Flashbacks part 1

They Told Me . . .







Chaerin sighed as she absentmindedly looked at the window while caressing Boss’ fur. The blonde was another favorite of the dog, aside from his mother—Dara. “So, let me get this straight, you’re boyfriends are actually—”


“Friends.” Dara said as she scanned her phone for new messages. The girls were staying in the Lee’s villa where the wedding, a month from now, would be happening. Shin Woo had told her about his brother’s arrival and to her surprise, her friends’ boyfriends are also coming. Her two friends have decided to invite their boyfriends along because our Rinnie would have no more time for us in her wedding day sniff-sniff excuse.


“Actually, Tabi and Bae are friends with Shin Woo’s brother. We met him before when Dara and I visited New York. Nice guy.” Bom explained as she lied on her stomach checking her nails. Beside the red head chick was their little sister, Minzy.


“Really?” It could all be pre-wedding stress, or it could be because her temper was being tested by the Park sisters but Chaerin was less excited to hear that more people would be joining them in her villa.


She loves her privacy thank you very much.


Daesung, Minzy’s brother have volunteered to go with Shin Woo to fetch the boys—a good thing because Chaerin didn’t have the mood to welcome snobby city boys who claim that their behavior is because of jet lag.


Or maybe she doesn’t really need to be worried—Bom and Dara won’t be intimate with these boys if they were not good-natured right? But the brother; her future mother in law warned her that Kwon Jiyong was the black sheep of the family.


“Oh my god—they’re here!” Dara exclaimed as she beamed in front of her phone while Bom immediately left the bed to race down the front door. Dara, despite her figure also ran down to welcome her guy while Boss followed her mistress. They woke Minzy up.


“What’s going on?” the youngster asked.  “Nothing, jagiya, go back to sleep.” Chaerin said as she lazily left her window seat to see to Shin Woo and his visitors.


It was a modern ancestry house. One in which the Lee’s have used for so long way back in the late 1800 but generations and generations have renovated it to let it go with the modernity of time.


Chaerin, in her simple Chrome Hearts tee and plain leggings went down the stairs. Blonde hair quite messy and eyes looking tired as usual. Shin Woo would have a fit if he sees her in that state but she doesn’t mind. She prefers her own clothing than the pastel and lace wardrobe he got for her. Eww.


Bom and a tall green haired dude were already hugging, Chaerin guessed that that was Bom’s alien of a lover. The hairstyle gave it off. It all looked alien for her. Red and green in her wedding? The Kwon’s would have to force them to dye their hairs back to normal, though.


Sometimes she wondered what attracted Shin Woo and his parents to her. She was not conservative like Mrs. Kwon nor did she take a profession concerning science and laws, why her? Shin Woo and herself were total opposites.


She dyed her hair blonde; Shin Woo vowed that his hair would forever be .


She liked her clothes exotic and unique; he preferred his formal and adult look.


She’s eccentric; he prefers things in his own way.


She likes pop; he prefers orchestras.


“You’re fun—he’s boring.” Bom told her one day when she listed down her characteristics with her boy friend. Maybe that’s what attracted her with him—they were opposite poles of the other. The girls never liked Shin Woo. They respected him but they always treated him like he was elderly and not a man in their age.


“Chaerin.” Shin Woo called her as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She looked at him and saw his friendly smile. Another thing—that friendly smile. What does she expects from her husband when they get married?


She expects him to ravage her in a way a man would treat his beloved wife; a treatment of passion and love and—not friendship. Sure there should be friendship but it also should be intimate. Shin Woo promised her a lifetime of respect instead. Like, what the ?


Maybe all of these thoughts are from the pre-wedding stress. Yes, maybe that’s it. Shin Woo held her hand as he led her in front of the crowd. She could feel his temper because of her clothing.


The first person she saw was the stylish looking male who didn’t look like he forced attention; one simply and inevitably looks at him. It was the kind of effect Chaerin had in others.


She could see the aliens still locked in each others’ embrace. Dara and Youngbae were already whispering sweet nothings to each other while they cuddle Boss in their arms. Daesung and another boy were talking, laughing even. Honestly, everybody looked utterly sweet.


“Guys, this is my fiancé—Lee Chaerin.” She forced a smile as the boys looked at her. The young boy that Daesung was talking with smirked at her in a flirty manner. “That is Lee Seungri.” Shin Woo introduced.


The Seungri boy extended a hand; Chaerin raised her brow at it. “Are we related?” Seungri asked. “I believe not.” The blonde replied as the others chuckled. “Hi, I’m Dong Youngbae.” Youngbae gave her a half hug, one she appreciated because she liked the way he sounded sincere.


“Nice meeting you.” She said. “Choi Seunghyun, Bommie’s boyfriend.” The tall guy said. He just said his name because his hands won’t let go of Bom’s slim waist.


“And this is my older brother,” Shin Woo released her hand as he pat the stylish looking dude on the back. “Kwon Jiyong.”


He was taller than Shin Woo with a few inches; he looked like a model who stepped out of some fashion magazine.


His hair was dyed blonde. His clothes were unique. He looked eccentric. And Shin Woo told her he deejay’s and produces hit songs for American artists. He clearly likes pop. In other words, this was no black sheep that everybody was talking about—he was different from the white mass of Kwon’s but he was the daring splash of color in their boring world.


This was her match.


