Smooth Moves

Sibling RivaLove



For breakfast we sat at a round table. The seating was as follows: Minhyun, Aron, JR, Baekho, Ren, and me. I scored a seat next to Ren, but I had Minhyun on my left. I dunno about that guy... He never talks!

Why was the breakfast table so awkward??? I really hate awkward silences. At times like these, I like to say something random and make people laugh. Hm... What to say?

"Nyah...I'm TIRED!" I whined and pretended to fall face-first into my food. 

Aron gave me a smile of sympathy. He could probably tell how desperate I was to start a conversation.

JR chuckled and shook his head with a genuine smile... I think...

Dongho and Ren gave me a laugh, possibly forced? I dunno.

And Minhyun has no reaction, or was that a smile I saw? Haha. 

I crossed my legs awkwardly. 

"Oh yeah, we have dance rehearsals today huh?" Aron said smoothly.

I mentally thanked him for starting conversation.

"Oh, Minseo what are you gonna do today?" Dongho asked me. Was he okay? He looked anxious, like he does before he goes to the dentist.

"I have no idea; can't I come with my oppas?" 

"I'm sure Ppakgom will allow it." JR said with a wink. This guy is such a flirt! And to his hyung’s yeodongsaeng, no less.

"I'll ask when he comes back" Bro said finally. 


"It'll be fun if you’re watching us" Ren said sweetly. 

I tried to mask my dreamy (and utterly cheesy) sigh. He smiled at me...


Next thing I knew, we were in the car on the way to a dance studio. I was playing chopsticks with Aron. I lost. 

"Now you owe me a dare!" he said as if he won a medal or something. 

"NYAH! What do you want?" I huffed, crossing my arms. 

He had this evil smile and glanced at Ren. Oh god no...

"I want you, to give him a kiss..." 

"NO!" Sweat was creeping on my skin

"On the cheek" he finished, smirking. 

Oh god... What to do?!

"And if you don’t, I'll tell him you love him to death." he raised his eyebrows. WHY DID I LOSE?! Of course, Dongho had to be in the car with us. But it gave me an excuse, and I was secretly happy. I knew exactly how I was gonna pull this off. 

Scooting towards Ren I whispered:

"Hey Ren?" 

"Hm?" He turned to look at me.

"What’s that over there?" I pointed to the driver.

When he turned around I leaned to kiss him on the cheek, BUT HE TURNED BACK! My face was like 3 centimeters away from his face!!! My heart was pounding and I could feel a blush crawling up my cheeks. 

"Hey there ~" he said, staring at me straight in the eyes with an adorable smile. I couldn't take the intensity, so I turned away, and settled back into my seat. Aron was laughing at my failed attempt. Shaking my head I glared at him.

Talk about embarrassing...


When we arrived, the manager took us to a room in the basement. 

"You can just sit over there..." Minhyun said quietly.

"Okie!" I looked in the direction he pointed in and then I placed my on a cardboard box. It caved in and my fell in. Oh yes, I'm super graceful. I glanced at the boys, wondering if any of them had seen me, but luckily they were preoccupied. I decided to sit on the floor and watched the boys get into formation. I had a side view of them. 

Ren was surprisingly muscular around his arms. His dance moves are smooth but intense. And... He has a really cute ! The way he tosses his head makes his hair bun bounce. His facial expression is so y... I mentally kyaaa’d every time he tossed his hair. 

Then the manager hyung interrupted the song. They all collapsed on the floor, sweaty.

"The jumps aren't done quite right... Baekho can you demonstrate? You were the best at it." 

Bro pulled himself off the floor and struck a pose, waiting for the music to start. When it did he preformed the jump perfectly. Next he did it without music and in slow motion. I went back to gazing at Ren. Even when he sweats his face is flawless. Minhyun was staring at his shoes. JR was breathing heavily and flapping his shirt to cool himself. Aron was staring at bro. At least someone was paying attention. In fact he was staring really intensely. Huh. 

When it was lunchtime they took a break and sat with me to eat sandwiches. 

"Whatcha think?" JR asked while he unwrapped his sub. 

"It was really cool! I wish I can dance in a formation like that." 

Dongho laughed. "It takes a lot of hard work and effort, you up for that?" 

"Hmph, I can work hard if I want." I said turning my back on him and pouting cutely.

"When we have time we can show her a few dance moves..." Minhyun said quietly. 

I take back what I said before, I like this guy. 

"Bro pleeeaase!" I said attempting puppy eyes. 

He rolled his eyes. 

"It'll be really cute! Pleaaase~" Ren said with me. How cute is that? 

"See? Ren says it’s okay! C'mon!" 

He looked from Ren and then to me, and back to Ren.

"Okay fine, but not today." he said laughing and shaking his head. 

"Thank you oppa~! And thank you Ren!” I laughed.

Hi there! I'm sorry I took a long time writing this *bows* >_<; Minhyun is so quiet LOL -Italy
Gah! Took you long enough, eolin cheonyeo! Finally I can write the next chapter U.U  ~Ever
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Wow, our story is nearing its close; there are only about two chapters left. We hope you have enjoyed readng. A new story will be coming as soon!


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Chapter 18: oehhh that'd the end.ermmmm i didn't notice..well a good plot but i hink there's more story behind it.. sorry for if i commented rude.. i just pass by on here because i am in search of looking for a good character..anyway..thankyu for the story i didn't notice i was hooked by this。
Chapter 18: AIGOO DONGSENG IS MICHOSO. DX MINHANHAMNIDA FOR SPAMMING SO MUCH UNNIS DX I shall be a good student now and do my homework c:
Chapter 13: OH LORD XD Omo~
Chapter 8: This may be gross, but my gum fell out of my mouth when reading this chapter...
Chapter 6: OMO! OTTOKE!!! >__< Aigoo still apologizing for commenting every chapter..
Chapter 5: Aigoo~ Mihanhamnida QAQ Dongsengah's still spamming Kekeke losing chopsticks~