Sungjong chapter 4~~PART 2

Infinite Proposals~


“Ah! Mianhe! It was an important phone call.” Sungjong ran up to me sheepishly rubbing the back his head. “Ah, ani, It’s ok.” I gave a weak smile.  He extended his hand. “Come on let’s go somewhere else.” I looked into his eyes and ignored the bad thoughts. I took his hand and he helped me stand up. “Ne!” I linked my arms into his and started walking. “Where should we go?” I said as I looked around.  He then pointed at a little shack. “How about there?” I squinted my eyes to see what it was and read the sign. “Bike...Bike rentals! Lets go!” I grabbed his hand and we ran to the bike rentals shack. “Ah! I’m tired.” I said while trying to catch my breath.  We were only a couple of feet away from it. “Come on lets go you.” Sungjong walked right behind me and placed his hands around my hips. “Gajja!” Sungjong started to push me from behind. As soon as we got to the shack Sungjong held my hand and guided me. “Ahnyeonghaseyeo halmoni!” Sungjong and I both bowed. “Ahnyeonghaseyo, what can I do for you?” The woman in her 40’s came up to us.  “We were hoping to rent a couple bike.”Sungjong said excited.  The woman saw our hands being held together and smiled at us.  “Aigo~What a beautiful young couple.” Sungjong looked at me and saw a light crimson brush on my cheeks.  I looked over at him and caught him staring at me, which cause him to blush twice as me.  “Here, you can have this one,” She came to us with a bicycle where there was one person pedals in front and the other person petals behind. “How much is it?” I asked. The shopkeeper looked into my eyes and smiled. “20,000 won per hour”I walked to the bike and was excited to ride it.  4 years ago, since I was new I would always hang out and talk to Sunjong.  He was always there for me.  He confessed to me 1 month after school started.  That’s when I learned more about him and how he always wanted to be a singer. So he auditioned and became a trainee, we didn’t even have a chance to go on a real date.  2 years later he became a member in a group called Infinite and became more busy, that year I went back to the U.S for college and one year later I came back as and exchange student.  He also promised me that one-day we would ride on a bike and have those Korean drama moments. I felt SungJongs stares but since I was so excited and ignored them. “A pure one huh?” Sungjong looked at the shop keeper puzzled. “Excuse me?” Sungjong sheepishly said. “Your girlfriend, she’s pure and innocent.  She’s also very lively and caring. She’s a keeper and by the looks of it. You make her very happy.” She then looked him in the eyes, which startled him. “And by the looks of it you really do lover her and she really loves you.” I walked back to Sungjong and the woman. “How much did you say it was again?” I said once again with a huge smile on my face. She smiled at both of us. “It’s free, just for you two.” I looked at her and grabbed hold of her hands.  “Are you sure?” I opened my bag and took out my wallet. “she laughed and patted my hands. “It’s free now, hurry and go before I changed my mind.” She turned around and walked inside. “Gamsahamnida halmoni!” We both bowed. I got on the one behind and looked back at Sungjong who was staring at the lady. “Whats wrong?” I asked him and he looked at me with a smile. “Nothing.” He got on the front and we started pedaling. 30 minutes have passed and we stopped in front of a café close to the river.  “I’ll go buy us some bottled water.” I smiled and walked to the café. I walked to the drinks section of the café and grabbed to bottles of water.  “As that all your getting miss?” Said the cashier as I placed the two bottles of water. “yes that’s it.” I smiled. “Are you paying cash or credit?” “Credit.” I took out my credit car and paid for the drinks. “Thank you for shopping with us, come again soon!” I bowed and walked out. I opened the door and saw Sungjong’s back. “Su-“ Before I screamed his name out I noticed a tall skinny girl with blond hair.  She had a great figure and was very pretty.  I squinted my eyes to try to find out who it was. “Nana?...hat is she doing here.” Wow…their so close…Wait…Why is she so close to him?! I saw how much space was left between them.  My heart started to ache.  I shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions…I then noticed how she placed her hand on his shoulder.  I started to walk over to them slowly.  Nana glanced at me and looked back at him. What’s going on?...Sungjong then glanced at me and saw him shooing Nana away.  The last thing I saw was them hugging and that’s it she was gone.  I walked to Sungjong and gave him his water bottle and walked away.  “Aegiya…”Sungjong then followed behind me trying to get my attention.  I stopped and clenched my hands to a fist “I need to be alone for a bit Sunjong.” And I continued walking.  I walked towards the railing of the Han’s river and took deep breaths. “What going on…why are you acting so weird Sungjong?...” I then looked down at the water and watched the waves crash.


