Stop This Train

The John Mayer Air


‘Consider the reversible reaction aA + bB ⇔ cC + dD , and its mathematical relationship is Keq=[C]c[D]d/[A]a[B]b

 .....right.’ Seunghyun looked up to where his roommate was sitting. He could only see Daesung’s back wiggling to the music as he busily traced marks on his sketch paper. The music was unnecessarily loud. ‘Daesung-ah.. seriously..’ If only he could do his work as quietly as him.

Seunghyun breathed deeply and looked back on his notes. He was sitting on his bed, with notebooks scattered around him and the rest of the bed. He decided to turn up the volume of his iPod. ‘pH= - log [H3O+], so how do you get the value of hydronium in the first place?’

I'm so sorry but I love you da geojitmal
Iya mollasseo ijeya arasseo nega piryohae”
Daesung sang even louder.

‘!’ He slammed his notes down and rested his back on the wall. He felt his head was throbbing and a bit heavy. He needed a break. So he got up, leaving his notes in a mess and stretched his body. He looked for his jacket that was underneath the pile of clothes that clustered at a corner. But don’t get the wrong idea. Those were a pile of clean clothes; he was just too lazy to even throw them inside his closet.

“Hyung. What are you doing?” Daesung asked, turning his head towards Seunghyun when he heard him shuffling his clothes. He was now eating junk food, munching it so pleasurably that each bite made a loud cracking noise. It’s his reputation to be always loud.

“I’m going out.” Seunghyun said, stating out the obvious. And did a last minute fix on his hair.

“Finally some treat from the birthday boy himself!”

“Maybe, but definitely not with you.”

“Wae? I love treats!” Daesung, the boy who always received treats but never gave one in return, asked confusedly.

“Exactly. And coz you’re just too loud.” Seunghyun uttered before slamming the door behind him.



It really was not his birthday. For him, it really wasn’t. Tonight was just another stressful night, with all the exams, presentations and activities he has to attend to and work on. All of these mixed up and became a blur in his mind. He has been attending to them nonstop for the past few weeks already. In the end, he fails. Just like today, his chemistry teacher released their exams and bam bam bam. Bam bam he failed. So now, he knew he needed a break. He needed to get away. He needed a fresh air to breathe.

He inhaled all the cold and heavy air he could muster. He saw mist forming from his breaths. He was walking at a very crowded street with students flocking the small stalls occupying the roadsides while the others study in restaurants at the opposite side. It was a very lively and bright night. It was a school night anyways. And yet he felt so small and alone.

The bells rang as he opened the door of the convenience store. It was a very typical convenience store. The floor was a mass of white tiles with some have cracks on them and the lights were six long fluorescent lights. And just like a typical convenience store, it was filled with instant food products, ready-to-eat and just-add-hot-water noodle products; very convenient for students at the university. 

But it was not the typicality of the store that Seunghyun was drawn to; it was the lady worker who was single-mindedly mopping the floor. For the first time on that day, a tiny but genuine smile escaped his lips.

“Good eveni- oh it’s you.” Miyoung said as she looked up and saw that it was only him. She did not see properly because her disheveled bangs were covering her sight.

“A very good evening to see you too.” Seunghyun whispered at her ear as he purposely closed the distance between them as he passed her by. This made Miyoung cringed thus sidestepping to avoid him, simultaneously throwing him a scowl.

Seunghyun, on the other end, went straight to the fridge. It was the first time he has seen her for the past few weeks now. But she never failed to sweep him off his feet. He practically felt his blood glucose level had gone high and he was just about to buy a drink for that. “Miyoung-ah, you do know what day is today I presume.”

Miyoung finally stopped mopping the floor, put the poor thing at a corner before going in the counter. Seunghyun automatically went on the other side and placed the coke on the counter, waiting for her response. But Miyoung acted as if she did not hear him and continued pushing buttons on the register. “It’s my birthday.” Seunghyun said, feigning a cheerful tone. He felt a little bit crushed due to her indifference.

