Chapter 3

And She Was His
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A/N: Final Chapter, everyone!!! Hopefully you enjoy it ^-^ Sorry for taking so long, too D:
Ryeowook sat on the far left cushion of the couch, sipping at her tea silently, refusing to make eye contact with Kyuhyun. The boy watched her, waited patiently for her to speak, wanting her to take her time to address the situation. But the second hand of the clock continued to tick without a word leaving her.
Kyuhyun noticed her grow fidgety for a moment before her whole body stopped moving, completely frozen. And within a few seconds, she grew restless once more. It was a constant change from one subtle thing to the next, her hands trembling, her fingers tapping against her cup. Even the way she breathed was changing depending on the moment, and Kyuhyun had to stop himself from wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest. Because the way she was acting was beginning to worry him.
She looked, after all, as though she was beginning to have some sort of a breakdown that she was fighting off as best as she could.
And, really, that's kind of what was happening.

"Ryeowook?" Youngwoon smiles sweetly, takes her hand in his and causes the girl to blush, "Can I be honest with you?"
Her heart beats a bit too loudly, her hands trembling noticeably in the boy's hold. She nods a single time as a response, hoping that he can't tell how nervous she is. But it's so obvious.
"I like you. A lot." He starts, causing that pink blush to turn scarlet, blinking a few times as though she's trying to take in what her crush had said. She can't believe it.
He likes her? He really likes her?
But how? In what way?
And why is he saying this all now when she has to go meet Kyuhyun at the park in just about an hour?
"We've known each other for a couple of years now, and we've become close over that time... Ryeowook, you're sweet. You're beautiful. You're smart. You're perfect in every way." Youngwoon states, bringing her hand up to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it, "Would you give me the chance to be yours? We could be great together. I'll treat you like a princess, I promise."
She stares in disbelief for a few moments, her eyes wide, her heartbeat and breathing both stopped. But a smile touches at her lips to bring her back, her mind finally functioning again. And soon, that smile turns into a grin of excitement and joy. She practically throws herself into his arms laughing happily, the other holding her close as she accepted his feelings and admitted to her own.
Won't Kyuhyun be surprised!!! He'll be so happy for her, she's sure of it!!!
That's when she remembers, once again, that she has to go see him. He'll be the first one to know!
And after a short time with Youngwoon, when Ryeowook finally reaches the park bench that she and Kyuhyun had claimed as their own, she runs to him with the most beautiful smile he has ever seen.
And he thinks, foolishly, that it's for him.
That it's for the single, purple, lisianthus placed in the middle of the small bundle of white roses that he holds for her as he stands, waiting.
When she approaches him though, her first words are heart shattering. She waits not to hear why he had called her there, but, instead, tells him with excitement that Youngwoon had confessed to her. But she doesn't know any better.
Kyuhyun's shock and hurt shows only for a moment, but Ryeowook doesn't seem to notice. Quickly, he turns it into the most genuine smile he can muster, and hands her the small bouquet.
"Congrats, Wook! And, happy anniversary!" He chuckles. And though it's forced, it sounds real.
"Anniversary?" She asks, her smile dropping as she takes the flowers and stares at them with wonder. They're gorgeous, especially that deep violet one in the center. It makes for the perfect bouquet, and, for a moment, she thinks that this is what she would like to hold at her wedding, whenever that day should come.
But Kyuhyun has to stop himself from furrowing his brows in hurt and anger, even despite the way that Ryeowook seems so fond of the flowers. The ones that he'd selected specifically for her. Specifically for this occasion.
How stupid of him to think she might remember such a silly thing? Why would she have remembered?
He gives another lighthearted laugh, though, truthfully, his heart is anything but light, and grins once again.
"Babo! You don't remember? When we were 7, we got married here! It's been 10 years since then! We both promised that we wouldn't forget, and it looks like I'm the only one whom remembered! Aish." He pokes her forehead with a small laugh. She pouts lightly, remembering that moment so long ago when they'd held a fake wedding ceremony, upset with herself for having forgotten.
"I'm sorry, oppa. Let me treat you to dinner to make up for it."
Kyuhyun pretends to think about this for a moment before finally giving a response,"Well, I'm definitely not going to pass up the offer for free food." He chuckles again, linking his arm with hers, "But I want to choose where we go, okay?"
"Alright, alright! As long as it's not too expensive, okay?"
They both laugh as they walk arm in arm back through the park, stopping from time to time to take in the sights or, at one point, to play on the swing set while there were no children around. And though they had dinner together that night, and everything seemed to be just as wonderful as normal, Kyuhyun never /did/ tell her the real reason that he had called her there.
He never reminded her of the promise they'd made when they were little.
He never reminded her that, the day they got 'married', they had promised one another that, 10 years from that exact day, he was to bring her flowers, and he was to ask her to be his.
She had forgotten. And maybe, that had been his sign that they weren't meant to be together.

