
Sibling RivaLove


When we got into the car, I wasn't even paying attention. But... The boy with blond bangs was sitting next to ME! The sports car wasn't too big, so our arms we touching. I hope my skirt isn't too short... My face was getting warm, and my heart started pounding. He's prettier then me, and I'm a girl. Wow... I stared at the ground to avoid weird questions

Then it suddenly occurred to me. I WAS IN A CAR WITH NU'EST. The fangirl inside me was screaming her lungs out

"I...I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!" I yelled with my hands covering my mouth. My eyes were everywhere. 

They all started laughing at me. Aish... Kinda embarassing... Blonde Bang's smile is SO CUTE! At the same time I tried to avoid staring at the blonde for too long.

"It only took like... Like 5 minutes!" Aron said while laughing like a hyena. (His name is Aron, right?)

I feel kinda bad... Even though I'm a fan, and Dongho's sister, I haven't memorized their names yet! 

Dongho messed up my hair again. Slapping his hand away, and trying to look upset was SUPPOSED to make them stop laughing, but it backfired and they laughed even harder.

This felt good... But did they hafta laugh SO MUCH?!

"ANI! What are you laughing at?" I said attempting to sound embarrassed or something. 

Suddenly Bangs spoke. 

"Ignore the kids. You have me and Baekho! We're the best-looking, neh?" 

I finally looked back at his grinning face. His skin is so clear. His smile was really heart-warming, kinda like bro's. With a warm face, I nodded. 

Turning to look at bro, I noticed he had a funny expression. Neh, its prolly cuz he's embarrassed to be seen with a childish 15 year old like me. Haha! 

It was amazing to be able to see these guys up close. Definitely some make-up was used, but it wasnt too crazy. I think.  They asked me how old i was, what school was like and the obvious question: If i had a boyfriend or not. Aish...

"Nah, no boyfriend! I have Dongho <3" I said grabbing my oppa's arms. 

He rolled his eyes. "Her excuse for not getting hit on yet" he said laughing and poking my head.  AIEEE NO! 

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" I hissed in his ear. Was I wrong to trust him with my secrets?! Augh. 

Red Bangs raised his eyebrows. 
"Really? With that face? I'm surprised." 

Shaking my head, I glared at Dongho. Then I saw he was glaring at red bangs. Dongho? Protective? Well that's new...

When we arrived, bro took my hand again and led me up the stairs. Leaving my stuff behind? 

"Hey what about my stuff?" I asked, looking back at the car.

"Oh, the boys will get it" 

"What? Really? I feel bad... Can they carry all my stuff? Hope they dont break anything..."

"AHAHAH, you sound like a diva or something!" 

I shook my head. I just hope my suitcase doesnt explode and they see my underwear...

The hotel wasnt as big as I expected. And where was the paparazzi? I made sure to wear a decent outfit just for that reason. Oh well, I hear paparazzi is scary anyway.

When the doors opened I was slightly shocked. THE APARTMENT WAS A MESS. Clothes everywhere, empty instant ramen on the table, and video games. I mean what did I expect? This is a bunch of teenage boys living without their parents, after all. I rolled my eyes

"Just step on our stuff, we don't care." Dongho assured me when I was hesitant to walk in. 

After all my stuff was brought in we had dinner in the living room. Instant Ramen.

The manager left us alone and went outside to smoke or something. 

There was a silence, except for the sound of slurping noodles. 

I nudged Dongho, "What are their names again?" 

"Ai... guys introduce yourselves again" 

"I'm JR," Red Bangs said with a smile. 

"I'm Aron." yes! I knew it was Aron.

"Minhyun ~" This guy barely said anything.

"Call me Ren" blonde bangs said and ruffled my hair. Even his name was cute! Even after he turned back to his ramen, my eyes wouldnt stray anywhere else. How is his face so symmetrical? So pretty...


"Hey... Where am I gonna sleep?" I asked when Minhyun and Aron went to their rooms. 

"You can sleep in my room!" JR said with a wink. 


"JR! She's 15!" Dongho kicked him in the back. 

Well this sure is interesting.

"I'm just being friendly! You jelly?" JR kept teasing. 

I shook my head and left to go use the bathroom. 

On the way there I bumped into Ren. 

"Mianhamnida..." I muttered, hiding my face. 

"Nah, it's fine" he said with a smile. 

He was wearing shorts and a tank top, his hair loose around his shoulders. It looked so y... 

"KYAH!" I exclaimed. Something had grabbed my shoulders! 

It was Aron. 

"Hey, sorry about that, but I noticed you were staring into space. You okay?" 


"I'm a ditz, I stare into space all the time!" I said laughing. 

Aron smile-nodded, and left. 

After my shower, I went back to the living room and found most of them sleeping. Who was missing... Ah! Minhyun and Ren! Where'd they go? Eh whatever, I wanna sleep next to bro... 

He was on the couch hugging a pillow. This made me smile. He always needed to cuddle when he slept. I slowly tip-toed over to him, and sat down, my back leaning on the couch. I held his hand and squeezed it, making sure it was real. Then I felt tears in my eyes. I missed him so much, he has no idea. Before I started sobbing, I rubbed my eyes and thought about the days events. 

I met Ren, the prettiest boy ever! His face was small, and his hair was a in a cute bun. His lips... So perfect... He was like a porcelain doll....

His lips so kissable...  I held his face gently. His skin was so smooth against my palm. And such long eyelashes... I leaned closer to his lips, kissing him gently on pretty, full lips. Soft. Mint. I slowly opened my mouth, biting his lower lip...

I jerked awake. Aish, just a dream... But a very, very nice dream.

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Wow, our story is nearing its close; there are only about two chapters left. We hope you have enjoyed readng. A new story will be coming as soon!


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Chapter 18: oehhh that'd the end.ermmmm i didn't notice..well a good plot but i hink there's more story behind it.. sorry for if i commented rude.. i just pass by on here because i am in search of nuest...im looking for a good character..anyway..thankyu for the story i didn't notice i was hooked by this。
Chapter 18: AIGOO DONGSENG IS MICHOSO. DX MINHANHAMNIDA FOR SPAMMING SO MUCH UNNIS DX I shall be a good student now and do my homework c:
Chapter 13: OH LORD XD Omo~
Chapter 8: This may be gross, but my gum fell out of my mouth when reading this chapter...
Chapter 6: OMO! OTTOKE!!! >__< Aigoo still apologizing for commenting every chapter..
Chapter 5: Aigoo~ Mihanhamnida QAQ Dongsengah's still spamming Kekeke losing chopsticks~