さくら (Sakura)

Sibling RivaLove



After I got back at Dongho for tickling me, I skipped towards the bathroom and bumped into JR. 

"Hey, watch it... Nghhh..." He rubbed his eyes and walked into a wall. “Aigooo!” Ha glared at me (I was grinning stupidly) and went to the kitchen. I was holding in a laugh. Haha! He's usually cool and slick... But I just say him walk into a wall! 

While I washed my face, I started thinking about Ren again. 

I'm not worried about asking him out... But I wanna know what his deal is... Does he like girls in general? I mean, he’s been shipped with everyone else in the group... Even Dongho! Does he even think of me that way? What can I do? All these questions were bothering me. Maybe I should ask another member... Just to be sure... 

As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Aron walk out of his room. 

"Hey. Aron-ah?" I tapped his arm quickly before he walked away. 

"Hey Minseo!" he grinned. 

I looked at the ground and my shorts.

"Um... Can I ask you something? And can you not tell anybody?" I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked away, not wanting him to see me blush.

"Of course," he replied, sounding a bit worried, "Do you want to talk in my room?" 

I nodded, and followed him to his room. It was a bit cluttered and I swear I could smell ramen... These boys really love their ramen...

"You can sit wherever." 

I took a seat on his bed and he sat on the ground looking up at me. 

"Um... How do I put this...? Do you know... If... Uhm..." Aish, c'mon! I just need ask! 

"Yeah?" he scratched his head.

"Er... Ren... Do you know if he...does he... Erhm... Does he have a girlfriend?!" I finally said, maybe a bit too loudly. I covered my face.

I heard him laugh quietly. Aish, was it a bad idea to tell him?

"Minseo... You're so cute!" he laughed, attempting to cover it with his hand. 

"Haha..." I forced a laugh and looked at the ground.

"But to answer your question, no he doesn't have a girlfriend. None of us do, we haven't had the time, like JR said.  And from what I know... You don't have a boyfriend..." he looked at me with this awful grin. 

My eyes went wide and I laughed. 

"Hey don't worry, I won’t tell anybody. And I think you might have a chance!" 

"What, really?!” I jumped up and knocked over an empty ramen cup. So that’s where the smell was coming from...

"Yeah, but I’m not making any promises... Good Luck...” he added in a near whisper.

"Kamsamnida oppa!” I gave him a quick hug and left his room. 

Okay, I was going to tell him. I'm not really sure what’s gonna happen... But if I don't do anything soon, I’m going to chicken out and my two months will be up. 

Everyone (except Aron) was already at the table, half-done with breakfast. 

Ren looked up and smiled at me. His hair was already tied in a bun. 

"Where are we going today?" I said as I got some oatmeal and sat down. 

"Oh you'll like it, we're going to have a photo shoot at this place where there are tons of cherry blossom trees, your favorite." Dongho told me smiling. Ren choked on his omelet.

"Oh cool! I can't wait to see my two favorite things put together in a photo! Sakuras and NU'EST!" I smiled and thought about how cute Ren would look with a sakura in his hair. Feminine, but on him it might look hot. 

"You can pose in some pictures with us; we just can't use them for the magazines." Minhyun said smiling. Did he glance at Ren? I don't even know...


The guys smiled at me and we ate the rest of breakfast in silence.

 I tried to imagine how I would tell Ren how I feel... But then somehow I got sidetracked and thought about how his pink cheeks were freakin' adorable! KYAAA~

And seriously, how often do I meet someone that has a wonderful personality AND the cutest/prettiest physical appearance?! Just thinking about him filled me with a giddy-ness. And before I knew it we were in the car, on the way to the park. Ren sat across from me, and I had to be careful not to catch his eye or I knew I’d start blushing. 

"What do you hate the most?" JR suddenly said, startling most of us.

"Mwoh?" I was focusing on my iPod. 

"What do you hate? We know what kind of things you like, what don't you like?" he tilted his head in a way that made his hair slant in a perfect angle.  His eyes were tiny slits staring straight at me. I laughed nervously. Why so serious...?

"Um... I guess I hate awkwardness... It’s stupid. And I don't like moths either... Yuck." I laughed a real laugh. I'm such a random person. Suddenly I noticed that they all looked deep in thought. What was up with them? They were all so tense this morning... What can I do to break this...?

"Hey guys, why so serious? We aren't at a funeral you know!" I said, exasperated. I saw Minhyun smile, but that was the only reaction I got. 