Miyoung only looked once at him. “Happy Birthday.” She uttered monotonously. Then, took the money from his hand and started pushing buttons on the register once again.

Seunghyun sighed heavily. Why Miyoung, you’re really crushing my heart don’t you know? He leaned over the counter so that he could get a clear look from her bowed head. “Miyoung, I don’t want to start this again. Why not let us be friendly tonight?” He then plastered a charming but hopeless smile.

 “You just thought about that tonight? Really Seunghyun?” Miyoung threw him another annoyed look. She then proceeded to get the mop she placed behind her. “Finally, something mature came out of your mouth after all these years.” She went at an area near the door and mopped again.

“Miyoung, I’m serious.” Seunghyun could not believe that she still held a heavy grudge against him. After a long time that they have known one another, she still looked at him as if he was made of garbage she just wanted to get rid of instantly. “My day is already bad as it is; the last thing I want to get from you is to multiply it.”

“And you think I’m rejoicing to the fact that you are here tonight?” Miyoung responded in a snap.

Seunghyun started to have second thoughts as to who was having a worse night between them. But he brushed his thought away. “Look, I just want this hate and hate relationship between the two of us to stop.” He was sure she would disagree.

But it stopped Miyoung from rigorously cleaning the floor and made her look back at Seunghyun. “I didn’t know we have a relationship to start with.”

Seunghyun wanted to smack his face on the wall. He forgot how feisty she could be. He sighed heavily for the third time, put his coke on the countertop and walked over to where Miyoung was standing. He took the mop from her grasp. “You’ve been mopping the floor ever since I got here. It’s really annoying me right now.”

“Then why don’t you just leave? You got your coke. What’s holding you up?” Miyoung said in pure irritation. Seunghyun remembered the last time she asked him this. Until now, he couldn’t answer.

They were standing face to face. This wasn't the first time their faces got very close. And certainly not the first time they glared onto one another but he did not intend to leave the night like this. Not again. Not anymore.

So he moved away a bit and mopped the floor.

Miyoung was surprised and confused at how he was acting. She could not comprehend why he was acting so generous and so opposite of him tonight. But since he was doing the last part of her job for the night, she did not stop him. Instead she took off her white apron to hang it behind the counter. But before she could take a step, Seunghyun handed his jacket to her. “Here’s the deal, I’ll mop the whole place if you give me a chance to start everything with you. Deal?”

Miyoung felt embarrassed from the way he stared at her and stood so near. “You’ve already started your part, there’s no reason for me to reject the offer.” She then quickly moved away, trying to hide her slightly flushed face.  

Seunghyun had a very serious expression. Miyoung could not get him. She could not get his agenda. Miyoung wondered if he has done something very terrible that’s why he’s acting differently. But he always does something terrible. This was really confusing for her, certainly.

She used to have a crush on him when she was a little girl. But fate must’ve despised her as a little child that instead little Seunghyun would return her feelings, he returned the opposite of it. So now, he’s not too handsome and appealing to her as he used to be. She only saw him as a jerk. A plain bully and a jerk. But she was a strong believer of second chances. She was thinking that there must be something good behind that arrogant face, somehow. Miyoung watched Seunghyun swiping the floor at the inner area of the store by now.

Miyoung closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. “Just stop cleaning.” She said. It was hard for her to say.

“But I’m not even half done yet.” Seunghyun protested in pure sincerity.

 “I’m giving you a favor Seunghyun coz it’s your birthday. But if you really want to finish it then I’m not going to stop you.”

“On second thought, I’m actually quite exhausted already.” He smiled apologetically and immediately walked towards her but did not give the mop to her extended hand just yet. “Then who’s gonna finish this off?”

Just in time, the bell hanging above the door clinked as Yuri entered with a smile.

“She is.”


“She’s not going to get mad, is she?” Seunghyun asked as he looked at the night sky.

