Picnic Day


A/N: Hi,guys…Just want you to know that this fic is the first fic that I have ever posted in this asianfanfics.com…please forgive me if they were out-of-character…This story is dedicated to my friend…Enjoy it!!!





Haara sighed, "Fine, I guess I won't get out of this picnic will I?" though it was more of a statement then a question. "When is the picnic?"



"Tomorrow,tomorrow!" Zelo said. "Yes tomorrow shall be the day!" Himchan declared. "At noon"




Next Day



"I can't believe I spent all night and morning on those rich bastards" muttered Haara to herself.



"Haara" Haara heard before someone jumped on her back. It was none other than our dear Zelo.



"Hello Zelo-. Daehyun-." Daehyun grunted as his reply.


Eventually everyone arrived, found a spot, and decided to set up. Of course the twins brought a designer blanket. And Himchan, of course, chose to bring real silver silverware. Glass plates and cups with big and little teddy bears on them.



"I wanna sit with Haara." Zelo said."No way! She's gonna sit with us!" The so-called twins said together.



"Why would she wanna sit with you lecherous twins when she can sit with her daddy."Himchan said.



"Why would she want to sit with a ." The twins shot back. They started arguing. ....again. It really started getting on Haara's nerves."STOP IT!" she yelled.



Everyone turned to face her shocked at her outburst. They all showed it, besides Daehyun and Yong Jae, Zelo even had tears in his eyes. "I'm going to sit between Zelo- and Yong Jae-." So she turned at sat between the said two.



Himchan went to his corner of woe and muttered about mean daughters who like their mothers more. And is turning out like their mother. The twins weren't happy either, especially Yongguk. They all ate . . . eventually. Himchan, Zelo, and the twins all raved about Haara's cooking.



Daehyun merely smiled at Haara and rubbed her head. Yong Jae looked passive but in his head said, 'Haara truly is a good cook, for a commoner. I'll never admit out loud though.'



The twins looked at each other and smiled evily. Haara saw this and cringed. 'This won't end well for me will it?' she though. "We have a game." They said together. Haara gulped. "Okay we'll split into teams, three teams to be exact." Jong up began. "We'll be one team. Himchan, Zelo, and Haara will be another. Daehyun and Yong Jae will be team three." Yongguk finished saying the teams.



Jong up began again explaining what will happen. "Haara,you will be the princess. Zelo and Himchan must protect you. While we and Yong Jae and Daehyun try to get to you. If your team fails to protect you and we, Yong Jae, or Daehyun get you,we win a prize."



"What's the prize?" Haara questioned not liking where this is going. "A kiss from you of course!" they said together happily. Haara nearly passed out from this. Everyone, yes even Yong Jae and Daehyun, looked shocked. "I won't let you use my daughter in such a way!" Himchan yelled. And for once Haara was willing to let Himchan pretend to be her father. "But my lord. You get to be king. That means that since Haara is princess you get to be her father. Protecting her. And if you win,you get a kiss from her." Yongguk and Jong up argued.



Himchan widened his eyes and entered his dream world yet again. Not a minute later he said, "What is the time limit for the game?" "It ends at sunset." Jong up stated. "Let's begin." Himchan said. With Haara, Himchan, and Zelo "Daehyun- has towers in his garden?" Haara said. "Yup, they give a great view. Don't they, Haara?" Zelo said.



'Rich Bastards. But they do give me a great view of his garden.' Haara decided to keep looking out the window, since she was placed at the top of the tower. 'Top of the tower. Real imaginative to put the supposed princess her,fellas'.



With Yongguk and Jong up



"Let's go brother." Jong up began. "Way ahead of ya." Yongguk replied. "Hey!" Jong up yelled running after him. 'I hope he wins. He even began before me he must really want that kiss.' Jong up chuckled at his musings.



With Daehyun and Yong Jae



Yong Jae won't admit it but he really wants that kiss. Daehyun had a frown on his face on was actually moping. "We should get moving." Yong Jae stated. Daehyun didn't move. Yong Jae thought about what to do and had an eureka moment. 'If this won't work,nothing will.'



"You know the sooner we get to the tower means the sooner you see Zelo."



Daehyun's eyes widened and looked at Yong Jae. He smirked. Yong Jae raised an eyebrow. Daehyun grabbed Yong Jae put him over his shoulder and ran.


Back to Haara



I looked out my window and saw the two other teams coming. I saw Yong Jae being carried over Daehyun-'s shoulder. I burst out laughing.



'Gawd I wish I had a camera. I could probably blackmail Yong Jae to lower my debt with the picture too.'



I sat back up and looked out the window again. And waited for the winner to arrive.



Bottom of the Tower



"You blasted twins get back here." Himchan yelled. The twins insulted him and now he is chasing them . . . again. And Zelo is crying on Daehyun's shoulders saying how he missed him. Daehyun had a small smile on his face. 'Perfect' thought Yong Jae.



With Yong Jae



'Perfect', thought Yong Jae, 'With them all busy I can get to Haara.' So he climbed the stair cases and eventually opened the door and found Haara gazing out the window, looking at the soon to be sunset.



With Haara and Yong Jae



Haara heard the door open so she turned around to see the winner of this twisted game. She was shocked, to say the least, to see Yong Jae standing there. With a smirk on his face and his glasses glared, so she can't see his eyes.



"Surprised Haara?" our Shadow King said. "Very much" was our cross dresser's reply. He walked up to Haara and said, "Where is my prize, Haara? I believe I've earned it." Haara contemplated what she just heard from Yong Jae.



"You don't want nor need my kiss. You'll get no merit from it." Haara stated. Yong Jae's eyebrow twitched. 'Does she really only think I am all about merit?'



"Oh really?" He said and grabbed Haara's arms and pulled her to him. He looked her straight in the eyes, the glare of his glasses gone. Haara saw something in his eyes but isn't sure what it is.



'What is that?' she thought. ". . .?" she mumbled. "You are terribly wrong about that Haara." And he kissed her.



It wasn't gentle nor forceful. It was. . . right. Perfect. 'Way better than my first. I'll get Himchan- back for making me kiss a girl.' Haara thought.



They separated. "Do you understand now, Haara?"Haara looked up at him and said, "Yes I do ."



"Good." Yong Jae smiled a true smile.



"Yup a boy's kiss is better than a girls."



Haara smiled.Yong Jae's smile dropped to a frown and he had an anime sweat drop appear on his head. "Are you kidding me, Haara! Even you can't be that dense!"an angry Yong Jae said.



Haara laughed "Don't worry Yong Jae- I understand." She said as she walked out. She stopped at the door and mustered up all her courage. "I'm free next Saturday. . .Yong Jae."



Yong Jae smiled a true smile again,happy she was joking then about misinterpreting the kiss. "As am I. I'll pick you up at one."



"See you than." Was Haara's reply. 'Now to cancel all my plans and work next Saturday.' Yong Jae thought.



"Nooooo! Mommy won the game, no fair!" Himchan wailed. Yong Jae sighed. 'Will he ever learn' thought Yong Jae.



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immaninja13 #1
Chapter 4: B-b-but... Zelo's been missing for like a year now... Because you haven't updated~
Whoaa! I love Haara here :D "a boy's kiss is better than a
girls" definitely made me laugh and it reminds me of Ouran though *god i just love that anime*

Ehem, ehem.. by the way, hey wolvie~ *evil smirk*
OMG i love this fan fic !!!
SQUEAL - Jongup and Yongguk as twins :) :) :) :)