Just then the car stopped, signaling that we arrived. They looked up, but said nothing. AUGH.

"AIGOO!" I called over my shoulder as I stomped out of the car. I think I heard bro say something, but I didn't bother staying back to listen. 

I ran to the other car that had all the cameras. Photography is a like a secret passion for me. I helped set up a few cameras, then the main guy told me to get the guys so they can get dressed and stuff. Nyeh.

I walked over to the car, but they weren't there. Damn, now I hafta go find them... serious... Bothersome kids... Why am I calling them kids? They’re my oppas... I shrugged.

I checked behind the trailer trucks to look for them, but the flowers distracted me. So pretty.... I let myself walk through this path. The perfect shade of pink; it was so gentle and innocent. I sat beneath one tree that had a pile of petals lying under it. I leaned back and closed my eyes, feeling the wind blow through my hair. The stress left me for the moment.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up lazily and saw Ren's perfect outline.

"Hey Minseo."  He smiled at me like he usually does. He's so sweet!

"Aish Ren-ah, I was so comfortable!" I giggled as I stood up and let the petals fall off my lap. We both stood there, staring at the endless bunch of trees that go off into the distance.

I took a deep breath. All right... I’m going to tell him... But just as I opened my mouth, Ren spoke.

"Cherry blossoms are pretty right?" he held his hands behind his back and walked a few paces.

"Yeah!" I giggled. "They’re my favorite flower!"

"You know what else is very pretty?" his voice was a bit slower this time.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to the right. What’s he talking about?

He was muttering something I couldn't hear, but I somehow I heard the words "your face", which confused me even more. Huh?!

"What? Your face? Whose face? Whaaa?" I took a step closer to him.

He smirked a little, and turned away, covering his face.

"Hey! What are you laughing at? REN!" I swatted his arm, and grabbed it making him face me. His face was pink and he stared at the ground.

"You!" he turned to look at me.

The random words were starting to make sense now. I finally realized, I think... But it can’t hurt to make sure.

"You... You think I'm pretty?" I asked, my heart skipping a beat.

He nodded and gave me a shy smile. He looked so sincere...

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing! I was so happy! Ren! Ren the prettiest, most fashionable boy ever thinks I’m pretty! And I was just about to confess to him, too...

"Now why are you laughing?!" he asked me, laughing a little himself.

"Ren! You have no idea!"


"Ren, I love you..." I blushed, looking down, but looked up again, waiting for his reaction.

"Wait... Really? You’re not joking?" he had this surprised expression. Geezus, he's adorable!

"No, I'm not..." I looked down again, embarrassed. What’s he going to say?!

"The thing is Minseo... I love you too. Will you be my girlfrie-"

That was it; I couldn't hold back my urge to hug him. I threw my arms around his waist and he slowly put his arms around me.

"Ren... I haven’t known you that long... but I love everything about you. I love you..." I whispered into his shoulder. My smile was so big I think my cheeks would be sore later. REN LOVES ME BACK!!! THE BOY I LIKE LOVES ME BACK!!! I laughed a little from my excitement.

Then suddenly he picked me up and swung me around like bro would, which made me laugh for real. Both of them are so special to me...

When we broke our embrace for a second, he kissed me on the cheek. My heart was seriously going to jump out of my chest!

Then I heard some clapping from behind me... OMO! NU'EST was applauding from behind the trailers! How much did they see?! Oh geezus how embarrassing... I hid my face in Ren’s chest, silently praying that Dongho wouldn’t tell umma and appa, at least not yet.

Ren was laughing.

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Wow, our story is nearing its close; there are only about two chapters left. We hope you have enjoyed readng. A new story will be coming as soon!


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Chapter 18: oehhh that'd the end.ermmmm i didn't notice..well a good plot but i hink there's more story behind it.. sorry for if i commented rude.. i just pass by on here because i am in search of nuest...im looking for a good character..anyway..thankyu for the story i didn't notice i was hooked by this。
Chapter 18: AIGOO DONGSENG IS MICHOSO. DX MINHANHAMNIDA FOR SPAMMING SO MUCH UNNIS DX I shall be a good student now and do my homework c:
Chapter 13: OH LORD XD Omo~
Chapter 8: This may be gross, but my gum fell out of my mouth when reading this chapter...
Chapter 6: OMO! OTTOKE!!! >__< Aigoo still apologizing for commenting every chapter..
Chapter 5: Aigoo~ Mihanhamnida QAQ Dongsengah's still spamming Kekeke losing chopsticks~