Hakuna Matata || Open for Reservation || Admins, Anyone?


Animal crackers come in the shape of 18 different animals.
...and I thought a whole package of them contains more. I mean, seriously, eighteen? where's the creativity guys?


Yes, yes, I know. We all clicked this pretty little link (actually it's kind of short) because we want to roleplay our bias and all that blahblahblahs. Well, guess what? you've come to the right place after all!

This place is brand-smacking-new, which means you can choose whom to roleplay! I mean, like, you know that feeling when somebody you want to roleplay is not available? yeah, well, you don't have to feel like that because all the spots are freaking empty.

But oh well. It's barely starting anyways.

Oh, and we're actually not...you know. Aiming for 200+ people or whatever. I'd like this roleplay to have only 150 roleplayers maximum. Because more than 150 will be just too crowded no one knows anyone that well. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Seriously. Join like, now.

Le Admin(s) will wait for you~


chapterone: survivalguide
chaptertwo: boylist
chapterthree: girllist
chapterfour: ulzzang
chapterfive: wishlisht
chaptersixandsoon: updates



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