I'm Not Single

Who's Laughing Now?


Chapter twoI’m Not Single

Today, I’m at the venue to learn my new job as a lighting programmer. According to Seukhye, this position works with the chief lighting technician, who I’m meeting today, to program the lights using electronic light programming equipment. Before the random alteration, I used to make sure the microphones were working correctly and had fully charged batteries in them. Honestly, I don’t know if I like the change because I have no idea how the stage lighting works, but hopefully I’ll get enough help before the concert.

“Hmm...” I sat on the stage, allowing my legs to hang off the edge. “Maybe I came too early.” I looked around and realized I was alone in one of Seoul’s biggest concert venues. I pulled myself up and stood on the middle of the stage. I closed my eyes and pictured myself in front of thousands of faces fixed on me. Just thinking about it filled my stomach with butterflies. I opened my eyes and reached into my pocket for my phone. I randomly chose a song in my playlist, placed it on the floor, and began singing along to the music. This feeling is difficult to explain, but I was definitely enjoying it. I loved how my voice echoed throughout the building and how lively I felt. If only I could sing on a stage like this for a living... YEP, I’d do anything for that.

All of my beautiful thoughts puffed away by a sudden blob of light hitting my face. I shielded my eyes for protection and looked up at the ceiling, where all the lighting instruments were kept, and caught a male figure fidgeting with the equipment. The light quickly shut off and I could clearly see again.

“Oh sorry about that, I didn’t mean to disturb you. Please, don’t mind me, I’m supposed to meet someone and uh- she should be here soon.” He looked down at his wrist watch as his voice echoed throughout the building.

I quickly crouched down to turn the music off and covered my face as I ran off the stage. And being a total idiot, I tripped over my own foot and fell on my face. “Damn it.” I cursed under my breath.

“Are you okay?!” I could hear his quick footsteps echoing towards me, so I quickly got on my feet. As I headed to the nearest exit I bumped right into his chest. “I’m sorry! Are you okay?”

I immediately covered my face with my palms and vigorously nodded my head. “But you have blood on your hands..?” He pointed out.

I removed my hands from my face and spotted the stains, “B-blood...” My nose was leaking blood!

I felt his grasp on my arm as he helped me to the seat beside me, “Tip your head back and sit here while I go get some tissues.” I nodded before he ran off.

“I’m an idiot, I’m an idiot...” I continuously repeated to myself, “I’m an idiot.” Soon enough, I heard his footsteps getting closer and I sealed my lips to prevent from humiliating myself again.

He kneeled before me and neatly folded a tissue for my bloody nose, “This will do.” He smiled as he handed me the tissue. I plugged my bloody nose and tried my best to clean the stains off my hand with the extra tissue he had.

“Sorry for frightening you. I accidentally click the ON switch.” He spoke as he sat on the seat beside me.

I shook my head, “No, I shouldn’t have been on that stage in the first place.”

“You’re not a singer?”

I laughed at his remark, “I can only dream of being one...”

“You’re pretty amazing considering you aren’t a singer.”

I bit my lower lip in embarrassment before thanking him, “It’s nothing compared to those who stand on that stage for a living.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Ha ha...”

“By the way, I’m Jung Daehyun.” He raised his hand for a hand shake.

“Oh, I’m Kim Yeonjoo.” I shook.

His eyes widened, “Wait, you’re Yeonjoo?” He paused to look at my face and chuckled, “I’m the chief lighting tech.”

Oh that’s right; I totally blanked out after my humiliating fall. “Oh, hi...”

“Yongguk never mentioned you being clumsy.” Now this is embarrassing; he thinks I’m a total cluts. “Haha, I’m kidding.”

“Ha ha...” I forced a smile to cover my cherry cheeks.

“Let’s go up so I can show you what you’ll be working with.” We stood from our seats and I followed him up the stairs, “Seukhye has mentioned you a lot at the meeting. She kept saying how you were single and that you were looking for a boyfriend.” I froze. Did I hear him correctly or did my fall affect my hearing? If I heard right, this hoe if going to get it from me... He noticed how I stopped following him and turned around. “Are you coming?”

“Uhm- Can you repeat that again? I didn’t quite hear you.” I asked.

“I was just saying that Seukhye was talking about how you were single and wanted a relationship with someone.”