“It was her shift anyway. You worry too much.” Miyoung, too, looked up the night sky. She smiled as she breathed in the cold air. She felt light headed. She liked the feeling.

“I don’t worry too much. It’s just..nevermind.” He opened his coke and gulped it down. “Why did you bring me here anyway?”

“Why do you ask a lot of questions?” They both stared at each other for a few moments before looking back at the view in front of them. They were overlooking the lights of the city. “You said you wanted to be friends with me. That’s why I brought you here.” Miyoung sat on an old chair that was leaning on a wall. “This is my favorite spot right here. I pass the time here every now and then, especially when I’m having a bad day in school.” She looked at Seunghyun. “And you said you are having a bad day today.”

As much as he wanted to stay right there and watch Miyoung’s blissful expression as she looked at the stars up above, he decided to sit beside her instead. He sat on the cold hard ground alright but he didn’t mind. He was still beside her that’s what matter the most. It was more than enough to compensate for that unrewarding day he was going through. “I’m actually just having a small school problem, is all. You’d probably kick me out of this sanctuary of yours if I tell you.” He laughed embarrassedly.

Miyoung laughed, too, but from another cause. “I never knew you can talk like a gentleman.”  

“I am a gentle man.”

“Not to me you’re not.” Miyoung brushed off the hair that was on her face. Her smile was gone now. There was a small pause after. Seunghyun knew that she just expressed her disappointment upon him. But she shook her head and smiled before Seunghyun could answer. “Anyway, why don’t we talk about your small school problem, is all.” She threw in another smile that did not reached her eyes.

“I failed my chemistry test, yet again.” He said as he looked back at the panorama. “It’s small right? But that’s what I’ve been depressing about for weeks now.” He rubbed his nape, embarrassed at his confession.

“It’s not actually a small problem, but a common problem. There’s a difference. Anyway, everyone in school suffer from that so take it easy.”

“You don’t understand, I’ve taken this course for three times already and I always fail. So I can’t take this easy. I’m awfully tired. I just wanna give up.” He uttered with his eyes closed. He did not want to see Miyoung’s expression after his petty pour out.

“Then why don’t you?”

“What? Give up? No. I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Parents. As usual. Just like any plot in every movie.”

“So what do you wanna take then instead of your current program?”

“Are you interrogator or something? Geez, you sure are firing questions tonight.” He said to lighten up the mood.

“Just answer.”

“Ok.. let’s just take this easy, like you said.” He smirked at her and in turn got himself an eye roll. “Alright.. I’ve never told anybody about this but I wanna be a.. rapper.” He knew he just revealed a very personal and sensitive subject about him. Oddly enough, he did not regret. He felt secure and comfortable on telling her, somehow.

“Really?” Instantly, her eyes twinkled. “Will you make a rap for me then?” Miyoung asked and threw a very sweet smile. Seunghyun felt like his heart would melt from it.

“Absolutely!” He said with a jolt. He was actually thinking about the opposite but he wanted to impress her. He wanted Miyoung to see him in a different light. He decided that, if he wanted to start a new beginning with her, then he would have to go for it. “But don’t laugh.”

Miyoung, who was all grumpy and cranky awhile ago, could only smile and shift her sit with a bit of bounce to face Seunghyun, barely able to hide her excitement.

“Hey sweetheart

That I'd be familiar with everything

Your cute question

It's just beautiful, the great power of love

Our lips redden

Our eyes meet, Yes a bit deeper

You're my beautiful girl

You light the fire in my soul

Refreshing mint, the same hint

Teach me the answer sweet girl

You're my beautiful girl

You light the fire in my soul

Refreshing mint, the same hint

Refreshing mint, hint

The answer is you”

“And your parents would not approve of that!” Miyoung squeaked. She was unmistakably mesmerized and captivated by it all. She just could not contain herself from fangirling. It showed from her wide smile and twinkling eyes.