“Hey.” He said as he grinned his boyish smile while his eyes twinkled.


This was no friendly smile. It was flirting with her. And Chaerin couldn’t fight the urge to smile back. “Nice meeting you, oppa.


She never called anyone oppa before. Not even Shin Woo.










“Do you want to ride in my back?” he asked one day while they were in the beach that was near the villa. “You looked tired Chaerin.” She looked at him as she raised her brow. “I am not that weak.” To look like the proper couple, Chaerin and Shin Woo were strolling behind the happy group. Bom, one who never liked walking, was already in Seunghyun’s back. Dara had her arm wrapped with Youngbae’s muscular one. Seungri and Jiyong were goofing around with Minzy and Daesung.


Now she felt like she was the newcomer and not the bride. Shouldn’t they be fawning over the couple? Bom, Dara and Minzy clearly enjoys the company of the guys and that leaves her with her boring fiancé.


“Chaerin, I have something to say.” He said as he stopped. Chaerin looked back to him. “Shin Woo, if it’s about the way I dress again, rest your case. I am not going to change into your frills and lace—not even for your grandmother.”


“I know.” He held her hand this time. And like all the other times, there was no electricity. She looked at their intertwined hands and noticed that his hands were a little bit small to fit her delicate, chubby fingers.


“My parents and I are leaving town for a few weeks.” He looked behind her before saying, “My brother would be attending to you while I’m not around.” Chaerin then felt a presence behind her.


“You’ll take care of her, right, hyung?” Shin Woo asked as Chaerin looked back. The other Kwon looked like he was not pleased with his brother’s decision but he said “Yeah—just rest easy about the case, okay? And hurry back.”


He didn’t look like he really wanted to take care of her. “I’ll win this case, don’t worry.” Shin Woo turned to her and said, “Rest easy, Chae—I’ll come back to you soon.” He kissed her forehead and she grimaced at the feeling of it. She felt like a cheating lover.


Somehow, she felt Kwon Jiyong look away. It was maybe because he wanted to give that simple kiss privacy or he was as disturbed as she was. Maybe the first reason was more possible than the latter.


“Can you tell the other goodbye for me, hyung?” asked Shin Woo. Jiyong only nodded. “Well, I’ll be going.” He said as he looked at Chaerin for the last time.


Then he left.


“Just so you know, I don’t need a baby sitter.” She turned to face him and saw that he was biting his lower lip while looking down at her. Oh, how y.


“You surely don’t look like one.” He said before he turned to follow the others who were more than a kilometer away from them already. Seungri was already playing with the Park sisters while he splashed seat water at them. The boyfriends reacted of course.


Chaerin followed him and soon was beside him. “What’s it like to be different?” she asked him. “You mean being the black sheep in the family?” he asked back.


“No—I mean being the only fun Kwon around.” She said boldly and he had to stop to laugh. Chaerin looked and felt his laughter.


He sounded like a splash of rain in her weeks of boringness. He looked impossibly attracted too.


Why hadn’t she met him before?


“Now—” he hung one long arm around her shoulders and Chaerin felt blood on her cheeks. It wasn’t ten minutes since her fiancé had left and she was inevitably feeling close towards his brother. Hm, curious.


“I believe we will be good friends, Hunchae.” He said as they started walking. “Hun-Chae? That sounds gay.” She said as she laughed it off. “I like it—it sounds special to me.”


“What do you mean special?” She asked him. “Hm, heartwarming Chaerin? You really made me laugh today.” Jiyong said to her. “I thought that my sister in law would be as boring as mom, looks like I was wrong.” He looked down at her with the same grin plastered in his face.


This time, he let her go and walked ahead.


“Jingyo!” she called and the guy turned with a wonderful grin plastered on his flawless face. “I like that—‘Jingyo’, you should continue calling me that, Hunchae.”


It took her a moment to reply and when she did, she looked at their group, now a few feet away, with her face flushed. “Yeah, I thought so too.”


Yes, they will be close.


Good friends, they did.





A/N; Change of plans. This won't be a two shot anymore. But it also won't be longer than five chapters because I can't believe I have managed to attract 36 subs in just the foreword and the 1st chapter at front. Peace -- am out :)

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No longer a two shot :)


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mbubbly #1
Chapter 3: Just wanted to tell you that this story is beautiful <3 I hope that you will still update this even after all these years…
merna8 #2
Please tell me you are going to update this x(
Chapter 3: I LOOOOVE THIS. I love the love here. Hahah. I love it how Jiyong is actually Chaerin's ex-soon-to-be brother in law, it made a twist so it's not that stereotypical lol. I hope they somehow got together though, starting from, you know, Jiyong helping Chaerin to remember things or other stuff lol
1234567891 #4
i freaking love this plot lol
cl_jiD #5
For someone who has amnesia Chaerin sure acts like she doesn't have one in front of Jiyong in present time haha. When will he know that she has it?
Wow, Shin woo died. So... Jiyong & Chaerin were they in love?... It's so complicated. Update soon pleaseeee.
I love this so much already. I'm overwhelmed with feelings.
oh my god his brother? jiyong have a twin?
lovelyceel #9
jiyong's brother ? nugu ?
ohhh... chaerin , not only u, i'm so confused too right now... what's going happen in the past ? please update the next chapter as fast as u can... kekeke~ jebal author-nim...^^