Chapter 2

And She Was His
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A/N: I don't know if this is still showing that the chapter is rated M... but it's not :U Apparently AFF thinks this chapter is inappropriate...
Crystals of salt water trailed down her cheeks, leaving streaks, leaving paths. They paved the way for more tears.
And they came.
They came slowly, at first, her eyes wide, watching through the front window as her boyfriend of 4 months, Youngwoon, pressed his lips against that other girl's.
Ryeowook had no idea what to think. What to do. She couldn't even move. Then his hands moved up the blonde girl's sides, under her shirt...
Why had he left the curtains opened if this is what he was going to be doing?! Ryeowook could see everything so clearly. What was she even seeing? The blonde flushed, forming an 'o', while Youngwoon smirked against her neck. And, in her mind, she could almost hear his words;
"Ryeowook will never know."
Did he think her a fool?! Did he think she wouldn't find out about this?!
But maybe she /was/ a fool. How long... how long had he been seeing this other girl? How long had he seemed so familiar with her curves, her lips? How long had he been doing these things behind Ryeowook's back?
Quietly, Ryeowook turned around, making her way back down the path in night's firm, dark, hold, letting those tears stream faster. Letting her heart beat faster. Letting her legs move faster. Letting her mind reel faster.
Home. She needed to get home. She needed the comfort of her bed. The comfort of her sheets and blanket. That stuffed giraffe that Kyuhyun had given her for her 8th birthday. And she needed the solitude.
But somewhere, in the back of her mind, she thought she heard herself say;
"What you really need, is Kyuhyun."
Pavement smacked against the bottoms of her heeled shoes, her skirt ruffling and flowing, pushing backwards against her thin legs with the momentum of her running.
"You need Kyuhyun."
She clutched her chest, her head aching, her heart shattering into a million pieces, left behind as she tried to outrun the image that she'd just seen. But it was chasing her.
That damned voice in her head! Why was it so persistent?! She didn't need Kyuhyun. She didn't need anyone. All she needed was herself and her bed. All she needed was a moment to overcome what her eyes had taken in only a few minutes before.
"You only need Kyuhyun."
Finally, the heel of her right shoe snapped and she toppled to the ground, knees scratching against the pavement, her forearms scraping against the rough material and she covered her head. A few people looked at her, but none stopped to help, as she sat up on her bloodied knees and hugged herself, rocked herself, tried to convince herself everything was okay. But the tears kept coming. They were relentless. And the rain, she hadn't noticed it before, but now it was cold, piercing, and unwelcome. It splashed against her small body, it washed away the blood that kept returning to her knees and arms. But most of all, it burned. It burned because she thought, no, she /knew/, that this rain was because of her. This rain was because of /him/. This rain was because of what she had witnessed after dressing up nicely and walking, in those damned heels!, all the way to Youngwoon's house. She wanted tonight to be nice. She wanted to make dinner for him, she wanted to kiss him. She wanted to be held, embraced. And, more than anything, she had wanted to tell Youngwoon that she loved him. For the first time in her life, she was in love. And maybe that's what had hurt her the most.
"You need Kyuhyun."
Hadn't Kyuhyun always been there for her? Hadn't he been the one to hug her and comfort her when her father died? Hadn't he been the one to stay with her and hold her when her mother left and didn't return? Hadn't he been the one that helped her search for months to find her mother again, only to discover that she had left the country with no intentions of coming back for her 15 year old daughter? And then... then, hadn't he been the one to kiss her forehead, take her in his arms, and whisper to her? Hadn't he been the reason that she hadn't given up on life in the first place? Hadn't he promised he would always be there for her?
"You only need Kyuhyun."
Slowly, she managed to stand back up, the rain mixing easily with her tears, so much so that, if not for her reddened eyes, nobody would know that she was crying. She wiped the asphalt from herself, looking down at her bloodied and bruised knees, feeling the pain shoot up through her body only to linger in her heart.
And right at that moment, she decided not to go home. She decided not to go back to that empty house and dwell upon what she'd seen and the things that had been done to her in the past.
She decided that, really, all she needed was Kyuhyun, though it was selfish of her.
She took off her shoes, held them by the straps, and began to venture in the same direction, but with a d

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rubyhow #1
Chapter 3: This story is so nice and sweet.I like it very much even though some part is quite sad.
perfect ending story
chiibiiluna #3
Perfectly done!!!! ^^

Oh the ending is just great!
That was just amazing, I love how Kyuhyun fought for her, and I love the whole bed scene, I was dying from the sweetness!
I was so glad that Wookie finally stood up for herself!
Oh, and the flashback was so sad, but so cute that Kyu remembered!
This was the best genderbender ever!!!!!
Oh My God.
This is just beautiful.
I really really really love the way you described everything's out.
The way she felt and the way Kyuhyun observed her and ahhhh...I'm literally weeping my heart out.

Your Kyuhyun here is so manly and romantic and gentleman and he does everything to Ryeowook. He's so sweet, like seriously.
The fake wedding omgomgomg and corny Kyuhyun remembered the cheesiest little wedding ahhh...God bless him !

And I love how you make Ryeowook to be the bold one here. Though I know that at first, she was encountering a severe break down as her lover cheated on her. But I'm glad that she realised about her feeling for Kyuhyun. I guessed that she might love Kyuhyun from the start but hesitated as she herself didn't know how does it feels. Now that she's sure about it, I'm more than happy. T__T

Gosh, I'm really sorry for the long comment but your story deserved this XD

As for Kangin, I just can't understand how he could act all innocent though he knew that he was busted. Aishhh, this brat. I wish I could strangle him for Ryeowook. Hahaha.

And lastly, I LOVE every single line that you write /lol, creepy/
Seriously, keep writing fluffy things and fluffy Kyuwook !!!
Your Kyuwook are always so so so so adorable together and their sweet acts literally made me squealed like a retarded seal. Not to mention the constant awwwww that left from my mouth.

Thank you so much for this story. /bows down/
You're so talented, don't ever doubt yourself !
ilurvewookie #6
yes ryeowook....
u only need kyuhyun~
u don't need kangin...kekekke,...
Oh I love this so much!
I like to think that she didn't really love Kangin....
Aish, danm you Youngwoon... altho I'll be really happy if his cheating leads to Kyuwook!
Poor Wookie, her life is all ____ed up, thank God Kyu was there to help her...
PLZ update soon, I love this soooo much!
Kangin.! Cheating is wrong.!!! Bad boy.! >:- Poor Wookie, she's finally realizing her true feelings :), only by being hurt by someone she thought she loved
ho..ho so lovely story i hope you will update soon