THIS BISH. “HAHAHAHA!” I may have been laughing on the outside, but I was assassinating Seukhye in my head, “I’m not even single!” WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I SAYING? “She’s such a prankster..! Ha ha...”

“Oh really..?” I’m totally digging my own grave right now... He shrugged and turned forward.

“Ha ha...” I started to pull on my own hair as I continued to follow him up the stairs. The rest of the way up, I couldn’t forgive myself for lying to him. ‘I’m not even single!’ STUPID, you are single. Who would even date an idiot like me? I hope my weirdness ends here...

“Have you worked with these equipment’s before?” He asked as we stood before the windowed walls facing the stage. There were tables with several lighting control consoles sitting next to one another and monitors that displayed which lights were lit and vice versa. I knew some of the basic stuff, but I didn’t know how to operate them. He went on to explain everything and because I wasn’t prepared to take notes, he helped me note down everything in his notebook. “You can keep this until you have everything engraved in your brain.”

“Thank you.” I actually smiled without faking it. After about an hour or two of looking at the different lights at the venue, we headed out to meet Seukhye and Yongguk at a restaurant nearby.

As Daehyun and I entered the restaurant, Seukhye and Yongguk waved their hand to catch our attention. Daehyun and I greeted them as we headed to the table, but I couldn’t help but glare at Seukhye, who seemed to be very cheerful. As I headed to the open seat beside Seukhye, she elbowed my side and whispered into my ear, “So how was it?”

I turned to Daehyun and Yongguk with a smile, “Excuse us.” I grabbed Seukhye’s arm and dragged her towards the bathroom. Once we were out of the their sight, Seukhye began talking, “He’s cuter without the mask, huh”

“That was him?”

She was stunned, “How could you not know?”

“How the hell am I supposed to know how he looks like without a mask?”

“His eyes!” What is it with her and eyes?

I smacked my forehead, “UGH, thanks to you, I made a total fool out of myself!”

“What happened?”

I glared at her before continuing, “I fell off the stage...”

Seukhye’s mouth dropped, “NOOOOO...” I covered my face with my hands as I pictured my humiliating moment. “How? You’re kidding, right?” She tugged on my arms.

“That’s not it...” Her eyes widened, “I told him I’m not single.”

She gasped, “WHAT?! Why in the world would you say that?” Women walking in and out of the bathroom stared at us like we were crazy people from another planet. “Are you out of your mind? Do you even know how much I talked about you at the meeting? I told him that you were single and that you needed a boyfriend!”

“Oh and since we’re talking about my boyfriend, when did I ever say I needed one?!”

“Oh, about that...” She bit her lip before speaking again, “Well, I’m not the only one that lied so you can’t blame everything on me.” She stuck her tongue out.

I leaned against the wall and stared at the ceiling in despair, “I’m doomed.”

Seukhye grew quiet, but I could sense her face getting closer, “You like him, don’t you?”

This girl is unbelievable, “Are you out of your mind?”

She smiled like a daddy’s little princess, “Then explain why you feel so humiliated even though you don’t like him.” Her princess smile turned into a devils smirk.

“Hoe, I’d be humiliated even if Yongguk was the one who saw me fall at the venue! So don’t try sticking me and Daehyun together.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little too late to say that?”

I looked up at her, “Why?”

“Well, you’ll be working with him all week.” As Seukhye played with her perfectly manicured nails, I was beginning to feel like this was all intentional. I stared at her until she realized I was, “What?”

“It was you, huh?”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying.” She continued playing with her fingers.

“You changed my job so you can pair me up with him, didn’t you?”

“Ah, my stomach is growling. Better go order food before-” With that, she ran out of the bathroom like Jerry from the old cartoon Tom & Jerry.

“YOU LITTLE- You’re not getting away with this.” I followed her out to our table and quietly sat as I glared at her from time to time.



I've been dying to post this chapter since last night! Hahaha, hope you like it and feel free to leave any comments! ^^

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Chapter 4: Update sooon !
Oh my gosh! I thought I subscribed to this! I guess I didn't! Love your story btw. :)
applejuice #3
this story is good so far! :D i subscribed! ahhh i love daehyun hehehe. update soon!
sally_lim #4
Daeeeeehyun <3 <3
Yeonjoo is just the cutest thing. Kukuku.
But oh snap, I did not expect Jiyeon to show up..
Update soon~!
I'm in love with your story ! ^^ <3