The planning


One day the Host Club, well more like Himchan, decided that they should spend quality time together. Meaning like a family and no customers. So he had a meeting held after club time was over. “Haara, I need a private tutor. Do you happen to know one?” asked Himchan.



“Haa, yes. I know one. She’s my cousin. I’ll give you her contact number later”



“Okay then. It’s settled”



Himchan said, " My dearest family I believe we should have a family fun day!" he said this while doing his overdramatic poses.



Yongguk said, "Well what," Jong up continued for him,"should we do," "Boss." They finished together.



Zelo jumped up and down on Daehyun's shoulders. "Oh! I know, I know!" Himchan looked at Zelo and said, "Well, Zelo-, what is your idea?"



"Yeah, spit it out already." The twins said in unison. "What about a picnic? I never had one before. What about you Daehyun?" Zelo said looking down to him from on top of Daehyun's shoulders. Daehyun simply shook his head no.



Himchan started speaking while in his dream world. "Oh how wonderful! A perfect commoner experience. I can eat my beautiful daughter's cooking." Haara's head snapped in his direction. An annoyed anime mark appeared on her head.



"Hey I never agreed to this! And I am not your daughter!" Himchan didn't hear her protest. Yong Jae was smirking behind his laptop screen. He decided to speak up before anything happens that can cost him money.



"I think this will be a fine idea. It won't cost money since it shall be held on a weekend and it shall be held outdoors. Where shall we have this picnic?"



"My gardens" Everyone turned their head to Daehyun, shocked that he spoke. "What?" Haara said. Zelo spoke this time, "Daehyun said that we can hold the picnic in his gardens. They are sooooo very, very pretty!" "Very well we shall have it in Daehyun-'s garden. Haara will cook.", Yong Jae began.



"Hey!" Haara said. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted." He looked at Haara. Who has her arms crossed and was pouting. "I believe it will only be fair if we each bring something. Zelo- and Daehyun- will bring deserts and snacks. Jong up and Yongguk will bring the blanket. Himchan will bring the cups, silverware, and plates. I shall bring the drinks." Finished Yong Jae.



Haara sighed, "Fine, I guess I won't get out of this picnic will I?" though it was more of a statement then a question. "When is the picnic?"



"Tomorrow,tomorrow!" Zelo said. "Yes tomorrow shall be the day!" Himchan declared. "At noon"


To be continued..

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immaninja13 #1
Chapter 4: B-b-but... Zelo's been missing for like a year now... Because you haven't updated~
Whoaa! I love Haara here :D "a boy's kiss is better than a
girls" definitely made me laugh and it reminds me of Ouran though *god i just love that anime*

Ehem, ehem.. by the way, hey wolvie~ *evil smirk*
OMG i love this fan fic !!!
SQUEAL - Jongup and Yongguk as twins :) :) :) :)