Seunghyun, on the other hand, felt like the night was getting better than what he had expected. It was almost too good to be true. He just wanted to kiss her right then and there. Hold your horses. It’s not the right time yet. He thought. So he purposely sagged his shoulders and acted all innocent but crushed. “Yeah. They wouldn’t.” Which was true, but he bowed his head a bit to enhance his acting.

“I really love looking at the night sky. The moon and the stars... They just take my breath away.” Miyoung said as she looked back up at the clear night sky. She looked more awestricken than ever.

And Seunghyun thought he made the most impression tonight. Boy was he wrong. So he stared at the sky too, but with loathing. And her eyes were twinkling more than ever! He just could not believe.

“I get lost from the sky’s enormity and limitlessness. The more you look at it, the more it expands before your eyes. So it makes me feel like my problems are pathetic. And how pathetic I’d be if I spend all my time just to brood over those pathetic problems. It is an absolute wonder how it appears every night but people just miss it.” She said as she looked morosely at the lights of buildings and cars from the nearby downtown.

Seunghyun looked at the sky for a long time. It was indeed breath taking. The moon swooned him over. The whole sky was so dark but that’s what made it look so pure. It felt like the sky absorbed all his uncertainties from his supersaturated mind. “When I look at the sky, I always imagine Harry Potter to cross over the moon with his broom.” He joked around.

Miyoung laughed. It wasn’t a very funny joke but she found herself laughing effortlessly tonight.

“You’re beautiful Miyoung.” He uttered.

Miyoung tucked a hair behind her ear. A gesture of embarrassment.

No one talked for awhile, so Seunghyun felt a bit disappointed from the lack of response.

“You’re parents must have loved you very much Seunghyun.” Miyoung said after quite some time.

“I guess so.”

“They would not ask you to take that course if they thought it would not benefit you.”

“I guess so.”

“Believe so. And I heard from the movie that stars nuns, ‘If you wake up in the morning, and you can't think anything but singing, then you should be a singer.’ So if you really are a rapper Seunghyun, you would be.” Then she gave a reassuring smile.


Miyoung took back her smile.

“It’s just that I never knew you dig this deep. This is the effect of moon watching I guess.”

“Hmm..I’ll take that as a compliment.” Miyoung said in a rather hesitant manner. Nevertheless, the two of them fell in silence with a smile on their faces, pondering to all of the things they’ve just discussed.

“Basically, all I’m saying Seunghyun, is you change your perspective upon school. Look at it differently is all I’m saying.”

“You’re right. Thanks for that.” He did not speak for a minute. He was afraid he would be rejected. But what the hell! He scooted closer to her until his head was an inch away from her leg. “So would you change your perspective upon me too?”

“What?” Miyoung asked with a perplexed expression, totally clueless of what was going to happen next.

“I’ve always had a romantic perspective upon you. I just didn’t know how to express it before. So would you look at me differently is all I’m saying?” He asked with a hopeful and young smile.


Yuri looked at the time on her watch. It was past 1 o clock in the morning. She grumbled. She was very sleepy undeniably and she still has a class early in the morning. She needed to go home. So she dumped her white apron inside the cabinet and stomped upstairs. “Lovebirds, if you’re still not finish eating each other’s faces would you lock the store for me? I still have a class tomorrow. Bye.”

It was a disturbing sight for her but she was glad that she could go home now. She crossed her arms over her chest as she walked home. She could not blame the two; the night sky is just too beautiful and romantic anyway.




a/n: the rap piece was a part from the english translation of GD&TOP's Baby Good Night. I really love the song, don't I? and give credit for the Sister Act 2 quoatation. haha. i just stumbled upon its idea somewhere in my tumultuous mind. Stop This Train is a song by John Mayer. it's very lovely, you shud listen to it. thanks for reading. i hope you liked it.


oh and if ever you have some cute main image for my story.. it would be very cool.

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Sarxhs #1
Chapter 1: This is such a lovely story.. ahh TopFany :'))
nice story:)