Sungjong’s point of view:

“Aish, what am I doing wrong…I mean I followed Sunggyu hyungs advise about the surprise but she’s upset with me!” I walked to a bench and sat down looking at you from a distance.



“Sunggyu hyung! I need help!” We were in our group car coming back from our last recording of a variety show. “With what?” Sunggyu said as he was playing around with his phone. “With you, I want to do something special for her but I don’t know what to do.” I looked at my hands that were resting on my lap and thought about her. How she was always there for me even though I was busy with rehearsals and everything. Sunggyu looked at me and then stood silent. “You love her right.” Sunggyu pointed at me and I nodded. “Then do what I did.” He smiled. “Cheat on noona??!?!?” The other members were asleep so they weren’t listening to our conversation. “Andwae! Babo!! That was a mistake and being drunk that night isn’t an excuse…and because of that stupid thing…I almost lost the most important thing in my life.  I regret everything I did that night…It wasn’t like me and you know it.” I nodded.  It was true, it wasn’t like him, he loved noona very much and I shouldn’t let the thing I love go away. She’s mine…I want her to be mine forever.  “Don’t worry Sungjonggie, hyung will help you.”


End of flashback:

“And now everything is crashing down.” I took a deep breath and sighed. Wait a minute…I know one person who might know what to do.  I took out my phone and scanned through my contacts. Ah there it is Sister in law…


(Back to your point of view)

 Its gotten dark and the sun was just setting.  Sungjong and I haven’t talked for an hour and it worries me.  “you…”I turned my head and looked at him. “Come with me.” He grabbed my hand and led me to a dark place, all that was there were trees and tables. “Now!” Flashes of light started to appear in the night sky. I looked up and saw beautiful fire works popping up one by one. “Sungjong…” I said as I looked at Sunjong. “Turn around…” I did as I was told and saw a group of people surrounding a table and on that table was a beautifully decorated cake.  I covered my mouth in shock and looked back at Sungjong. He hugged e tightly and whispered into my ear. “Mianhe.” He pulled away and grabbed my hands. “Mianhae for making you feel jealous, I didn’t mean too..the only reason I was acting strange was because Nana unnie was helping me plan this for you.” I felt my tears trying to escape, as hard as I tried to keep them in, its was no use. He led me to the group of people and saw everyone from Infinite, Nana, Some friends and Sunggyu’s fiancé, well soon to be wife.

Sungjong walked up to Leader Gyu’s fiancé. “Thank you noona, for helping me.” She smiled and nodded.  Sungjong then walked towards me and got on one knee. “you, I want you to be mine…I want to be with you forever.  I love the way you smile,I love your laugh…I love everything about you! I want to live happily by your side…If you let me.” My tears kept falling down.  I couldn’t believe what was going on. He then took out a box. “A kimbap box?” I grabbed it and opened it and saw a beautiful ring.  It was silver and little diamonds were around it.  “Will you marry me you?” I took out the ring and put it on my ring finger. “Yes…Yes a thousand times yes!” He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist.  I s my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.  “I love you Sungjong.” He looked into my eyes and pressed his lips on mine. “I love you too you.” As soon as I heard those words I kissed him back passionately. 

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Jiaying_lurvyounique #1
Cute max, this story !
--peperokiss #2
Aww! I love SungJonggie's! So cute!!! ≧∇≦
Can't wait for the others!