris off to 'tend to your wound'. He picked you up bridal style, turning his face away from Kris and shooting you a wink.

You winked back, clutching your head. "Ah, it hurts- my head-" Kris stood helplessly as Kai opened your door and carried you in. Slamming the door closed, Kai walked over to your couch and collapsed on it, bursting into laughter. You joined him, laughing until your stomach hurt. "Oh my... that was a good one!" 

Your mother walked in then, seeing you two. You realized how close you were to Kai- you were sitting on his lap with your head on his chest, laughing. "Is this your new boyfriend?" 

You jumped off of Kai, speechless. Fortunately, Kai was ready and prepared for this situation. 

"Ah, no. I'm-"

You cleared your throat. "Yes. This is my new boyfriend, Kai." Grinning, you turned to him and grabbed his hand. Kai's smile was so wide that you thought it would stretch off of his face. 

It's only been a day, but you've already taken my heart. 


Hey, guys! Are you still there? Hopefully ^.^ So thank you so much for sticking with me~ :D 

I've been away for a while because school's been mean D: But here I am! Don't worry, more is coming soon. ^.^ THE DRAMA STARTS NEXT CHAPTER SO LOOK FORWARD TO IT!  (I've decided to make this a threeshot kind of thing)


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Chapter 3: sequel please...
KpopLoverSelina #2
Chapter 3: This needs a sequel in my opinion.
boyfriendexobap #3
Chapter 2: OMG!
Update soon!
gotta see what happens with chanyeol&kai. such jerks here.
awwwwww :(
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH!!!! that's amazing xD haha it moved so fast! xD
Chapter 1: Wow...I like it already! Weird how it has my username as the name of the main...:P
naaatchan #8
I can't wait! :3
sounds amazing!!!! can't wait!!