It seemed as though an eternity had passed before the girl finally spoke, placing her still rather full cup on the coffee table in front of them with trembling hands. Hands that Kyuhyun so badly wanted to hold in his own. She turned to look at the boy sitting to her right, biting down lightly on her bottom lip as she, for the last time, formed the words in her head before speaking them aloud.
"Kyu... I saw... I saw something that I shouldn't have..." She started, her eyes only able to stay on him for a moment. She felt ashamed, as though this had been her fault, not Youngwoon's. And she truly felt this to be the truth. Obviously, she'd failed him as a girlfriend if he'd needed somebody else on the side, "I went to Youngwoon's house and... I..." Here, she stopped, holding in tears and choking back a soft noise of pain. Why was this so hard to say? She's barely spoken, yet! Nevertheless, she had to collect herself again. And Kyuhyun gave her the chance to, finally placing a hand over one of hers, caressing the back of it with his thumb to hopefully calm her.
It seemed to be working, but it was nothing in comparison to the apparent hurt building up inside of her again.
"Tell me, Wookie. Tell me what happened." He urged, though sweetly, moving a bit closer to her to hold her if need be.
"There was this... this girl. And... he was... Youngwoon... he..." She needn't say anymore, Kyuhyun wrapping his arms around the now sobbing mess of a woman, holding her to his chest and trying to convince her not to cry. But she seemed too lost to stop right then, tears streaming down her face and stinging at her eyes, forcing them closed. She hid her face against Kyuhyun's shoulder and let herself weep.
"Shh... it's okay, Wookie. I'm here. Everything's okay. I promise. He doesn't deserve to be with somebody as perfect as you. Shh... don't waste any more tears on him." He spoke quietly, soothingly, gathering her on his lap and lying kisses on the side of her head. He rubbed her back, hummed to her, and did everything that he could think to do to stop her crying.
And, soon enough, the tears ended, the whimpering ended, and, instead, she began to drift to sleep.
"Don't beat him up, okay?" She murmured sleepily, snuggling up against Kyuhyun, hardly able to keep her eyes opened any longer, "Don't hurt him."
"Alright." He whispered in return, though he had had the full intention of finding Youngwoon tomorrow and putting him in his place.
"I promise. Just go to sleep, okay?"

