Chapter 1

And She Was His
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If you had told him a week ago that the girl he loved would be holding the hand of another man, well, Kyuhyun would have told you that this was impossible.
There's no way that he would be too late. He had had his confession planned out for /months/, and all he had to do was tell her that he liked her. He had to find the perfect moment to tell her how he felt. That's all he had to do.
But now, his eyes focus on that beautiful girl, Ryeowook, walking through the open gates into the school yard, Kangin's hand firmly keeping a hold of hers, that dazzling smile lighting up even this already far too bright day. And she looks so happy, so perfectly blissful, that it makes Kyuhyun almost sick to his stomach. Somebody else is bringing that smile to her face, and it burns at him like sun fire lashing out of his heart and echoing through his entire being.

"Oppa?" Ryeowook's dainty voice sailed to him, though it wasn't this that received his attention again, rather, the fact that she was lightly poking his cheek is what brought him back.
He glanced at her, only giving an odd, quiet, grunt of a reply, waiting for her to continue now that he'd, apparently, given her permission.
"You seem distracted. Are you okay?" Ryeowook settled down on the bench beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder and showing her concern quite blatantly. Why was he always making her concerned? Just another thing to add to the list of reasons that she doesn't love him.
He sighed.
"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just tired." He murmured, hoping that she would believe this. Truth be told, there were a lot of other reasons he seemed distant... the main one being Ryeowook's boyfriend. It's not that he didn't like Youngwoon, it's that Youngwoon had taken Ryeowook from him, even when the elder boy knew that Kyuhyun had been planning to make his move.
"You should sleep more. You know that it's not good to sleep too little." She warned, gently rubbing his shoulder with the hand that was already placed on it, "Since classes are over now, should I walk you home?"
Kyuhyun shook his head, not bothering to make eye contact with her as he did so. How could he look her straight in the eyes when all of his thoughts swarmed around destroying her relationships with Youngwoon? He felt guilty, but he couldn't stop his juvenile and selfish thoughts from plaguing him, "I'll be fine. Besides, isn't Youngwoon hyung going to take you out for ice cream?"
Ryeowook's face flushed at the mere mention of her boyfriend, and she gave a little nod, "I-I suppose so. But, I could have told him no if you wanted he and I to walk you home, instead. He wouldn't mind."
Kyuhyun thought this through for a moment. Even though he knew it wouldn't amount to much if he had her walk him home (they lived next door to one another, anyway), it would get her away from Youngwoon for a short time.. well, if he could convince Youngwoon not to join them. Typically, since Youngwoon had started walking her home even /before/ they were together, Kyuhyun walked closely behind them, acting as the third wheel and envisioning himself as the older boy, holding Ryeowook's hand and kissing her cheek sweetly. But, some days... some days, he couldn't bring himself to be anywhere near the couple and, instead, would make an excuse to leave much later than them, even if the excuse didn't make much sense.
Now, today, he had the opportunity to walk her home alone, again. Just like they used to. Well, if he played this right, that is.
"I... somethings at home have been bothering me. I don't mean to upset Youngwoon hyung but... could you and I, perhaps, walk home alone today? It would be nice if I could talk to you."
Ryeowook, the most gorgeous, innocent, girl he'd ever met, smiled shyly, beautifully, and took Kyuhyun's hand in her own, everything going according to plan, "Of course. When Youngwoon oppa comes out, I'll tell him, okay?"
Kyuhyun nodded as he stood up, pulling the young girl up from the bench and into a hug, resisting the incredibly painful urge to kiss her, "Thank you."
Youngwoon raised a brow at the sight before him, his arms crossed over his chest. And since Ryeowook's back was facing him, Kyuhyun was the first to see him. The younger boy let go of the tiny girl in his arms and smiled a bit, "Hey, hyung, we were just talking about you."
Ryeowook spun around to face her boyfriend, her smile wide and eyes shining bright when she saw him, "Oppa~" Quickly, she went to him, throwing herself into his arms and cuddling up against his chest. Youngwoon pressed a little kiss to her cheek, grinning widely and proudly down at the small girl before looking back up at Kyuhyun with something akin to hatred.
"Oppa, Kyuhyun needs to talk to me, so he was wondering if he and I could walk home alone today. We can go out for ice cream tomorrow, instead. Besides, didn't you say you had a really big project due at the end of the week? I don't want you to waste your time by having you walk me home when your house isn't even in the same direction." She nuzzled against his wide chest, his hands pressed against her lower back, starting to work their way downwards. Ryeowook, however, didn't seem to notice, as she just continued to speak, trying to get an answer from her boyfriend and trying to apologize for breaking their plans.
Just before he reached her bottom, he smirked at Kyuhyun

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rubyhow #1
Chapter 3: This story is so nice and sweet.I like it very much even though some part is quite sad.
perfect ending story
chiibiiluna #3
Perfectly done!!!! ^^

Oh the ending is just great!
That was just amazing, I love how Kyuhyun fought for her, and I love the whole bed scene, I was dying from the sweetness!
I was so glad that Wookie finally stood up for herself!
Oh, and the flashback was so sad, but so cute that Kyu remembered!
This was the best genderbender ever!!!!!
Oh My God.
This is just beautiful.
I really really really love the way you described everything's out.
The way she felt and the way Kyuhyun observed her and ahhhh...I'm literally weeping my heart out.

Your Kyuhyun here is so manly and romantic and gentleman and he does everything to Ryeowook. He's so sweet, like seriously.
The fake wedding omgomgomg and corny Kyuhyun remembered the cheesiest little wedding ahhh...God bless him !

And I love how you make Ryeowook to be the bold one here. Though I know that at first, she was encountering a severe break down as her lover cheated on her. But I'm glad that she realised about her feeling for Kyuhyun. I guessed that she might love Kyuhyun from the start but hesitated as she herself didn't know how does it feels. Now that she's sure about it, I'm more than happy. T__T

Gosh, I'm really sorry for the long comment but your story deserved this XD

As for Kangin, I just can't understand how he could act all innocent though he knew that he was busted. Aishhh, this brat. I wish I could strangle him for Ryeowook. Hahaha.

And lastly, I LOVE every single line that you write /lol, creepy/
Seriously, keep writing fluffy things and fluffy Kyuwook !!!
Your Kyuwook are always so so so so adorable together and their sweet acts literally made me squealed like a retarded seal. Not to mention the constant awwwww that left from my mouth.

Thank you so much for this story. /bows down/
You're so talented, don't ever doubt yourself !
ilurvewookie #6
yes ryeowook....
u only need kyuhyun~
u don't need kangin...kekekke,...
Oh I love this so much!
I like to think that she didn't really love Kangin....
Aish, danm you Youngwoon... altho I'll be really happy if his cheating leads to Kyuwook!
Poor Wookie, her life is all ____ed up, thank God Kyu was there to help her...
PLZ update soon, I love this soooo much!
Kangin.! Cheating is wrong.!!! Bad boy.! >:- Poor Wookie, she's finally realizing her true feelings :), only by being hurt by someone she thought she loved
ho..ho so lovely story i hope you will update soon