
Sibling RivaLove



“You know you need some exercise.” I looked at Minseo, giving her my best “I’m-your-oppa-and-you-know-I’m-right” look.

“Aish,” she complained, “Can anyone come with me?”

JR grunted and I stifled a laugh as I saw him pinch Ren, making him jump.

“I’ll go!” said Ren, smiling cutely at MinMin. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. The two of them combined had enough aegyo to kill someone!

Suddenly I was struck with an idea. "Hey let’s race! Elevator vs. Stairs, GO!" I yelled, shoving the boys into the elevator and jabbing the ‘Up’ button.

The doors closed and I relaxed, grinning. I nudged JR.

“Nice one.” I smirked.

He raised an eyebrow. “Thanks. Hey, about what I, erhm... Saw earlier...” he trailed off, scratching his neck awkwardly.

I blushed, looking down. “Uhm... You didn’t see anything, okay?” He nodded, chuckling. “’Course not.”

Minhyun butted in, looking confused. “Mwoh?”

I grinned slyly. “Nothin’.”

“Yah!” he slapped me lightly on the arm. “Are you hiding things from me?”

I looked at him, pretending to be offended. “Are you accusing me?”

I was met with a steely glare from Minhyun. He turned to JR. “What did you see?!”

“Ren’s phone.” I interrupted. “It was Ren’s phone.” I glanced at Aron, one eyebrow raised. I swear I saw him blush.

Minhyun glared at me a moment longer, obviously still skeptical, but decided to let it go. JR and I looked at each other and shrugged, just as the elevator chimed for our floor. The door slid open and we tumbled out, hurrying for the hotel doors.

Due to his long legs, Minhyun reached the door first, jamming in his key and banging the door open. The room was empty.

“YES!” we cheered, jumping around like little kids. I left to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of milk, and Minhyun went to change. JR sprawled out on the couch and promptly fell asleep, snoring. I snorted and put my glass in the sink. I was just about to sabotage JR’s game of LoZ when I hear MinMin and Ren outside, talking and laughing. I stood to open the door but Aron shot out of nowhere, throwing the door open.

Minseo and Ren toppled into the room, landing sprawled upside-down at Aron’s feet.

“Oh, hi.” he said casually.

Minseo giggled. “Aron-ah! That hurt!” she punched his foot playfully. Aron chuckled, walking off and disappearing somewhere.

After a couple moments of silence, Ren pushed himself to his feet. He said something to Min and offered her a hand up. She took it, blushing, and I grinned to myself. That girl is hopeless.

Minseo jumped to her feet and ran a hand through her hair, mussing her bangs. “I’m gonna take a shower!” she announced. Ren nodded and walked over to JR, pushing him off the couch.

“Waiya!” yelled JR, bewildered. “What was that for?!”

Ren, ignoring him, turned to face me. “Baekho, can you come here?”

I shivered at the coldness of him tone. I walked over and tentatively sat beside him. JR looked up at us from his seat on the floor.

“Nothing happened in the bathroom.” said Ren, shakily, looking me in the eye. “Understood?”

I nodded mutely, but JR cracked a smile.

“Don’t worry,” he assured Ren, “We already agreed on that.” He yawned. “Can I have my spot back?”

Ren nodded, standing. “Thanks hyungs.”

JR leaped back on the couch and was snoring again within a couple minutes. I leaned back on the couch.

Aron hyung loves me? But... He’s never said anything that suggested it... Or have I just been blind? Have I been so absorbed in my love for Ren that I failed to notice the signs? Aron...

I drifted off, tired from the day’s excitement.


Blinking my eyes, I groaned.

“Mwoh...?” still half asleep I rubbed my eyes. “Whaddya want?” I opened my eyes and gasped. Aron sat on my lap, his face just inches from mine. “Yah! Hyung!” I pushed him off, blushing.

He laughed and got to his feet. “C’mon sleeping tiger,” he grinned, “It’s time for dinner.”


Aish! Minhamnida for the late update ; ; I  hope you liked the chapter, minhae again for the shortness! Thank you for your patience! (Or lack thereof!) ~Ever-chan

By the way I was listening to this song while writing this: Son Dambi - Bad Boy Not really relevant, I just like the song ^^

Lol, Baekho freaked when he saw Aron sit on his lap <3 so cute! -Italypasta

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Wow, our story is nearing its close; there are only about two chapters left. We hope you have enjoyed readng. A new story will be coming as soon!


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Chapter 18: oehhh that'd the end.ermmmm i didn't notice..well a good plot but i hink there's more story behind it.. sorry for if i commented rude.. i just pass by on here because i am in search of looking for a good character..anyway..thankyu for the story i didn't notice i was hooked by this。
Chapter 18: AIGOO DONGSENG IS MICHOSO. DX MINHANHAMNIDA FOR SPAMMING SO MUCH UNNIS DX I shall be a good student now and do my homework c:
Chapter 13: OH LORD XD Omo~
Chapter 8: This may be gross, but my gum fell out of my mouth when reading this chapter...
Chapter 6: OMO! OTTOKE!!! >__< Aigoo still apologizing for commenting every chapter..
Chapter 5: Aigoo~ Mihanhamnida QAQ Dongsengah's still spamming Kekeke losing chopsticks~