Morning rose, the sun peeking through the curtains at two bodies tangled in white sheets. Ryeowook was the first to awaken, her eyes just barely taking in the sight of Kyuhyun. At first, she felt content with this, smiling softly to herself and tracing a fingertip along his jaw line. She brushed her thumb across his plump, pink, lips, almost daring to kiss them.
Wanting to feel them against her own pair...
Suddenly, she pulled her hand back, panicking a bit. She wasn't supposed to have thoughts like this about Kyuhyun! She had loved Youngwoon, right? And if she was thinking this way about Kyuhyun, now, then wasn't she just wanting a rebound?
That couldn't be true, though, could it? She would never hurt Kyuhyun, and she would /never/ think of him as just a rebound. He was somebody special to her. Important to her.
She swallowed audibly, trying to sort out her emotions without moving anything more than the muscles of her face to convey her confusion. She didn't want to wake him, and she tried her best not to, hardly even breathing.
But his face was so close to her own. And he looked so beautiful. So peaceful. Like an angel sent to her from God himself. She wanted him desperately. She /needed/ him. She always had.
His eyes opened slowly, catching Ryeowook quickly closing her own, again, so as to pretend she was still asleep. Kyuhyun chuckled softly and pulled her into a little hug, not having to see her blush to know that her face was reddening with embarrassment.
"I know you're awake, Wookie~" He teased, nuzzling into her hair a little, "Don't pretend that you're not."
She frowned a bit, hugging him in return, "How did you know?"
"I caught you looking at me, and I felt your fingers on my face~"
Thankfully, she hadn't bothered to look up at him, keeping her face hidden, instead, against his chest, flushing remarkably at such a simple statement. Had he really been awake that whole time?!
And why was it embarrassing her so much? Did she really...?
Her mind twirled around the thought...
How long had she liked Kyuhyun in this way? Honestly, she didn't know. But, it was possible that she'd liked him for longer than she'd led herself to believe...
"Are you hungry?" Kyuhyun asked, absently playing with her hair, his thoughts similarly toying with the idea of beating up Youngwoon even despite Ryeowook's pleads not to. He couldn't just let the older man walk away, after all. Somebody had to at least /try/ to fight for her, right?
The girl gave a small nod before moving out of her friend's hold, choosing to stand up and swallow down any embarrassment she still felt. This, of course, was a difficult task to accomplish, her cheeks still a dangerous pink, her blood running hot as her heart bea

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rubyhow #1
Chapter 3: This story is so nice and sweet.I like it very much even though some part is quite sad.
perfect ending story
chiibiiluna #3
Perfectly done!!!! ^^

Oh the ending is just great!
That was just amazing, I love how Kyuhyun fought for her, and I love the whole bed scene, I was dying from the sweetness!
I was so glad that Wookie finally stood up for herself!
Oh, and the flashback was so sad, but so cute that Kyu remembered!
This was the best genderbender ever!!!!!
Oh My God.
This is just beautiful.
I really really really love the way you described everything's out.
The way she felt and the way Kyuhyun observed her and ahhhh...I'm literally weeping my heart out.

Your Kyuhyun here is so manly and romantic and gentleman and he does everything to Ryeowook. He's so sweet, like seriously.
The fake wedding omgomgomg and corny Kyuhyun remembered the cheesiest little wedding ahhh...God bless him !

And I love how you make Ryeowook to be the bold one here. Though I know that at first, she was encountering a severe break down as her lover cheated on her. But I'm glad that she realised about her feeling for Kyuhyun. I guessed that she might love Kyuhyun from the start but hesitated as she herself didn't know how does it feels. Now that she's sure about it, I'm more than happy. T__T

Gosh, I'm really sorry for the long comment but your story deserved this XD

As for Kangin, I just can't understand how he could act all innocent though he knew that he was busted. Aishhh, this brat. I wish I could strangle him for Ryeowook. Hahaha.

And lastly, I LOVE every single line that you write /lol, creepy/
Seriously, keep writing fluffy things and fluffy Kyuwook !!!
Your Kyuwook are always so so so so adorable together and their sweet acts literally made me squealed like a retarded seal. Not to mention the constant awwwww that left from my mouth.

Thank you so much for this story. /bows down/
You're so talented, don't ever doubt yourself !
ilurvewookie #6
yes ryeowook....
u only need kyuhyun~
u don't need kangin...kekekke,...
Oh I love this so much!
I like to think that she didn't really love Kangin....
Aish, danm you Youngwoon... altho I'll be really happy if his cheating leads to Kyuwook!
Poor Wookie, her life is all ____ed up, thank God Kyu was there to help her...
PLZ update soon, I love this soooo much!
Kangin.! Cheating is wrong.!!! Bad boy.! >:- Poor Wookie, she's finally realizing her true feelings :), only by being hurt by someone she thought she loved
ho..ho so lovely story i hope you will update soon