Stupid Love Fight

Who's Laughing Now?

* Before you go on and read my story, I want to let you know that there will be a few cuss words here and there. 


Chapter one Stupid Love Fight

“Look, isn’t he cute?” My friend, Moon Seukhye, has been trying to convince me to meet one of her boyfriend’s friends for the past week.

“Sure,” I replied as I placed my headphone over my ears to avoid listening to her.

“You didn’t even look at the picture!” She snapped as she pulled my headphone. “Come on, can you at least look at this picture I stole from Yongguk’s room?”

I gave up and took the photo from her hand, “How the hell am I supposed to determine whether he’s cute or not with that mask covering half of his face?”

“Look at his eyes!” She slapped my arm.

I shook my head as I stared at her, “Are you serious? So you’re telling me that you can tell whether someone is cute by looking at their eyes?”

“Stop being a hoe and just meet him.” She smiled.

“I told you, I’m not interested.”

“Unless you’re gay, I don’t see why you wouldn’t fall for this cutie.”

I rolled my eyes and leaned back on my chair, “If he’s so cute, dump Yongguk and ask him out yourself.”

She carefully rubbed her chin, “It’s not like I haven’t thought about it-”

“Seukhye!” I growled at her.

“WHAT, I was just kidding. Anyways, Yongguk is gathering everyone for a meeting tonight, so we should go together.”

“I can’t; I have vocal lessons tonight.”

Displeased, Seukhye crossed her arms, “But it’s a mandatory meeting for all the staff members!”

“You can just summarize the meeting for me.” In case you were wondering what we were talking about, Yongguk manages the staff for upcoming concerts in Seoul and both Seukhye and I are part of his staff. Apparently, there’s a concert for a famous female artist and we are helping with the equipment and stage preparations.

“Come on, can’t you just miss one class?”

“I can’t.”

She glared at me, “Watch, on the day of the concert, you’ll be in class while everyone else is running around like crazy monkeys.”

I sighed, “Hoe, the concert is on a Saturday.”

“Bish, I was being sarcastic.”

“Just tell Yongguk that I can’t make it and if there’s anything specific he wants me to do, I’ll meet him or something.”

“No.” I shot lasers through my eyes. “I’m kidding~ I’ll let him know.” Her phone lit up and began vibrating, but she didn’t seem to notice?

“Uhm, your phone…”

“Oh,” Her carelessness worries me sometimes. Seukhye didn’t even bother to look at her phone; its as if she already knew who it was.

“Aren’t you going to answer it?”

“No, it’s Yongguk.”

I arched an eyebrow, “Then shouldn’t you answer it? You can tell him right now.”

“He’s being a hoe again.” She played her with her nails before slapping the table with both hands, causing me to jump a little, “He replaced me with the shoes I bought him!” Oh great, I just dropped the fire in the gas tank. I should’ve known to change the subject when his name popped out, but I guess I’m just stupid like that. “I was happy at first and then BAM, he won’t leave the thing alone.”

“Shouldn’t you be happy? He likes your gift.” I tried to calm her down with the positives.

“Don’t even go there.”


“He doesn’t like it, he loves it... He just sits on the floor with his cleaning kit and cleans it all day. Heck, if he wipes it any longer, he’ll just rub through the material and his feet won’t even experience walking in them.” I rested my head on my hands and just stared at her ramble on, “We had the whole day planned with a movie we’ve been dying to see and a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant, but do you know what we did instead? He talked about how long he’s been dreaming of owning those shoes and I sat there listening. Do you know how sad that is? He didn’t even try them on!”

I’ve never been in a relationship with anyone so I don’t quite understand what she’s saying, but after watching these two fight and make up every day, I’ve decided to enjoy my solo life for a little longer. If I say this, I may sound like a horrible friend, but I can’t decide whether or not I ship these two. “Why?” You ask? Well, these two are constantly ranting about each other but when they’re together, it’s as if nothing had happened- strange, huh? Just consider yourself lucky that you aren’t me.

“All my feels just disappeared; just like that.” She snapped her two fingers.

“Are you done talking now?” I blurted out.


“Can I talk?” I continued to stare at her.

“Oh, were you saying something?”

I let out a breath in frustration, “I feel like I say this to you every time we have this conversation, but I’m saying it again anyways.” She looked at me like a little kid, “I. DON’T. CARE.”

“What?” Her eyes widened in shock.

“I don’t care about your stupid love fight with him.”

“How rude!” She exclaimed with a frown.

“You two are going to make up anyways.” I rolled my eyes.

“Excuse you, but it’s not a stupid love fight.” She stuck her tongue out in bitterness as she reached for her phone.

“What are you doing?” I asked her.

“Calling Yongguk.”

I rolled my eyes before smacking my forehead, “Hoe.”



Hello you! If you subscribed when I first posted this story, I'm sorry that I lost you. As you may know, Asianfanfics has been under maintenance and when I came back, my story was gone. Therefore, I'm reposting the forewords and chapter one. I just want to welcome the new readers and enjoy! Also, I'd like to thank my beautiful friend for making me the poster up^ there. Click here to visit her profile (:


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Chapter 4: Update sooon !
Oh my gosh! I thought I subscribed to this! I guess I didn't! Love your story btw. :)
applejuice #3
this story is good so far! :D i subscribed! ahhh i love daehyun hehehe. update soon!
sally_lim #4
Daeeeeehyun <3 <3
Yeonjoo is just the cutest thing. Kukuku.
But oh snap, I did not expect Jiyeon to show up..
Update soon~!
I'm in love with your story ! ^^ <3